Agenda item
Oxford to Cambridge Expressway
Purpose: To consider an update from the Interim Deal Director Caroline Green on the selection of the route for the Oxfordshire section of the proposed Oxford-Cambridge expressway, including the implications for the development of the JSSP.
Information: Verbal update and presentation.
The Interim Deal Director Caroline Green and the Director for Planning & Place (Oxfordshire County Council) Sue Halliwell gave an update on proposals for the Oxford to Cambridge Expressway.
The Panel noted in the update and their discussion:
· One of the biggest challenges identified as part of the Growth Deal process, as already highlighted by the JSSP Advisory Sub-Group, is the misalignment of Highways England’s timescale for the Expressway and the development of the JSSP.
This conflict between deadlines suggests to the Panel that the planning process for these significant projects is not well aligned.
· Officers and Leaders had already raised these concerns with government departments and Highways England (HE) and discussions about aligning timetables and deadlines were ongoing.
· The Panel expressed disquiet about the statement in minute 24 of the Growth Board minutes of 25 September 2018 which could be read as conveying rather more support for the Expressway than may have been intended, given the level of uncertainty around the proposals from HE. Officers confirmed that clarification would be provided at the next Growth Board meeting
· The Panel commented that Expressway did not, in their view, fit well with sustainability strategies, and believed that the experience of HS2 suggested that there may be more disruption than benefit for communities along the route.
· The Panel noted that Highways England was running events for district and parish councils, by invitation, and all invitees were encouraged to attend. However, Panel members noted instances where parish councils had not received an invitation and asked that officers impress on HE the need to use up to date contact information held by Oxfordshire County Council.
· There was also concern about the lack of information-sharing and consultation around the Expressway (including some parish councils not receiving an invite from Highways England to information events for all parish councils). While acknowledging that the Growth Board was not responsible for arranging those information events, the Panel asks that officers approach Highways England officers involved in arranging these events and request that all first and second tier authorities’ councillors are invited to events run for parish and town councils. The discussions there would inform their own positions and allow them to better represent their residents.
The Panel agreed recommendations to the Growth Board:
1. That the Growth Board takes further steps to raise concerns with Central Government about the timing of the JSSP submission deadline, and individual Local Plan submission deadlines, by April 2019 as required by the Growth Deal, without first understanding more details about the impact of the proposed Oxford Cambridge Expressway.
2. That in light of the continuing uncertainty about the route choice and its impact on the communities affected and the wider county, the Growth Board clarifies its rationale and evidence base for endorsing the expressway.
3. And to ask officers to contact Highways England, with a view to ensuring that all future events and consultations have the appropriate town and parish councillors invited and that district and county councillors also be included as invitees; and to make available to HE correct up to date contact information for parish councils.