Agenda item
Finance, Performance and Risk - Quarter 2 Progress 2012/13
- Meeting of City Executive Board (became Cabinet on 13 May 2019), Wednesday 11 December 2013 5.00 pm (Item 104.)
- View the background to item 104.
This report sets out the financial and non-financial performance of the Council as at the end of September 2013 (the Second Quarter of the financial year 2013/14). It also sets out the position in respect of the risks on the Council’s Corporate Risk Register. The Board is being asked to:-
(1) Note the financial position and performance of the Council for the second quarter of 2013/14 and also the position of risks outstanding as at 30th September 2013;
(2) Note a virement, approved by the Head of Finance under delegated authority, being the introduction into the 2013/14 Housing Revenue Account Capital Programme of a £0.250 million budget for “Green Energy”, and further funding associated with this project being included in the 2014/15 Budget consultation;
(2) Note that it will be a priority to transfer at year-end the reported £2.262m General Fund projected surplus, together with the £0.800m previously transferred from the in-year risk contingency budget, to a specific Earmarked Reserve to fund the Capital Programme in the absence of further planned capital receipts
The Head of Finance and the Head of Business Improvement and Technology submitted a report (previously circulated, now appended).
Resolved to note:-
(1) The financial position and performance of the Council for the second quarter of 2013/14 and also the position of risks outstanding as at 30th September 2013;
(2) Note a virement, approved by the Head of Finance under delegated authority, being the introduction into the 2013/14 Housing Revenue Account Capital Programme of a £0.250 million budget for “Green Energy”, and further funding associated with the project being included in the 2014/15 Budget consultation;
(2) That it would be a priority to transfer at year-end the reported £2.262m General Fund projected surplus, together with the £0.800m previously transferred from the in-year risk contingency budget, to a specific Earmarked Reserve to fund the Capital Programme in the absence of further planned capital receipts.
Supporting documents:
Integrated report, item 104.
Integrated report Appendix A, item 104.
PDF 421 KB
Integrated report Appendix B, item 104.
PDF 291 KB
Integrated report Appendix C, item 104.
PDF 418 KB
Integrated report Appendix D, item 104.
PDF 329 KB
Integrated report Appendix E, item 104.
PDF 315 KB
Integrated report Appendix E1, item 104.
Integrated report Appendix E2, item 104.
Integrated report Appendix E3, item 104.
Integrated report Appendix E4, item 104.