Agenda item
Investment in Existing Property Portfolio
- Meeting of City Executive Board (became Cabinet on 13 May 2019), Tuesday 19 September 2017 5.00 pm (Item 69a)
- View the background to item 69a
The Interim Assistant Chief Executive – Regeneration & Economy submitted a report to provide an update on the progress of a number of identified opportunities to maintain or improve the income stream from the Council’s property investment portfolio. To seek approval for an increased budget requirement of £4,635,000 in addition to the existing approved budget of £10,300,000 to include the undertaking of additional projects.
Recommendation: The City Executive Board resolves to:
1. Note the progress on the various schemes that had been identified and had budget approval to the value of £10,300,000.
2. Recommend to Council an increase of £4,635,000 to the allocated budget of £10,300,000 to deliver the development opportunities at 1-5 George Street, Standingford House, Cave Street and add the new project of refurbishing 2 flats at 11 New Road and houses at 9 and 10 Ship Street.
3. Authorise entering into exclusive negotiations to seek financially viable agreements to lease with two identified commercial tenants at 1-5 George Street in line with the Not For Publication Appendix 7, subject to Council budgetary approval.
4. Enter into the above agreements for lease at rental levels above the threshold of £125,000 per annum in line with the constitution.
5. Delegate to the Interim Assistant Chief Executive – Regeneration and Economy, in consultation with the Head of Finance, the authority to alter the terms of the agreements to lease on the basis that they continue to represent best value during negotiations.
The Interim Assistant Chief Executive – Regeneration & Economy submitted a report to provide an update on the progress of a number of identified opportunities to maintain or improve the income stream from the Council’s property investment portfolio. To seek approval for an increased budget requirement of £4,635,000 in addition to the existing approved budget of £10,300,000 to include the undertaking of additional projects.
Cllr Turner, Board Member for Finance and Asset Management, spoke to the report. The risks associated with the proposed investments were outweighed by the potential benefits given the market for leases for the types of property in question.
The City Executive Board resolved to:
1. Note the progress on the various schemes that had been identified and had budget approval to the value of £10,300,000.
2. Recommend to Council an increase of £4,635,000 to the allocated budget of £10,300,000 to deliver the development opportunities at 1-5 George Street, Standingford House, Cave Street and add the new project of refurbishing 2 flats at 11 New Road and houses at 9 and 10 Ship Street.
3. Authorise entering into exclusive negotiations to seek financially viable agreements to lease with two identified commercial tenants at 1-5 George Street in line with the Not For Publication Appendix 7, subject to Council budgetary approval.
4. Enter into the above agreements for lease at rental levels above the threshold of £125,000 per annum in line with the constitution.
5. Delegate to the Interim Assistant Chief Executive – Regeneration and Economy, in consultation with the Head of Finance, the authority to alter the terms of the agreements to lease on the basis that they continue to represent best value during negotiations.
Supporting documents:
Investment in Existing Property Portfolio, item 69a
PDF 130 KB View as DOCX (69a/1) 178 KB
Appendix 1 - Plan of 1-5 George Street, item 69a
PDF 247 KB
Appendix 2 - Plan of Standingford House, item 69a
PDF 191 KB
Appendix 3a - External View 1, item 69a
Appendix 3b - External View 2, item 69a
Appendix 3c - Internal View, item 69a
PDF 385 KB
Appendix 4a - 9-10 Ship Street, item 69a
PDF 249 KB
Appendix 4b - 11 New Road, item 69a
PDF 245 KB
Appendix 6 - Capital Expenditure, item 69a