Agenda and draft minutes

Agenda and draft minutes

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Contact: Celeste Reyeslao, Scrutiny and Governance Advisor  email

No. Item




Councillor Chapman sent apologies.


Declarations of Interest




Chair's Announcements


Notes of the previous meeting pdf icon PDF 400 KB

The Panel is asked to agree the notes of the meeting held on 20 November 2024as a true and accurate record.


The Panel agreed the notes of the meeting held on 20 November 2024 as a true and accurate record. 


Climate and Environment Panel Work Plan pdf icon PDF 265 KB

The Panel is asked to consider the Work Plan and agree any amendments.


The Committee and Member Services Manager updated the Panel on changes to the workplan, including the addition of one meeting which will discuss updates to the Net Zero Masterplan and the Biodiversity Strategy Update.  




Report back on recommendations pdf icon PDF 128 KB

At its meeting on 11 December 2024, Cabinet considered the following reports from the Climate and Environment Panel and made responses to the recommendations:

·       Eco-Moorings Update

·       High-level challenges and constraints of solar opportunities at Council car parks

Cabinet’s responses to recommendations were presented to the Scrutiny Committee at its meeting on 14 January 2025 for noting.

The Panel is asked to:

1.    Note Cabinet’s responses to its recommendations.

2.    Note and comment on the recommendation tracker.

Additional documents:


The Committee and Member Services Manager informed the Panel that since the last meeting, one recommendation was accepted in part regarding a report on eco-moorings updates, and three were accepted in full regarding a report on the deliverability of solar opportunities in council car parks.  


Councillor Railton and Clive Tritton, Head of Regeneration and Economy, joined the meeting.  



Net Zero Masterplan Update pdf icon PDF 126 KB

The Environmental Sustainability Lead has submitted the Net Zero Masterplan 2023-25 which sets out Oxford City Council’s actions over the next two years to achieve its two carbon targets: a Net Zero Estate and Operations by 2030 and a Net Zero City by 2040.

The Panel is asked to consider the Net Zero Masterplan and agree any recommendations

The report will be published as part of a supplementary agenda

Additional documents:


The Environmental Sustainability Lead had submitted the Net Zero Masterplan 2023-25 which sets out Oxford City Council’s actions over the next two years to achieve its two carbon targets: a Net Zero Estate and Operations by 2030 and a Net Zero City by 2040. The Environmental Sustainability Lead the update report to the Panel and summarised the main areas which have achieved progress. 


In regards the 2030 plan, the Panel heard that: 


  • The biodiversity net gain project is still progressing and an understanding of the number of credits available has been developed. More work is required around processes and assessing viability, but the Council is assessing its small sites in relation to energy potential.  
  • In regard to carbon literacy training, progress is still being made and, to date, 33 staff members have been trained with the target being under review. ODS have also received support, and work is progressing to ensure that training is valuable and relevant to specific job roles.  
  • In regards, number 6, the details of the Salex project and loans were outlined and the Panel heard that remaining projects have now been completed and submitted within the 10-year paid back window.  


In regards the 2040 plan, the Panel heard that: 


  • There are a number of community employment and procurement live plans for which work is ongoing. 
  • There is a focus on providing funding for green skills courses which have so far covered around 58 courses.  
  • Efforts are ongoing with ODS to ensure highways electricals certifications are obtained to support EV targets. 


Councillor Miles queried whether data on SMEs and those receiving training is gathered to ensure women owned businesses are accessing the support, and gender gaps are being addressed. The Environmental Sustainability Lead noted that she expected the data to be available and committed to reporting back.  


The Environmental Sustainability Lead also explained that there is a focus on surveying and strategising for decarbonisation of the housing stock and noted that the 5-year plan is in place. The Panel heard that as progress is made, corrections to some ratings are being made to ensure work continues the longer-term strategy. 


In regards work with landlords and tenants, the Panel learned that property inspections are ongoing, however proactive enforcement is lacking due to limited resources. An Energy Efficiency Officer has carried out engagement work and letters and bespoke tools are utilised to provide information to homeowners on what they can do to improve their homes. 


Councillor Hunt queried how much insulation is part of the package in terms of efficiency. The Environmental Sustainability Lead noted that support is provided for tenants and landlords with grants to ensure they can apply for more, however in terms of private properties, there is no funding available. The Panel heard that information and support on other available grants from the government is also available.  


Councillor Miles recognised the presence of the leaflets but asked whether uptake comes from a broad range of people, or whether there is a lack of interest from some  ...  view the full minutes text for item 36.


Update and overview of work on the Waste Review pdf icon PDF 400 KB

The Head of Corporate Strategy will present an update and overview of the Waste Review.


The Panel is asked to note the presentation and agree any recommendations.


The Head of Corporate Strategy presented an update and overview of the Waste Review, summarising the following key points: 


  • A review began last year to investigate possibilities for integrating domestic waste management systems across the district councils in Oxfordshire to increase efficiencies. This is being led by West Oxfordshire District. 
  • A consultancy firm, Activist, has been employed to assess the possible opportunities, how integration may work, and the size of savings.  
  • That City Council currently shoulder more cost and deliver County Council more benefits by utilising some of its contracted waste disposal sites. The Chair noted the misaligned incentives in this dynamic. 
  • That food waste is the most expensive to collect. 
  • Inflationary pressures and increases in household waste are driving up the cost of domestic waste disposal services for the Council. This will worsen with increased housing growth and local densification.   
  • The concept of simple recycling could allow the Council to amend their collection pattern to better suite local need and costs.  
  • Oxford City Council is one of the top performing councils in the country for recycling levels, however this has decreased slightly recently. 
  • Currently, Oxford City Council’s costs for domestic waste management are higher than the national average.  


The Director of Corporate Strategy also summarised the next steps of the review and informed the Panel that the council Chief Executives have discussed the options and requested immediate steps which could seek improvements ahead of full integration taking effect. As such, there is now a joint programme board with representatives from Oxford City Council, including ODS; a business case is expected by June. The Chair noted that the approach sounded sensible and unlikely to be politically controversial.  


Councillor Harley asked whether the 321 model could involve risks to health including vermin. The Head of Corporate Strategy clarified that this would not be expected provided residents utilise the correct equipment provided. Food waste would also still be collected weekly, as per legal requirement and it was reiterated that the option is only being explored; no decision has been taken. 


Councillor Miles focused on the evidence base and impacts, asking if students will be considered in the context of waste management issues and whether in terms of demand, there is consideration being taken for those who do not pay council tax. She noted the growing issues caused by densification. The Head of Corporate Strategy recognised the perennial issues with student’s actions around waste disposal, noting that the Council does engage with ODS and the universities on this matter. In comparison to other university cities, he explained that good progress has been made on engaging with student’s behaviours but stated that the issue will persist with each new cohort. In regards those who do not pay council tax, The Head of Corporate Strategy explained that separate work is ongoing to assess whether short-term let properties could be required to pay business rates and that this could include some categories of student accommodation. In regards densification, more provisions need to be considered but it  ...  view the full minutes text for item 37.


Dates of future meetings

The Panel is asked to note the dates and times of future meetings of the Climate and Environment Panel.

·       27 March 2025, 6pm

Meetings will take place remotely via Zoom.


The Panel noted the dates of future meetings.  


The Director of Corporate Strategy left the meeting.  



Matters exempt from publication and exclusion of the public

If the Committee wishes to exclude the press and the public from the meeting during consideration of any aspects of the preceding agenda items it  will be necessary for Council to pass a resolution in accordance with the provisions of Section 100A(4) of the Local Government Act 1972 specifying the grounds on which their presence could involve the likely disclosure of exempt information as described in specific paragraphs of Part 1 of Schedule 12A of the Act if and so long as, in all the circumstances of the case, the public interest in maintaining the exemption outweighs the public interest in disclosing the information. (The Access to Information Procedure Rules – Section 15 of the Council’s Constitution – sets out the conditions under which the public can be excluded from meetings of the Council).


The Committee resolved that under Section 100A(4) of the Local Government Act 1972 the press and public be excluded from the meeting for the remaining items of business on the grounds that their presence would involve the likely disclosure of exempt information as described in Paragraph 3 of Part 1 of Schedule 12A of the Act. 


Heat Networks & Zoning

The Head of Corporate Strategy will present an update and overview of the Heat Network and Zoning.

Note: The presentation will be held in closed session.

The Panel is asked to note the presentation and agree any recommendations.


The Panel considered the confidential report and made one recommendation.