Agenda item
Appointment to Council Committees 2019/20
- Meeting of Annual Meeting, Council, Monday 13 May 2019 6.00 pm (Item 8.)
- View the background to item 8.
The Head of Law and Governance has submitted a report asking Council to appoint committees and the members serving on those committees for the Council year 2019-20 in accordance with the provisions of the Local Government and Housing Act 1989 (Section 15) and other relevant legislation.
Appendices 2 and 3 will be circulated in the Briefing Note published on 10 May, and any outstanding nominations to committee seats may be announced, or agreed, as appropriate at the meeting.
Recommendations: Council is recommended to:
1. Approve the structure of the Council committees, as defined within the Council’s constitution and set out in Appendix 1: Committee structure;
2. Approve the methods, calculations and conventions used in determining political representation on committees as outlined in the report and set out in Appendix 2: Political proportionalities on Council committees (other than those to be appointed on an ad hoc basis) 2019-20;
3. Approve the appointment of nominated members to Council committees in accordance with the requirements of political proportionality and the nominations made by political groups, as set out in Appendix 3: Committee nominations 2019-20;
4. Agree that all members of Council will form the pool of members able to observe on appeals and some grievances panels;
5. Appoint three non-executive members to the Oxfordshire Growth Board Scrutiny Panel;
6. Appoint one non-executive member to the Joint Oxfordshire Health Overview and Scrutiny Committee (see Appendix 3: Committee nominations 2019-20).
Council had before it the report of the Head of Law and Governance setting out the appointments to committees, and separately published appendices setting out the political balance calculations, and the nominations by each group to committee places.
Revised appendices were tabled setting out the new political balance calculations and changes in the proposed memberships of committees to take account of the non-grouped independent councillors’ decisions to decline the committee seats offered to them.
The Head of Law and Governance reported the decision of the Group Leaders:
· The Labour Group would take the unallocated seat on the Standards Committee
· The Liberal Democrat Group would take the unallocated seat on the Audit and Governance committee
Council resolved to:
1. Approve the structure of the Council committees, as defined within the Council’s constitution and set out in Appendix 1: Committee structure;
2. Approve the methods, calculations and conventions used in determining political representation on committees as outlined in the report and set out in Revised Appendix 2: Political proportionalities on Council committees 2019-20; and
a. Note that the Labour Group had chosen the unallocated seat on the Standards Committee;
b. Agree that the unallocated seat on the Audit and Governance Committee be allocated to the Liberal Democrat Group
3. Approve the appointment of nominated members to Council committees in accordance with the requirements of political proportionality and the nominations made by political groups, as set out in the table below;
4. Agree that all members of Council will form the pool of members able to observe on appeals and some grievances panels;
5. Appoint two non-executive members to the Oxfordshire Growth Board Scrutiny Panel as shown in the table below;
6. Appoint one non-executive member to the Joint Oxfordshire Health Overview and Scrutiny Committee as shown in the table below; and
7. Delegate authority to the Head of Law and Governance to fill appointments to any vacant seats in accordance with the instructions of the relevant Group Leaders.
Committee |
Labour |
Liberal Democrat |
Green |
Oxfordshire Joint Health Overview and Scrutiny Committee
1. Nadine Bely-Summers |
Oxfordshire Growth Board Scrutiny Panel
1. to be confirmed |
1. Andrew Gant |
1. Craig Simmons |
Licensing and Gambling Acts Committee
1. Ben Lloyd-Shogbesan 2. Mary Clarkson 3. Colin Cook 4. Nigel Chapman 5. Sian Taylor 6. James Fry 7. John Tanner 8. Mark Lygo 9. Louise Upton 10. Tiago Corais 11. Rae Humberstone
1. Mike Gotch 2. Tom Landell Mills 3. Liz Wade
1. Craig Simmons
General Purposes Licensing Committee
1. Ben Lloyd-Shogbesan 2. Tiago Corais 3. Mary Clarkson 4. Colin Cook 5. Mark Lygo 6. Sian Taylor 7. to be confirmed
1. Mike Gotch 2. Liz Wade
1. Dick Wolff |
Appointments Committee
1. Ed Turner 2. Pat Kennedy 3. Susan Brown 4. Linda Smith
1. Andrew Gant
Audit and Governance Committee
1. Ben Lloyd-Shogbesan 2. Tiago Corais 3. Chewe Munkonge 4. Martyn Rush 5. James Fry
1. Andrew Gant 2. Mike Gotch (Confirmed after the meeting)
Investigation and Disciplinary Committee
1. Lubna Arshad 2. Susan Brown 3. Pat Kennedy
1. Liz Wade
East Area Planning Committee
1. John Tanner 2. Ben Lloyd-Shogbesan 3. Mary Clarkson 4. Shaista Aziz 5. Nigel Chapman 6. Sian Taylor 7. Christine Simm
1. Roz Smith 2. Liz Wade
West Area Planning Committee
1. Tiago Corais 2. Alex Hollingsworth 3. Louise Upton 4. Colin Cook 5. Alex Donnelly 6. Dan Iley-Williamson
1. Paul Harris 2. Mike Gotch
1. Dick Wolff |
Planning Review Committee
1. Chewe Munkonge 2. Linda Smith 3. Jamila Azad 4. James Fry 5. Joe McManners 6. Mark Lygo 7. Steve Curran
1. Mohammed Altaf-Khan 2. Steve Goddard
Scrutiny Committee
1. Ben Lloyd-Shogbesan 2. HosneihDjafari-Marbini 3. Tiago Corais 4. Alex Donnelly 5. James Fry 6. Lubna Arshad 7. Nadine Bely-Summers 8. Richard Howlett 9. Joe McManners
1. Andrew Gant 2. Mohammed Altaf-Khan
1. Craig Simmons
Standards Committee
1. Susanna Pressel 2. Ben Lloyd-Shogbesan 3. Shaista Aziz 4. Sian Taylor 5. Pat Kennedy 6. to be confirmed
1. Mike Gotch
Supporting documents:
- Appointment of Committees report May 2019, item 8. PDF 154 KB View as DOCX (8./1) 172 KB
- Appendix 1 - Committee structure, item 8. PDF 15 KB View as DOCX (8./2) 16 KB
- Appendices 2 &3 - Options for remaining committee places, item 8. PDF 187 KB View as DOCX (8./3) 21 KB
- Appendix 2 - UPDATED 130519 Political proportionalities on committees, item 8. PDF 131 KB View as DOCX (8./4) 20 KB
- Appendix 3 - UPDATED 130519 Committee nominations 2019-20, item 8. PDF 30 KB View as DOCX (8./5) 22 KB
- Appendix 2 - Political proportionalities on committees, item 8. PDF 35 KB View as DOCX (8./6) 20 KB
- Appendix 3 - Committee nominations 2019-20, item 8. PDF 29 KB View as DOCX (8./7) 22 KB