Agenda item

Agenda item

Report on Senior Management Arrangements

Exempt: By Virtue of Paragraph 1, Part 1 of Schedule 12A of the Local Government Act 1972: Information relating to any individual. The public interest in maintaining the exemption is so that discussions and deliberations of the Committee about candidates are not compromised and so that the confidentiality of information provided by candidates is protected.

The Chief Executive has submitted a report on changes to the Council’s senior management arrangements as required by the Council’s Constitution which includes the following responsibility at 7.8(f) which requires the Appointments Committee:

To receive a report from the Chief Executive within six months of any change to the senior management arrangements being implemented by the Chief Executive.

The Committee is recommended to note the contents of the update on senior management arrangements.


The Chief Executive introduced the report as set out in the agenda reports pack and highlighted that:

·         Recruitment to the permanent role of Head of Law and Governance was underway.

·         In accordance with Oxford City Council’s Constitution Part 9.3(a)(i), recruitment to the interim role of Executive Director (Communities and People) was underway.

·         In line with the Council’s HR procedures and Constitution, the Head of Housing Services, who had been employed on a fixed term secondment basis which proved successful, was appointed to the permanent role in February 2023.

The Committee noted the report.