Agenda item

Agenda item

Brownfield Land Release Fund: Development of Small Sites for Affordable Housing

The Executive Director (Development) has submitted a report to seek project and contract approvals and delegations; budget; and delegations in relation to affordable housing schemes across five small / garage sites.  All sites have been allocated initial funding through the Brownfield Land Release Fund following a successful bid. The report seeks approval for appropriation from General Fund to Housing Revenue Fund, and to a planning purpose, where necessary; approval for the disposal of land as required; approval for the demolition of garages held in the General Fund and approval for demolition of vacant units currently held within the Housing Revenue Account.

Cabinet is recommended to:

1.   Note the Council’s participation in the Brownfield Land Release Fund (BLRF2) in order to undertake demolitions and groundworks and prepare five Council-owned sites to deliver affordable housing. The sites are at:

a) Underhill Circus (referenced in paragraphs 26 - 35 of this report)

b) Leiden Road (referenced in paragraphs 36 – 44 of this report)

c) Balfour Road (referenced in paragraphs 49 - 54 of this report)

d) Harebell Road (referenced in paragraphs 55 - 64 of this report)

e) Pegasus Road (referenced in paragraphs 65 - 74 of this report);

2.  Grant project approval to undertake the works on the basis of which BLRF 2 grant has been made available and for which budgetary provision is detailed;

3.   Recommend to Council the allocation of a £340,213 capital budget (which will be funded entirely by the BLRF2 grant) to carry out the demolition/ enabling works on each site as detailed within the BLRF2 application (see table, paragraph 14);

4.   Delegate authority to the Executive Director (Development) in consultation with the Cabinet Member for Housing; the Head of Financial Services/Section 151 Officer; and the Head of Law and Governance/Monitoring Officer, to enter into agreements and contracts to facilitate the works specified within the BLRF2 application, within the allocated capital budget;

5.   Grant project approval to the proposals to enter into contracts and any other necessary agreements or contracts and incur associated development cost spends, as set out in this report, and within the allocated Housing Revenue Account capital budget and business plan, for the purpose of delivering more affordable housing in Oxford for the sites of Underhill Circus and Leiden Road - conditional on the Council approving the budget for these sites;

6.   Delegate authority to the Executive Director (Development) in consultation with the Cabinet Member for Housing; the Head of Financial Services/Section 151 Officer; and the Head of Law and Governance/Monitoring Officer, to enter into build contracts and any other necessary agreements or contracts for the purpose of delivering more affordable housing in Oxford in relation to the sites at Underhill Circus and Leiden Road and within the allocated Housing Revenue Account capital budget and business plan and to apply to the Secretary of State for consent (insofar as required) to the appropriations and disposals under section 19 of Housing Act 1985;

7.   Delegate authority to the Executive Director (Development) in consultation with the Cabinet Member for Housing; the Head of Financial Services/Section 151 Officer; and the Head of Law and Governance/Monitoring Officer, to agree the final terms and enter into the agreement with Oxfordshire Community Land Trust (OCLT) to dispose of the land via a long lease; along with any licences, party wall agreements, grant agreement, or other necessary agreements to enable delivery of the affordable housing at the former garage/ garage sites at Balfour Road; Harebell Road and Pegasus Road for the purpose of enabling the delivery affordable housing subject to compliance with the legal requirements of S123 of the Local Government Act 1972;

8.   Approve the appropriation of land at Underhill Circus from the General Fund (GF) to the Housing Revenue Account (HRA); and agree to commence appropriation to a planning purpose for the purpose of developing affordable housing noting the intent to take a full report to Council;

9.   Agree to commence the appropriation to a planning purpose process on sites at Harebell Road and Pegasus Road noting the intent to take a full report to Council;

10. Approve the demolition of garages at sites on Harebell Road and Pegasus Road (held in the GF) for the purposes of delivering affordable housing; and

11. Approve the demolition of two homes at 71 and 73 Leiden Road (held in the HRA) for the purposes of delivering affordable housing.


The Executive Director (Development) had submitted a report to seek project and contract approvals and delegations; budget; and delegations in relation to affordable housing schemes across five small / garage sites.  All sites had been allocated initial funding through the Brownfield Land Release Fund following a successful bid. The report sought approval for appropriation from the General Fund to the Housing Revenue Fund, and to a planning purpose, where necessary; approval for the disposal of land as required; approval for the demolition of garages held in the General Fund and approval for demolition of vacant units currently held within the Housing Revenue Account.

Councillor Linda Smith, Cabinet Member for Housing, highlighted that the proposal would allow for derelict small and garage sites, which often attracted litter and anti-social behaviour, to be put to better use for affordable housing.  It was hoped that up to 30 new homes would be provided (subject to planning permission), of which 100% would be affordable housing.  Councillor Smith reported that work was ongoing to survey other unused small sites across the city which might also be suitable for redevelopment for affordable housing should future funding opportunities allow.

Cabinet resolved to:

1.   Note the Council’s participation in the Brownfield Land Release Fund (BLRF2) in order to undertake demolitions and groundworks and prepare five Council-owned sites to deliver affordable housing. The sites are at:

a) Underhill Circus (referenced in paragraphs 26 - 35 of this report)

b) Leiden Road (referenced in paragraphs 36 – 44 of this report)

c) Balfour Road (referenced in paragraphs 49 - 54 of this report)

d) Harebell Road (referenced in paragraphs 55 - 64 of this report)

e) Pegasus Road (referenced in paragraphs 65 - 74 of this report);

2.  Grant project approval to undertake the works on the basis of which BLRF 2 grant has been made available and for which budgetary provision is detailed;

3.   Recommend to Council the allocation of a £340,213 capital budget (which will be funded entirely by the BLRF2 grant) to carry out the demolition/ enabling works on each site as detailed within the BLRF2 application (see table, paragraph 14);

4.   Delegate authority to the Executive Director (Development) in consultation with the Cabinet Member for Housing; the Head of Financial Services/Section 151 Officer; and the Head of Law and Governance/Monitoring Officer, to enter into agreements and contracts to facilitate the works specified within the BLRF2 application, within the allocated capital budget;

5.   Grant project approval to the proposals to enter into contracts and any other necessary agreements or contracts and incur associated development cost spends, as set out in this report, and within the allocated Housing Revenue Account capital budget and business plan, for the purpose of delivering more affordable housing in Oxford for the sites of Underhill Circus and Leiden Road - conditional on the Council approving the budget for these sites;

6.   Delegate authority to the Executive Director (Development) in consultation with the Cabinet Member for Housing; the Head of Financial Services/Section 151 Officer; and the Head of Law and Governance/Monitoring Officer, to enter into build contracts and any other necessary agreements or contracts for the purpose of delivering more affordable housing in Oxford in relation to the sites at Underhill Circus and Leiden Road and within the allocated Housing Revenue Account capital budget and business plan and to apply to the Secretary of State for consent (insofar as required) to the appropriations and disposals under section 19 of Housing Act 1985;

7.   Delegate authority to the Executive Director (Development) in consultation with the Cabinet Member for Housing; the Head of Financial Services/Section 151 Officer; and the Head of Law and Governance/Monitoring Officer, to agree the final terms and enter into the agreement with Oxfordshire Community Land Trust (OCLT) to dispose of the land via a long lease; along with any licences, party wall agreements, grant agreement, or other necessary agreements to enable delivery of the affordable housing at the former garage/ garage sites at Balfour Road; Harebell Road and Pegasus Road for the purpose of enabling the delivery affordable housing subject to compliance with the legal requirements of S123 of the Local Government Act 1972;

8.   Approve the appropriation of land at Underhill Circus from the General Fund (GF) to the Housing Revenue Account (HRA); and agree to commence appropriation to a planning purpose for the purpose of developing affordable housing noting the intent to take a full report to Council;

9.   Agree to commence the appropriation to a planning purpose process on sites at Harebell Road and Pegasus Road noting the intent to take a full report to Council;

10. Approve the demolition of garages at sites on Harebell Road and Pegasus Road (held in the GF) for the purposes of delivering affordable housing; and

11. Approve the demolition of two homes at 71 and 73 Leiden Road (held in the HRA) for the purposes of delivering affordable housing.


Supporting documents: