Council (or
“full Council”) is responsible for agreeing the
Council’s Budget and Policy Framework (the key strategy
documents) and its Constitution. Council appoints to non-executive
committees, such as scrutiny, planning and licensing committees,
and appoints a Leader of the Council (who in turn appoints a
Cabinet). Council also confirms who will be Chief Executive, Chief
Finance Officer and Monitoring Officer.
Council considers
motions proposed by councillors on matters for which the Council is
responsible or that directly affect people in Oxford. Council hears
addresses and questions from the public, questions from
councillors, and holds debates on certain petitions raised in the
area. It can confer specific honours and may do this at
specially-convened meetings.
The Lord Mayor chairs
the Council meetings.
Number of Councillors: All
Quorum: One quarter of all Councillors (12)
Frequency: 7 scheduled meetings per year
Meetings of Council are
recorded and can be viewed on the Council’s Youtube channel or by the following the media
link on the
agenda pages for each meeting.
Get involved at Full Council meetings