Agenda item

Agenda item

Select Committee update - Young People

Contact Officers: Lois Stock (Democratic and Electoral Services Officer) Tel 01865 252275,; Pat Jones (Principal Scrutiny Officer), Tel 01865 252191,


Background Information

The Select Committee looking at issues around helping young people into work, education or training had its first meeting last month.


A short briefing note identifying the main issues and any gaps in evidence is attached.



Why is it on the agenda?

To allow the Committee to:


·        Consider the main points raised;


·        Decide how it wishes to take the issue forward and in particular how it wishes to engage with young people and other organisations.



Who has been invited to comment?


Pat Jones (Principal Scrutiny Officer) will introduce this item.




What will happen after the meeting?


The work of the Select committee will continue in line with the wishes expressed by the Committee.





Pat Jones introduced this item to the Committee.


The select committee had decided that it needed to talk with young people before it went much further, in order to gather their views and opinions. This would be done gradually over a period of approximately 6 months.


In principle, the select committee panel had agreed:-


·        To talk to as many young people as possible in a “focus/discussion group” format;


·        To recognise that some groups may have particular issues that would be better discussed away from more general discussions;


·        To get the most from discussions to be honest about what we can and cannot do and be prepared to “build a relationship”;


·        To engage young people on their  patch rather than expect them to come to the Town Hall;


·        To use the “Hubs” and the various area-based initiatives and programmes to supplement the views of young people.


The focus groups would be organised around the 2 “Hub Areas”within the city with a pre determined script that allows some flexibility.


Questions to be asked included:-


·        What do you do with your day and time?


·        What opportunities do you use or know about to support access to training and work?


·        Where is your life at the moment and do you have a “plan”?


·        What are the limitations on your ambitions?


·        What have you done so far?


·        What would help?


·        What would you change if you could?


·        Which support providers do you use?


For discussions organised around specific groups some time would be spent exploring the particular issues faced by the group as seen from their point of view. It was hoped to facilitate about 4 discussion groups and “getting to know you” sessions.

The population of the discussion groups still needs more thought, and the Panel would take advice from the consultation officer and officers in Housing and Communities. The initial view is that a mixture of young people would be needed, for example young people who:-


·        Have worked but are currently unemployed;


·        Are NEET;


·        Are about to leave school or are “out of school” and so will be looking for work or training shortly.


The Panel hope to identify these young people through:


·        The various programmes running in particular areas (SHOUT, Include, Blitz);


·        The Positive Futures Programme;


·        The Hubs;


·        Programmes in the 2 Academies;


·        Various cultural groups and connections


Jackie Yates (Director of Finance) reminded the Committee that Housing and Communities already carried out work with young people, and there was also the ongoing apprenticeship scheme and the funding for educational attainment issues.  The Chair agreed that it was important to avoid duplication of work already in hand.


Councillor Wilkinson asked that attention be paid to ensuring (as far as possible) gender balance when establishing discussion groups with young people. The Committee agreed that this was important, but noted that it could be difficult to achieve, as much depended on who was willing to talk to the select committee.  There had been no discussion about incentives to encourage young people to take part.  


Councillor Gill Sanders informed the Committee that funding had been obtained for a youth club in Littlemore Community Centre.


Pat Jones pointed out that the focus/discussion groups might have a cost attached, and that scrutiny didn’t have a budget any longer, therefore there was a need to be aware of this.


The Committee then resolved:-


(1)   That it wished to see this work continue, noting the need to be aware of other projects that would be going on during the next year;


(2)   To agree in principle the suggested route to young people outlined above.


Supporting documents: