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Speaking at a Council or Committee meeting

Venue: Long Room - Oxford Town Hall. View directions

Contact: Committee & Member Services Team  tel 01865 252946 email

No. Item


Election of Chair for the hearings

To confirm the Chair of this Sub-Committee for the duration of this hearing.


Procedure for the hearing pdf icon PDF 50 KB

The hearing procedures are attached.


Application to vary a Premises Licence – The Berkshire, 200 Abingdon Road, Oxford, OX1 4RA (23/00661/PREM) pdf icon PDF 2 MB

The Sub-Committee is asked to determine the application to vary a Premises Licence (23/00661/PREM) for The Berkshire, 200 Abingdon Road, Oxford, OX1 4RA taking into account the details in the report and any representations made at the hearing.