Agenda and draft minutes

Agenda and draft minutes

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Speaking at a Council or Committee meeting

Venue: Long Room - Oxford Town Hall. View directions

Contact: Uswah Khan, Committee and Member Services Officer  Tel: 01865 529117 email

No. Item


Apologies for absence and substitutions


Councillor Upton, Councillor Hollingsworth and Councillor Chapman sent apologies.

Substitutions are shown above.


Declarations of interest



In relation to 22/02954/OUT and 22/02955/FUL Councillor Fouweather declared that one of the speakers representing the applicant lived on the same road as him but that he had not discussed the application with him before this meeting and comes to the meeting with an open mind.


22/02954/OUT Land at Oxpens Road pdf icon PDF 1 MB

Site address: Land at Oxpens Road, Oxford, Oxfordshire

Proposal: Outline application (with all matters reserved except for access) for a mixed-use scheme comprising residential and student accommodation (Class C2, Class C3 and Sui Generis), commercial, business and service (Class E), and Hotel (Class C1) uses, with public realm, landscaping, associated infrastructure and works, including pedestrian and cycle routes.

Reason at Committee: Major Application


Oxford City Planning Committee is recommended to:

1.     Approve the application for the reasons given in the report and subject to the required planning conditions set out in section 11 of this report and grant planning permission subject to:

·       the satisfactory completion of a legal agreement under section.106 of the Town and Country Planning Act 1990 and other enabling powers to secure the planning obligations set out in the recommended heads of terms which are set out in this report; and


2.    Agree to delegate authority to the Head of Planning Services to:

·       finalise the recommended conditions as set out in this report including such refinements, amendments, additions and/or deletions as the Head of Planning Services considers reasonably necessary.

·       finalise the recommended legal agreement under section 106 of the Town and Country Planning Act 1990 and other enabling powers as set out in this report, including refining, adding to, amending and/or deleting the obligations detailed in the heads of terms set out in this report (including to dovetail with and where appropriate, reinforce the final conditions and informatives to be attached to the planning permission) as the Head of Planning Services considers reasonably necessary; and

·       complete the section 106 legal agreement referred to above and issue the planning permission.

Additional documents:


The Committee considered an outline application (22/02954/OUT) (with all matters reserved except for access) for a mixed-use scheme comprising residential and student accommodation (Class C2, Class C3 and Sui Generis), commercial, business and service (Class E), and Hotel (Class C1) uses, with public realm, landscaping, associated infrastructure and works, including pedestrian and cycle routes.

The Planning Officer gave a presentation outlining the details of the location and the proposal. This included site photos and existing and proposed elevations and plans.

  • The Planning Officer provided a verbal update regarding a letter received from the Environmental Agency (EA). Their updated comment maintained their objection to the development, citing concerns that it would lead to increased wastewater loads to the Oxford Sewage Treatment Works and risk further deterioration of water quality in Northfield Brook. However, they also recommended that, should the local authority approve the application, condition 17 outlined in section 11 should be included. . The officer also provided an update that para 6.2 of the report should make reference to the 2017 EIA regulations; para 9.197 the FRA was dated June 2024; and that para.10.7 should read that proposals that accord with the development plan should be approved without delay.
  • The application sought outline planning permission for a mixed-use development on the current redundant and underused land. The purpose of the application was to regenerate the area by creating a new innovation quarter, which would feature commercial spaces, including laboratory space, a hotel and community facilities. In addition, the development would include 234 new city-centre dwellings, with 50% designated as affordable housing, as well as 258 student accommodation units. A new public open space, incorporating a riverside area, was also proposed.
  • Although there was a high level of less than substantial harm to the setting and significance of the Central Conservation Area and Oxford skyline, it was determined that the public benefits that would derive from the proposed development would outweigh the harm.
  • The recommendation is for Planning Committee to grant planning permission for the proposed development, subject to the conditions set out in the report and the completion of the legal agreement f on the terms set out in the report.


Councillor Muddiman spoke against the application.

Kevin Minns (Applicant) spoke in favour of the application.

Councillor Regisford did not vote during this item as she arrived late to the presentation.

The Committee asked questions about the details of the application which were responded to by officers and the applicant. The Committee’s discussions included, but were not limited to:

  • Concerns were raised regarding the proportion of affordable housing and why residential units were not prioritised. The Planning Officer clarified that the adopted policies outline the required level of affordable housing, which is set at 50%. The current proposal meets this requirement, with an 80-20 split between social rented and shared ownership dwellings. Additionally, the scheme was providing a higher proportion of social rent than originally anticipated when the application first came forward.
  • Questions were raised concerning parking provision and  ...  view the full minutes text for item 57.


22/02955/FUL Land at Oxpens Road pdf icon PDF 663 KB

Site address: Land at Oxpens Road, Oxford, Oxfordshire

Proposal: Implementation of flood mitigation scheme and the reinstatement of the Oxpens Meadow, demolition and installation of interim boundary treatments including fencing, alongside ground works and installation of sheet piling to regrade areas of public realm, including works to the existing towpath to allow for outfall pipes (additional information and amended plans).

Reason at Committee: Major Application


Oxford City Planning Committee is recommended to:

1.    Approve the application for the reasons given in the report and subject to the required planning conditions set out in section 12 of this report and grant planning permission; and


2.    Agree to delegate authority to the Head of Planning Services to:

·       finalise the recommended conditions as set out in this report including such refinements, amendments, additions and/or deletions as the Head of Planning Services considers reasonably necessary and issue the planning permission.

Additional documents:



The Committee considered an application (22/02955/FUL) for the implementation of flood mitigation scheme and the reinstatement of the Oxpens Meadow, demolition and installation of interim boundary treatments including fencing, alongside ground works and installation of sheet piling to regrade areas of public realm, including works to the existing towpath to allow for outfall pipes (additional information and amended plans).

The Planning Officer gave a presentation outlining the details of the location and the proposal. This included site photos and existing and proposed elevations and plans.

  • The application sought planning permission for the implementation of a flood mitigating scheme, along with the reinstatement of Oxpens Meadow. The proposal included the demolition of several buildings on the site, the provision of boundary treatments and the installation of sheet piling to regrade areas of the public realm. Additionally, works were planned for the path to accommodate pipes as part of the drainage strategy. The environmental statement submitted with the outline application addressed these works as part of the broader mitigation measures for the effects of the wider development.
  • The first part of the application involved the demolition of the Formula One Autocentre and the former night club, now used as council offices. The principal aspect of the proposal focused on the provision of a flood compensation scheme, which included cutting and filling, along with some reprofiling of Oxpens Meadow and the rear of the Ice Rink, to create additional flood storage capacity during times of flooding. This flood compensation was designed to be integrated within the Meadow itself.
  • The recommendation is for Planning Committee to grant planning permission for the development, subject to the conditions set out in the report. Additionally, the Planning Officer noted that part of the biodiversity net gain, particularly regarding river credits, would need to be secured through the completion of a legal agreement.


Kevin Minns spoke in favour of the application.

The Committee asked questions about the details of the application which were responded to by officers and the applicant. The Committee’s discussions included, but were not limited to:

  • Concerns about flood mitigation and reprofiling. The Planning Officer clarified that the aim was to create flood compensation by lowering the land levels, which would then be filled to facilitate the flood storage capacity.
  • Concerns about the removal of trees, particularly mature trees. The Planning Officer clarified that the tree removal would be limited, with no high-quality trees being affected. Furthermore, a larger area of trees would be planted as part of the replanting efforts, providing a more sustainable, long-term tree canopy.

On being proposed, seconded, and put to the vote, the Committee agreed with the officer’s recommendation to approve the application for the reasons listed on the report, and subject to the conditions set out in the report.


The Oxford City Planning Committee resolved to:

1.    Approve the application for the reasons given in the report and subject to the required planning conditions set out in section 12 of this report and grant planning permission subject to the  ...  view the full minutes text for item 58.


24/01397/FUL The Bungalow pdf icon PDF 238 KB

Site address: The Bungalow, Sandy Lane, Oxford, Oxfordshire

Proposal: Demolition of existing bungalow and garage. Erection of three storey building to create 12 x 1 bed flats (Use Class C3). Formation of new vehicular access. Provision of 5no. car parking spaces, bin and cycle storage.

Reason at Committee: Major Application


Oxford City Planning Committee is recommended to:

1.    Approve the application for the reasons given in the report and subject to the required planning conditions and informatives set out in section 12 of this report and grant planning permission subject to:

·       the satisfactory completion of a legal agreement under section.106 of the Town and Country Planning Act 1990 and other enabling powers to secure the planning obligations set out in the recommended heads of terms which are set out in this report;


2.    Agree to delegate authority to the Head of Planning Services to:

·       finalise the recommended conditions as set out in this report including such refinements, amendments, additions and/or deletions as the Head of Planning Services considers reasonably necessary; and

·       finalise the recommended legal agreement under section 106 of the Town and Country Planning Act 1990 and other enabling powers as set out in this report, including refining, adding to, amending and/or deleting the obligations detailed in the heads of terms set out in this report (including to dovetail with and where appropriate, reinforce the final conditions and informatives to be attached to the planning permission) as the Head of Planning Services considers reasonably necessary; and

·       complete the section 106 legal agreement referred to above and issue the planning permission.

Additional documents:


The Committee considered an application (24/01397/FUL) for the demolition of existing bungalow and garage. Erection of three storey building to create 12 x 1 bed flats (Use Class C3). Formation of new vehicular access. Provision of 5no. car parking spaces, bin and cycle storage.

The Planning Officer gave a presentation outlining the details of the location and the proposal. This included site photos and existing and proposed elevations and plans.

  • The application sought planning permission for the demolition of the existing Bungalow and the erection of 12 one-bedroom units, all intended as affordable housing for social rent.
  • The proposed site plan included the provision of five car parking spaces, each equipped with electric vehicle chargers, alongside bicycle storage located at the rear of the building, accessible through the internal structure. Each flat was designed to feature either a small terrace or a balcony on the upper floors, with all residents having access to a shared amenity space.
  • The recommendation is for Planning Committee to grant planning permission for the development proposed, subject to conditions set out in the report and the completion of the legal agreement  on the terms set out in the report.


The Committee asked questions about the details of the application which were responded to by the officer.

On being proposed, seconded, and put to the vote, the Committee agreed with the officer’s recommendation to approve the application for the reasons listed on the report, and subject to the conditions set out in the report.


The Oxford City Planning Committee resolved to:

1.    Approve the application for the reasons given in the report and subject to the required planning conditions and informatives set out in section 12 of this report and grant planning permission subject to:

·       the satisfactory completion of a legal agreement under section.106 of the Town and Country Planning Act 1990 and other enabling powers to secure the planning obligations set out in the recommended heads of terms which are set out in the report;


2.    Agree to delegate authority to the Head of Planning Services to:

·       finalise the recommended conditions as set out in this report including such refinements, amendments, additions and/or deletions as the Head of Planning Services considers reasonably necessary; and

·       finalise the recommended legal agreement under section 106 of the Town and Country Planning Act 1990 and other enabling powers as set out in this report, including refining, adding to, amending and/or deleting the obligations detailed in the heads of terms set out in this report (including to dovetail with and where appropriate, reinforce the final conditions and informatives to be attached to the planning permission) as the Head of Planning Services considers reasonably necessary; and

·       complete the section 106 legal agreement referred to above and issue the planning permission.



Minutes pdf icon PDF 398 KB

Recommendation: to approve the minutes of the meeting held on 10 December 2024 as a true and accurate record.


Additional documents:


The Committee resolved to approve the minutes of the meeting held on 10 December 2024 as a true and accurate record.



Forthcoming applications

Items currently expected to be considered by the committee at future meetings are listed for information. This is not a definitive list and applications may be added or removed at any point. These are not for discussion at this meeting.


22/02555/FUL: Plot 27, Oxford Science Park, Robert Robinson Avenue, Oxford OX4 4GA


22/03078/FUL: Land Bounded by Meadow Lane and Church Way, Oxford


23/00810/VAR: 19 Between Towns Road, Oxford, Oxfordshire, OX4 3LX


23/00988/FUL: Bertie Place Recreation Ground and Land South West of Wytham Street, Oxford


23/01001/CT3: Tumbling Bay, Head of Bulstake Stream, Botley Road, Oxford


23/01023/VAR: Radcliffe Observatory Quarter, Radcliffe Humanities, Woodstock Road, Oxford OX2 6GG


23/01744/CEU: City of Oxford College, Oxpens Road, Oxford OX1 1SA


23/01973/VAR: Northfield House, Sandy Lane West, Oxford OX4 6LD


23/02262/FUL: Churchill Hospital, Old Road, Headington, Oxford OX3 7JT


24/00585/VAR: Car Park, Meadow Lane, Oxford OX4 4BJ

Called in

24/01104/FUL: 35 Ash Grove, Oxford OX3 9JN


24/01344/FUL: Waynflete Building, 1-8 St Clement's Street and 9-13 St Clement's Street, Oxford OX4 1DN


24/01345/LBC: Waynflete Building, 1-9 St Clement's Street and 9-13 St Clement's Street, Oxford OX4 1DN


24/01807/FUL: 299-301 London Road, Headington, Oxford OX3 9HL




The Committee noted the list of forthcoming applications.


Dates of future meetings

Future meetings of the Committee are scheduled at 6.00pm on:

25 February 2025

18 March 2025

15 April 2025

20 May 2025

17 June 2025






The Committee noted the dates of future meetings.