Browse meetings

Browse meetings

Standards Committee

This page lists the meetings for Standards Committee.


Information about Standards Committee

This Committee is responsible for:

·       promoting high standards of conduct by Members within the Council and in their duties;

·       making recommendations on the adoption or revision of the Members’ Code of Conduct, and on arrangements for handling complaints that Members have breached the Code of Conduct;

·       receive reports and advise the Monitoring Officer on training for Members;

·       matters related to the Code of Conduct and Members’ registers of disclosable pecuniary interests;

·       through an independent Assessment Panel in the first instance, for considering complaints that Members of Council have not adhered to national standards of conduct and/or the Members’ Code of Conduct adopted by Council.

Number of Councillors: 7 (substitutes permitted)

Plus 1 non-voting co-opted member representing the Parish councils in Oxford. The 4 Independent Persons may attend meetings

Quorum: 3 Councillors

Frequency: 4 scheduled meetings per year