Agenda and minutes
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Speaking at a Council or Committee meeting
Venue: Council Chamber, Town Hall
Contact: Jennifer Thompson, Committee and Members Services Officer email: tel: 01865 252275
No. | Item |
Apologies for absence Minutes: Councillors Altaf-Khan, Brandt, Fry, Haines, Hollick, Malik, and Wilkinson submitted apologies. |
Minutes of the ordinary meeting of Council held on 8 February 2016.
Minutes of the budget meeting of Council held on 17 February 2016.
Council is asked to approve the minutes as a correct record. Additional documents: Minutes: Council resolved to approve the minutes of the ordinary meetings held on 8 February 2016 and held on 17 February 2016 as a true and correct record.
Declarations of interest Minutes: There were no declarations. |
Appointment to Committees Any proposed changes will be circulated with the briefing note. Minutes: There were no changes to committee appointments.
Announcements by: (1) The Lord Mayor (2) The Sheriff (3) The Leader of the Council (4) The Chief Executive, Chief Finance Officer, Monitoring Officer Minutes: The Lord Mayor thanked Councillors Clack, Darke, Gotch, Hollick, Royce and van Nooijen, who were standing down at the forthcoming election, for their service to the Council.
The Lord Mayor announced; - His charity dinner the previous Friday had been successful and well attended. He thanked all those involved including sponsors, town hall staff and the Trax catering team. - He encouraged everyone to attend the concert by the Jubilee band of the Rifles, free but with a collection for charity. - Other engagements were as set out for information in the list in the briefing note.
The Leader of the Council announced: - The city had come 4th at the European Capital of Innovation ceremony and been awarded a plaque. - The City Council had undertaken a procurement exercise to select a consultant to undertake work on the devolution bid for the seven district councils. PWC had been selected and would report by the end of June. - His thanks to the council’s ICT team for their hard work in successfully transferring in the order of 57 applications and 20 million files from the County Council to the council’s new supplier in a remarkably short time. He thanked them for the huge effort they had put in. - His thanks to the Lord Mayor and his team, and Trax, for the successful charity dinner. - That Niko Grigoropolous, Development Performance Manager in Planning, was leaving the Council after many years’ service. He asked members to join in thanking Niko for his service.
Public addresses and questions that relate to matters for decision at this meeting Public addresses and questions to the Leader or other Board member received in accordance with Council Procedure Rule 11.11 and 11.12 relating to matters for decision on this agenda.
The request to speak accompanied by the full text of the address or question must be received by the Head of Law and Governance by 5.00 pm on 12 April 2016.
The briefing note will contain the text of addresses and questions submitted by the deadline, and written responses where available.
A total of 45 minutes is available for both public speaking items. Responses are included in this time. Up to five minutes is available for each public address or question. Minutes: There were no addresses or questions.
Devolution update and budget allocation The Assistant Chief Executive submitted a report to the City Executive Board on 24 March 2016 which gave an update on the proposals for devolution and sought authorisation for further joint working in support of those proposals.
The relevant draft minute of the City Executive Board meeting is attached later in the agenda.
The Board Member will move the recommendations.
The City Executive Board recommends Council to allocate the budget of £50k to support the initial study on viability and sustainability and governance; specialist work on collaboration around Children and Adult services; public consultation and involvement; and preparation of a revised Devolution Deal. This will be funded from reserves and balances.
Minutes: Council considered a report to the City Executive Board on 24 March 2016 which gave an update on the proposals for devolution and sought authorisation for further joint working in support of those proposals.
Council resolved to
allocate the budget of £50k to support the initial study on viability and sustainability and governance; specialist work on collaboration around Children and Adult services; public consultation and involvement; and preparation of a revised Devolution Deal. This will be funded from reserves and balances.
A Housing Company for Oxford The Head of Housing and Property submitted a report to the City Executive Board on 17 March 2016 which presented the business case for the establishment of a Council owned housing company, and sought approval for the Council to enter into such agreements as are necessary to enable the company to acquire the affordable housing at Barton Park in place of the Council.
The relevant draft minute of the City Executive Board meeting including the full decision is attached later in the agenda.
The Board Member will move the recommendations.
The City Executive Board recommends Council to: 1. amend the Treasury Management Strategy to enable the making of loans to the wholly owned Housing Company on State Aid compliant terms of up to £12,250,000 to fund its purchase of the Phase 1 affordable housing at Barton Park and to delegate to the Chief Finance Officer approval of the terms of the loan and the terms of the facility agreement(s) and any associated documentation; 2. agree the inclusion of an amount of £12,250,000 in its General Fund Capital Programme in 2017/18 funded by Prudential Borrowing; 3. agree the provision of a loan facility to the Company of up to £250,000 to fund the set up costs and provide initial working capital and delegate to the Chief Finance Officer approval of terms of the loan and the terms of the facility agreement; 4. agree the adoption of the Local Authorities (Indemnities for Members and Officers) Order 2004 in respect of officers of the Council appointed to the Housing Board in accordance with paragraph 40; 5. agree a General Fund revenue budget of £40,000 in 2016/17 for the setting up of the Company funded from reserves.
Additional documents:
Minutes: Council considered a a report to the City Executive Board on 17 March 2016 which presented the business case for the establishment of a Council owned housing company, and sought approval for the Council to enter into such agreements as are necessary to enable the company to acquire the affordable housing at Barton Park in place of the Council.
Council resolved to: 1. amend the Treasury Management Strategy to enable the making of loans to the wholly owned Housing Company on State Aid compliant terms of up to £12,250,000 to fund its purchase of the Phase 1 affordable housing at Barton Park and to delegate to the Chief Finance Officer approval of the terms of the loan and the terms of the facility agreement(s) and any associated documentation; 2. agree the inclusion of an amount of £12,250,000 in its General Fund Capital Programme in 2017/18 funded by Prudential Borrowing; 3. agree the provision of a loan facility to the Company of up to £250,000 to fund the set up costs and provide initial working capital and delegate to the Chief Finance Officer approval of terms of the loan and the terms of the facility agreement; 4. agree the adoption of the Local Authorities (Indemnities for Members and Officers) Order 2004 in respect of officers of the Council appointed to the Housing Board in accordance with paragraph 40; 5. agree a General Fund revenue budget of £40,000 in 2016/17 for the setting up of the Company funded from reserves.
Asset Management Plan 2016-2020 The Regeneration and Major Projects Service Manager submitted a report to the City Executive Board on 17 March 2016 which presented the Asset Management Plan 2016-20 and recommended its adoption by Council thereby providing the basis for the management of the Council’s property assets going forward.
The relevant draft minute of the City Executive Board meeting is attached later in the agenda.
The Board Member will move the recommendations.
The City Executive Board recommends Council to approve the Asset Management Plan 2016-2020 attached at Appendix 1 for adoption by the Council. Additional documents: Minutes: Council considered a report to the City Executive Board on 17 March 2016 which presented the Asset Management Plan 2016-20 and recommended its adoption by Council thereby providing the basis for the management of the Council’s property assets going forward.
Council resolved to approve the Asset Management Plan 2016-2020 attached at Appendix 1 for adoption by the Council.
Integrated Performance Report Quarter 3 2015/16 - capital budget change The Head of Financial Services and Head of Business Improvement submitted a report to the City Executive Board on 17 March 2016 on the status of Finance, Risk and Performance as at the end of Quarter 3, 31 December 2015 and which sought approval for an additional capital budget of £0.150 million for electrical works at Cowley Marsh Depot (paragraph 12 of the report).
The report is included in this agenda. Appendices are published in the City Executive Board agenda of 17 March 2016.
The relevant draft minute of the City Executive Board meeting is attached later in the agenda.
The Board Member will move the recommendations.
The City Executive Board recommends Council to approve an additional capital budget of £0.150 million for electrical works at Cowley Marsh Depot to be funded from the service’s projected underspend.
Minutes: Council considered a report to the City Executive Board on 17 March 2016 on the status of Finance, Risk and Performance as at the end of Quarter 3, 31 December 2015 and which sought approval for an additional capital budget of £0.150 million for electrical works at Cowley Marsh Depot (paragraph 12 of the report).
Council resolved to
approve an additional capital budget of £0.150 million for electrical works at Cowley Marsh Depot to be funded from the service’s projected underspend.
Oxpens: Sale of Oxpens Land and Loan to Oxford West End Development Ltd The Executive Director, Regeneration and Housing, has submitted a report to the City Executive Board on 14 April 2016 which seeks budgetary approval for the sale of Oxpens land and a loan to Oxford West End Development Ltd.
The City Executive Board will consider the recommendations below at their meeting. Their decision will be reported at Council.
The Board Member will move the recommendations as agreed by the Executive Board.
Officer recommendation
That the City Executive Board resolves to recommend full Council to approve:
1. a loan of £4.16 million to Oxford West End Development Ltd to provide funds to the company to purchase land owned by Oxford City Council on terms set out in this report; 2. a capital budget of £4.16 million in the Council’s General Fund Capital Programme in 2017/18 funded from the Capital Receipt received from the sale of the land.
Additional documents:
Minutes: Council considered a report to the City Executive Board on 14 April 2016 which seeks budgetary approval for the sale of Oxpens land and a loan to Oxford West End Development Ltd and noted that the recommendations agreed by the Executive Board were as set out in the agenda.
Council resolved to:
1. approve a loan of £4.16 million to Oxford West End Development Ltd to provide funds to the company to purchase land owned by Oxford City Council on terms set out in this report; 2. approve a capital budget of £4.16 million in the Council’s General Fund Capital Programme in 2017/18 funded from the Capital Receipt received from the sale of the land.
Award of Freedom of the City to Ms Lesley Dewhurst It is proposed that the Honorary Freedom of the City of Oxford is awarded to Ms Lesley Dewhurst in recognition of her work with single homeless people in Oxford over the past 20 years.
The Lord Mayor will ask Councillor Price to move: In accordance with Section 249 of the Local Government Act 1972 that the Honorary Freedom of the City be conferred on Ms Lesley Dewhurst and that this is conferred at a formal ceremony to be held at a later date.
Councillor Fooks will second the motion and Councillor Simmons will support the motion.
Council is asked to support this motion.
Minutes: Council considered a proposal to confer the Honorary Freedom of the City on Ms Lesley Dewhurst, in accordance with Section 249 of the Local Government Act 1972, in recognition of her work with single homeless people in Oxford over the last 20 years.
Councillor Rowley moved that the Honorary Freedom of the City be conferred on Ms Lesley Dewhurst at a formal ceremony to be held at a later date, confirmed as 14 September 2016. He drew attention to the highlights of Ms Dewhurst’s work in the city and nationally.
Councillor Fooks seconded the motion and Councillor Wolff supported the motion, both speaking of Ms Dewhurst’s achievements.
Council resolved:
that in accordance with Section 249 of the Local Government Act 1972, that the Honorary Freedom of the City be conferred on Ms Lesley Dewhurst at a formal ceremony to be held on 14 September 2016.
Pay Policy Statement 2016 The Head of Business Improvement has submitted a report setting out the Council’s annual pay policy statement in accordance with legislative requirements
Officer Recommendation
Council is recommended to approve the Annual Pay Policy Statement 2016 for publication. Additional documents:
Minutes: Council considered a report setting out the Council’s annual pay policy statement in accordance with legislative requirements
Council resolved to approve the Annual Pay Policy Statement 2016 for publication.
Regulation of Investigatory Powers Act 2000 The Head of Law and Governance has submitted a report which sets out the Council’s application of its powers under the Regulation of Investigatory Powers Act 2000
Officer recommendation: That Council note the Council’s use of its powers under the Regulation of Investigatory Powers Act 2000 (RIPA) for the period 1 April 2015 to 31March 2016.
Minutes: Council considered a report setting out the Council’s application of its powers under the Regulation of Investigatory Powers Act 2000
Council noted that the Council had not used its powers under the Regulation of Investigatory Powers Act 2000 (RIPA) for the period 1 April 2015 to 31March 2016.
City Executive Board Minutes This item has a time limit of 15 minutes.
Councillors may ask the Board Members questions about matters in these minutes. Additional documents:
Minutes: Council had before it the minutes of the City Executive Board meetings 11 February 2016, 17 March 2016, and 24 March 2016 and members asked questions on these.
On Minute 174, Councillor Fooks said she hoped there would be wide publicity to encourage people to participate in the pilot and she would like more details. Councillor Tanner said there was a lot of interest but the pilot needed more volunteers and anyone interested should get in touch with him.
On Minute 180, Councillor Fooks asked when the consultation on the private sector housing policy would start. Councillor Price said this was being finalised and the consultation would start soon.
On Minute 211, Councillor Simmons asked if the contract was awarded and if the organisation could be named. Councillor Price said the contract had been awarded to the Council by the Manor Surgery.
On Minute 212, Councillor Fooks asked whether the proposed populations for unitary authorities were too small. Councillor Price said there were precedents for populations of the proposed sizes.
Questions on Notice from Members of Council Questions on notice from councillors received in accordance with Council Procedure Rule 11.10(b).
Questions on notice may be asked of the Lord Mayor, a Member of the City Executive Board or a Chair of a Committee. One supplementary question may be asked at the meeting.
The full text of questions must be received by the Head of Law and Governance by no later than 1.00pm on 11 April 2016.
The briefing note will contain all questions submitted by the deadline, and written responses where available. Additional documents:
Minutes: Members of Council submitted 37 written questions to Members of the City Executive Board. The questions, written answers, and summaries of supplementary questions and answers, are in the supplement to the minutes.
Public addresses and questions to the Leader or other Board member received in accordance with Council Procedure Rule 11.11 and 11.12 and not related to matters for decision on this agenda.
The request to speak accompanied by the full text of the address or question must be received by the Head of Law and Governance by 5.00 pm on 12 April 2016.
The briefing note will contain the text of addresses and questions submitted by the deadline, and written responses where available.
A total of 45 minutes is available for both public speaking items. Responses are included in this time. Up to five minutes is available for each public address or question. Additional documents: Minutes: Council heard addresses and questions to Executive Board Members from members of the public submitted in accordance with the Council’s procedure rules.
Council agreed to suspend the relevant standing orders relating to the time allowed for public speaking to permit all speakers to be heard and answered.
Council heard addresses from
1. Nigel Gibson, Save Temple Cowley Pools 2. Dr. Stefan Piechnik about the economic rationale of tower block refurbishments. 3. Mr Artwell about providing community space in Barton.
Board members responded to these as summarised in the supplement[1]. Councillor Coulter, permitted to speak by the Lord Mayor, responded to Mr Artwell’s assertion that he received no reply to enquiries and stated he had replied but these had been undeliverable.
And questions from
4. Nigel Gibson about the demolition of Temple Cowley Pools 5. Cassi Perry about the Waterways Public Space Protection Order (wPSPO) and protection from complaints 6. Sam Dent about the wPSPO and draft Guidance to local housing authorities on the periodic review of housing needs 7. Alex Wood about the wPSPO definitions 8. Jon Ody about the wPSPO supporting evidence 9. Jo Hamilton about the wPSPO alternative options 10. Penny Schenk about the wPSPO 11. Ruth Anderson about the British Waterways Act 1995 and legislation
Board members responded to these as summarised in the supplement.
A question from Helen Marshall, Need not Greed about OxLEP’s Strategic Economic Plan was noted as the speaker did not attend. The written question and response is included in the supplement.
The supplement to these minutes contains the full text of addresses and questions where these were delivered as submitted, and summaries of speeches which were significantly different. Written responses and summaries of verbal responses from the Board Members are included.
[1] A note was added to the supplement on 24 May 2016 subsequent to the meeting to clarify and correct the Board Member’s response to Dr Piechnik’s address.
Outside organisation/Committee Chair reports and questions 1. On behalf of Councillor Price the Head of Policy, Communications and Culture has submitted a report providing an update on the work of the Oxfordshire Growth Board.
Council is invited to comment on and note the submitted report.
2. Each ordinary meeting of Council shall normally receive a written report concerning the work of one of the partnerships on which the Council is represented.
The programme of reporting at future meetings will be: · July 2016: Community Safety · September 2016: Environmental and Waste
3. Members who are Council representatives on external bodies or Chairs of Council Committees who consider that a significant decision or event has taken place, will give notice to the Head of Law and Governance by 1.00pm on 13 April 2016 that they wish present a written or oral report on the event or the significant decision and how it may influence future events. Minutes: Council had before it a report of the Leader of the Council providing an update on the work of the Oxfordshire Growth Board.
Council noted the report without comment.
Scrutiny Committee update report The Chair of the Scrutiny Committee has submitted a report which updates Council on the activities of scrutiny and other non-executive Councillors and the implementation of recommendations since the last meeting of Council.
Council is invited to comment on and note the report. Additional documents:
Minutes: Council had before it the report of the Scrutiny Committee Chair.
Councillor Simmons moved the report. He thanked his vice-chair Councillor Hayes and the Housing Panel chair Councillor Smith, and thanked Councillor Darke for his work. He also thanked the City Executive Board for engaging productively with the scrutiny process. Councillor Hayes added his thanks.
Councillor Rowley thanked Councillors Simmons and Smith for their work, particularly the Housing Panel’s work on tenant involvement.
Council noted the report.
This item has a time limit of 60 minutes.
The full text of motions received by the Head of Law and Governance in accordance with Council Procedure Rule 11.17 by the deadline of 1.00pm on 6 April 2016 is below. Motions will be taken in turn from the, Green, and Labour, Liberal Democrat groups in that order.
Substantive amendments to these motions must be sent by councillors to the Head of Law and Governance by no later than 1.00pm on 14 April 2016. The briefing note will list amendments submitted before its publication.
Council is asked to consider the following eight motions:
1. Oxford City Council support EU membership (proposed by Cllr Craig Simmons, seconded by Cllr Elise Benjamin)
Green member motion
Oxford is an international City, with three EU twin towns, and a proud City of Sanctuary. The last census in 2011 showed that 1 in 10 of its resident population were born in EU countries other than UK. The City Council has benefited directly from more than £1m of EU funding and, in May 2015, the City’s Finance Panel took evidence from three of the South East regions MEPs identifying more than seven other potential EU funding streams that the City Council could apply for. Oxford’s economy also benefits enormously from EU tourism (9 out of the top 10 countries of origin are other EU states), from EU funding to its Universities, and other institutions, and from European businesses, such as BMW, that have chosen to operate within the City and County. Workers in Oxford are better off as a result of EU employment directives on equal rights, holidays, pensions, working hours, health and safety and so on. Oxford residents have more opportunities and lower costs when travelling as a result of the EU, free movement, lower mobile phone charges, European health card, educational possibilities and so on. Oxford’s environment has also benefited from EU legislation and guidance on, for example, air quality, recycling and biodiversity. This Council therefore believes that the case for staying within the EU is overwhelming beneficial for the City and urges those electors eligible to vote to back an ‘IN’ vote at the forthcoming EU Referendum and asks the Leader to write to Oxford’s MPs setting out the Council’s views. Of course, the EU is not perfect. But neither is Westminster. It needs to be more democratically accountable, transparent and efficient. This Council, however, believes that reform will be easier if the UK remains within the EU.
2. Unitary Council proposal (proposed by Councillor Price)
Labour member motion
The City Council notes that the response from government to the devolution proposals for Oxfordshire that were presented to the Department of Communities and Local Government and Cabinet Office in December 2015 indicated that a different and stronger form of governance was required if the proposals were to make progress. Council therefore welcomes the initiative from the five District Councils in partnership with South Northants and Cotswold District Councils for a revised proposal based on ... view the full agenda text for item 120. Minutes: Council had before it eight motions on notice and amendments submitted in accordance with Council procedure rule 11.17, and reached decisions as set out below.
1. Oxford City Council support EU membership
Councillor Simmons proposed his submitted motion, agreeing to amend this to also incorporate the motion submitted by Councillor Tanner (Motion 5 on the agenda). Councillor Tanner seconded this.
After debate, and on being put to the vote, the motion as amended by the proposer was declared carried.
Council resolved to adopt the motion as set out below:
This Council strongly supports remaining in the European Union in the referendum and urges all Oxford’s voters to use their vote to Remain. Remaining in Europe will continue Oxford’s free access to the world’s largest single market, will allow Oxford citizens to live, work and holiday freely within the 27 other nations, and will demonstrate our solidarity with over 500 million Europeans. Leaving Europe will be bad for jobs. It will threaten the BMW car plant, the universities and the science jobs at Culham. Remaining in Europe will guarantee rights at work, high environmental standards and a more democratic Europe. In summary: · Oxford is an international City, with three EU twin towns, and a proud City of Sanctuary. The last census in 2011 showed that 1 in 10 of its resident population were born in EU countries other than UK. · The City Council has benefited directly from more than £1m of EU funding and, in May 2015, the City’s Finance Panel took evidence from three of the South East regions MEPs identifying more than seven other potential EU funding streams that the City Council could apply for. · Oxford’s economy also benefits enormously from EU tourism (9 out of the top 10 countries of origin are other EU states), from EU funding to its Universities, and other institutions, and from European businesses, such as BMW, that have chosen to operate within the City and County. · Workers in Oxford are better off as a result of EU employment directives on equal rights, holidays, pensions, working hours, health and safety and so on. · Oxford residents have more opportunities and lower costs when travelling as a result of the EU, free movement, lower mobile phone charges, European health card, educational possibilities and so on. · Oxford’s environment has also benefited from EU legislation and guidance on, for example, air quality, recycling and biodiversity. This Council therefore believes that the case for staying within the EU is overwhelming beneficial for the City and urges those electors eligible to vote to back an ‘IN’ vote at the forthcoming EU Referendum and asks the Leader to write to Oxford’s MPs setting out the Council’s views. Of course, the EU is not perfect. But neither is Westminster. It needs to be more democratically accountable, transparent and efficient. This Council, however, believes that reform will be easier if the UK remains within the EU.
2. Unitary Council proposal (proposed by Councillor Price, seconded by Councillor Tanner)
Councillor Price proposed his ... view the full minutes text for item 120. |