Agenda item

Agenda item

16/02549/FUL: Land Adjacent 4 Wychwood Lane, OX3 8HG


Application withdrawn by the applicant on 8 January 2021 – this application will not be considered by the committee.



Proposal: Erection of building to provide 4 x 3-bed, 3 x 2-bed and 2 x 1-bed apartments. Provision of amenity space, 20 No. car parking spaces and cycle store. Formation of new vehicular access from Lewis Close (Amended plans)

Site address: Land Adjacent 4 Wychwood Lane, Oxford, OX3 8HG


Recommendation: East Area Planning Committee is recommended to:-

a)    REFUSE planning permission for the following reasons:

1.    The proposed development, by reason of its scale, siting, layout, height, form and external appearance, will introduce an incongruous and alien backland development, at odds with the sensitive rural verdant character of this edge of city location, and the prevailing pattern and character of development in the area.  Such an inappropriate development would cause harm to the visual amenity of the area, including harm to public views from the neighbouring CS Lewis Nature Reserve, as well as result in an unacceptable development of two residential edge of city gardens.  The proposed development is contrary to the objectives of policies DH1 and G6 of the Oxford Local Plan 2036, the National Design Guide and guidance in the NPPF.

2.    The proposed development fails to provide private, convenient or accessible outdoor amenity space, for the enjoyment of the residents of the dwellinghouses.  In the absence of the being able to control either by an agreement or a condition who occupies the units as people who are vulnerable, the proposed development will fail to provide adequate appropriate amenity space, contrary to policy H16 of the Oxford Local Plan 2036.

3.    The proposed development, by reason of its siting and proximity to Wychwood House, will cause a loss of privacy to the occupiers of this property contrary to policy H14 of the Oxford Local Plan 2036.  Further, the intensification of the access and the erection of 9 dwellings in a rear garden location will cause noise and disturbance to the amenities of neighbouring occupiers, harmful to present levels of quiet and tranquillity as well as be harmful to the quiet enjoyment of the CS Lewis Nature Reserve, contrary to policy RE7 of the Oxford Local Plan 2036.

4.    The proposed development fails to meet Nationally Described Space Standards for the minimum provision of internal floorspace, thus creating substandard living accommodation for the future occupiers of the premises, in conflict with policy H15 of the Oxford Local Plan 2036

5.    The proposed development fails to demonstrate through the submission of evidence that the proposal has the right to connect to and discharge to the private sewer in Lewis Close.  On the basis of this, the applicant has failed to demonstrate there is an adequate drainage strategy in place with a viable outfall/discharge point contrary to the requirements of RE4 of the Oxford Local Plan 2036.

6.    The submitted Ecology appraisals are out of date and fail to adequately consider the impact of the development on protected species.  Furthermore, the application fails to achieve an overall net gain for biodiversity measured through the use of a recognised biodiversity calculator.  The development is therefore contrary to policy G2 of the Oxford Local Plan 2036.

7.    The proposed development fails to demonstrate how sustainable design and construction principles have been incorporated into the scheme through the submission of an Energy Statement.  Had the above reasons for refusal not applied, the Local Planning Authority would have requested details to demonstrate compliance.  In the absence of this, the scheme is contrary to policy RE1 of the Oxford Local Plan 2036.

8.    Had the above overriding reasons for refusal not applied, the Local Planning Authority would have sought a reduction in car parking spaces in accordance with the sustainability objectives of the Local Plan to seek a lower level of parking and to reduce reliance on the private car.  The scheme is contrary to policy M3 of the Oxford Local Plan 2036.


b)    delegate authority to the Head of Planning Services to finalise the reasons for refusal as set out in paragraph 1.1 above including such refinements, amendments, additions and/or deletions as the Head of Planning Services considers reasonably necessary.




The Committee noted that application 16/02549/FUL (land adjacent to 4 Wychwood Lane) which was due to be considered at the meeting had been withdrawn by the applicant following publication of the agenda.

Supporting documents: