Agenda item

Agenda item

Report on Senior Management Arrangements

Exempt: By Virtue of Paragraph 1, Part 1 of Schedule 12A of the Local Government Act 1972: Information relating to any individual. The public interest in maintaining the exemption is so that discussions and deliberations of the Committee about candidates are not compromised and so that the confidentiality of information provided by candidates is protected.

The Chief Executive has submitted a report on changes to the Council’s senior management arrangements as required by the Council’s Constitution which includes the following responsibility at 7.8(f) which requires the Appointments Committee:

To receive a report from the Chief Executive within six months of any change to the senior management arrangements being implemented by the Chief Executive.

The Committee is recommended to note the contents of the update on senior management arrangements.


The Chief Executive introduced the report as set out in the agenda reports pack and highlighted that:

·       A new Head of Planning had been appointed and was due to commence employment at the Council in January 2023, leading on the development of the Local Plan and driving forward innovation and modernisation within the Planning Service.

·       The joint Monitoring Officer arrangements which the Council had entered into with West Oxfordshire had worked well, but would come to an end at the conclusion of the agreed one year period.

In discussion it was noted that:

·       The conclusion of the joint Monitoring Officer arrangements with West Oxfordshire at the end of the one year period suited the needs of both councils.

·       The joint Monitoring Officer arrangements had generated income for the Council which had not been accounted for in the Council’s base budget.

·       Appraisals for the Chief Executive and Executive Directors were being undertaken quarterly. The Chief Executive had informally sought feedback from relevant Cabinet Members to inform appraisals, but would seek to do so in a more structured way going forward, ensuring that questions reflected the nature of the Member-officer relationship.