Agenda and minutes
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Speaking at a Council or Committee meeting
Venue: Council Chamber, Town Hall
Contact: Jennifer Thompson, Committee and Members Services Officer email: tel: 01865 252275
No. | Item | ||||||||
Apologies for absence Minutes: Apologies were received from Councillors Goddard, Iley-Williamson, Price, Turner, Paule, Smith and Upton. |
Declarations of interest Minutes: Minute number 20 Councillors Abbassi, Altaf-Khan and Malik declared that this item affected one of their disclosable pecuniary interests and left the chamber for the duration of this item. |
Minutes of the ordinary meeting of Council held on 18 April 2016.
Minutes of the annual meeting of Council held on 16 May 2016.
Council is asked to approve the minutes of both meetings as a correct record.
Additional documents: Minutes: Council approved the minutes of the meetings held on 18 April 2016 and 16 May 2016 as correct records. |
Appointment to Committees
There are no proposed changes to committee memberships. Any notified after publication of this agenda will be circulated with the briefing note.
Minutes: There were no appointments. |
Announcements Announcements by: (1) The Lord Mayor Councillors’ attention is drawn to the ceremony for the award of the Freedom of the City ceremony to Lesley Dewhurst on 14 September 2016. (2) The Sheriff (3) The Leader of the Council (in his absence, given by his appointed deputy) (4) The Chief Executive, Chief Finance Officer, Monitoring Officer
Minutes: The Lord Mayor announced:
· the Abingdon vs Oxford Bowls match would take place on 7 August and volunteers were needed of the team; · the Queen’s 90th birthday celebrations in June had been very successful and he had received a letter of thanks for the Council’s work from the Deputy Lord Lieutenant · the Cowley Road Carnival was very successful and he congratulated the Cowley Works volunteers and the council’s events team for their work.
The Sheriff announced a successful inspection of Port Meadow and a less successful Aunt Sally match afterwards.
Councillor Tanner, on behalf of the Leader, announced:
· the percentage of waste recycled had increased on the previous year and the total amount of waste had reduced; · six parks now had Green Flag awards; · discussions on devolution were ongoing; · his thanks to the bus company for an improved bus service to Rose Hill and Littlemore from 25 July. |
Public addresses and questions that relate to matters for decision at this meeting Public addresses and questions to the Leader or other Board member received in accordance with Council Procedure Rule 11.11 and 11.12 relating to matters for decision on this agenda.
The request to speak accompanied by the full text of the address or question must be received by the Head of Law and Governance by 5.00 pm on Tuesday 19 July 2016.
The briefing note will contain the text of addresses and questions submitted by the deadline, and written responses where available.
A total of 45 minutes is available for both public speaking items. Responses are included in this time. Up to five minutes is available for each public address or question.
Minutes: A member of the public, Judith Harley, asked a question in relation to Minute 18 submitted in accordance with the Council’s procedure rules.
The text of her question and the written response are in the supplement to the minutes. |
Integrated Performance Report Q4 2015/16 The Head of Financial Services and Head of Business Improvementsubmitted a report to the City Executive Board on 16 June 2016 which provided an update on Finance, Risk and Performance as at the end of the financial year and included recommendations on budgetary provision.
The report, appendices, and Finance Panel report of 30 June are attached. The relevant Executive Board minute (18) is attached later in the agenda.
The Board Member will move the recommendation.
Recommendations The City ExecutiveBoard recommends that Council establish budgetary provision in respect of the new bids show in paragraphs 7 and Appendix 4 of the officers’ report. Additional documents:
Minutes: Council considered a report to the City Executive Board on 16 June 2016 which provided an update on Finance, Risk and Performance as at the end of the financial year and included recommendations on budgetary provision
Council resolved to establish budgetary provision in respect of the new bids show in paragraphs 7 and Appendix 4 of the officers’ report. |
Oxford City Council Safeguarding report 2015-2016 The Executive Director, Community Services and Assistant Chief Executivesubmitted a report to the City Executive Board on 16 June 2016 which detailed the progress made on the Council’s Safeguarding Action Plan and recommended the Action Plan for approval for 2016-2017.
The report, appendices, Scrutiny Committee report and responses are attached. The relevant Executive Board minute (19) is attached later in the agenda.
This is presented to Council for information only in accordance with the action in the Oxford City Council Section 11 Self- Assessment Action Plan 2015-16 Learning Point 1 (contained in the report to Council on 20 July 2015).
The Board Member will present the report.
Recommendations Council is recommended to note the report and the accompanying documents. Additional documents:
Minutes: Council considered a report to the City Executive Board on 16 June 2016 which detailed the progress made on the Council’s Safeguarding Action Plan and recommended the Action Plan for approval for 2016-2017.
This was before Council for information only in accordance with the action in the Oxford City Council Section 11 Self- Assessment Action Plan 2015-16 Learning Point 1 (contained in the report to Council on 20 July 2015).
After members listened to and asked questions of the Board Member, Council noted the report and the accompanying documents. |
Policy on Hackney Carriage Quantity Control – Unmet Demand Survey The Head of Community Services submitted a report to the General Purposes Licensing Committee on 18 May 2016 which details the findings of the “Unmet Demand” survey that was carried out between 7 September 2015 and 20 December 2015.
The General Purposes Licensing Committee resolved to: 1. agree to accept the conclusions of the Hackney Carriage “Unmet Demand” survey report prepared by CTS Traffic and Transportation that there is currently no significant unmet demand for Hackney Carriage Vehicles; 2. recommend to Council that there is currently no unmet demand for the services of Hackney Carriage Vehicles and to therefore resolve to maintain the Council’s Policy of Hackney Carriage Quantity Control and the current quota of 107 Hackney Carriage Vehicle licences; and 3. recommend to Council that a further “Unmet Demand” survey be commissioned in 2018, subject to any future changes to relevant legislation. The relevant extract of the Minutes of the General Purposes Committee meeting on 18 May is attached.
The Committee Chair will move the recommendations.
The General Purposes Licensing Committee recommends that Council: 1. note that there is currently no unmet demand for the services of Hackney Carriage Vehicles and to therefore resolve to maintain the Council’s Policy of Hackney Carriage Quantity Control and the current quota of 107 Hackney Carriage Vehicle licences; and 2. agree that a further “Unmet Demand” survey be commissioned in 2018, subject to any future changes to relevant legislation.
Additional documents:
Minutes: Councillors Abbassi, Altaf-Khan and Malik declared that this item affected one of their disclosable pecuniary interests and left the chamber for the duration of this item.
Council considered a report to the General Purposes Licensing Committee on 18 May 2016 which details the findings of the “Unmet Demand” survey that was carried out between 7 September 2015 and 20 December 2015.
Council noted comments from members: - the unmet need survey could be brought forward if required - feedback from the hospitals and observations from outlying areas such as Headington should be included in this.
Council resolved:
1. To note that there is currently no unmet demand for the services of Hackney Carriage Vehicles and 2. therefore to maintain the Council’s Policy of Hackney Carriage Quantity Control and the current quota of 107 Hackney Carriage Vehicle licences; and 3. that a further “Unmet Demand” survey be commissioned in 2018, subject to any future changes to relevant legislation. |
Constitution Review 2016 The Head of and Governance has submitted a report recommending changes to the Council’s constitution.
The Leader of the Council will move the recommendations.
Officer Recommendation: Council is recommended to approve, with immediate effect, the amendments to the Constitution outlined in the report and in:
Appendix 1 – Full Council Procedures; Appendix 2 – Board Procedures; Appendix 3 - Code of Practice for dealing with planning applications at Area Committees and Planning Review Committees; Appendix 4 – Code on Councillor-Officer Relations; Appendix 5 - Miscellaneous proposed changes. Additional documents:
Minutes: Council considered a report and appendices recommending changes to the Council’s constitution. Members suggested a review of the reduction in allowances for non-attendance at training.
The Head of Law and Governance proposed an amendment as set out in the resolution.
A further amendment as set out in the resolution was proposed, seconded, and agreed on being put to the vote.
Council resolved to approve, with immediate effect:
1. the amendments to the Constitution outlined in the report
2. and the amendments in: · Appendix 1 – Full Council Procedures;
· Appendix 2 – Board Procedures; with amendments: a) correcting the order of 12.7 Order of business to show reports from scrutiny committees to be taken before items for decision b) addresses and questions by members of the public, 15 minutes in total.
· Appendix 3 - Code of Practice for dealing with planning applications at Area Committees and Planning Review Committees;
· Appendix 4 – Code on Councillor-Officer Relations;
· Appendix 5 - Miscellaneous proposed changes. |
The Head of Planning and Regulatory Services has submitted a report to explain the impact of the Secretary of State for Communities and Local Government’s successful appeal concerning his national affordable housing policy.
The Board Member will move the recommendations.
Officer recommendation: That Council notes the consequences of the decision of the Court of Appeal and national planning policy applicable to affordable housing contributions. Additional documents:
Minutes: Council considered a report to explain the impact of the Secretary of State for Communities and Local Government’s successful appeal concerning his national affordable housing policy.
Council noted the consequences of the decision of the Court of Appeal and national planning policy applicable to affordable housing contributions. |
City Executive Board Minutes This item has a time limit of 15 minutes.
Councillors may ask the Board Members questions about matters in these minutes. Additional documents:
Minutes: Council had before it the minutes of the City Executive Board meeting of14 April, 19 May, and 16 June 2016
On Minute 18 – disabled transport contingency fund, the Board Member noted Councillor Fook’s question as to whether some of this could be used to fund an enhanced bus service in Cutteslowe/ north Oxford to mitigate the effects of Oxfordshire County Council’s cuts to subsidies for bus services. |
Questions on Notice from Members of Council Questions on notice from councillors received in accordance with Council Procedure Rule 11.10(b).
Questions on notice may be asked of the Lord Mayor, a Member of the City Executive Board or a Chair of a Committee. One supplementary question may be asked at the meeting.
The full text of questions must be received by the Head of Law and Governance by no later than 1.00pm on Monday 18 July 2016.
The briefing note will contain all questions submitted by the deadline, and written responses where available.
Additional documents: Minutes: Members of Council submitted 27 written questions to members of the City Executive Board. The questions, written answers, and summaries of supplementary questions and answers are in the supplement to the minutes. |
Public addresses and questions to the Leader or other Board member received in accordance with Council Procedure Rule 11.11 and 11.12 and not related to matters for decision on this agenda.
The request to speak accompanied by the full text of the address or question must be received by the Head of Law and Governance by 5.00 pm on Tuesday 19 July 2016
The briefing note will contain the text of addresses and questions submitted by the deadline, and written responses where available.
A total of 45 minutes is available for both public speaking items. Responses are included in this time. Up to five minutes is available for each public address or question.
Additional documents: Minutes: Council heard addresses and questions to Executive Board Members from members of the public submitted in accordance with the Council’s procedure rules.
Council resolved to suspend the relevant standing orders to hear an address from Mr Ramzy, a representative of the local Muslim community, on the first motion. He spoke about the increase in hate crime since the EU referendum result, gave examples of the damaging effect physical and verbal abuse had on its victims. Muslims were well integrated and peaceful. It was important to help the police and reduce this frightening crime.
Addresses were heard from:
1. Chaka Artwell - summer activities for young people. 2. Chaka Artwell - Barton community facilities. 3. Sharyn Hyde, PSPnO campaign group. 4. Nigel Gibson - Save Temple Cowley Pools Campaign. 5. Chaka Artwell - city centre PSPO.
Board members responded to these as summarised in the supplement.
Questions were heard from:
1. Cressida Jervis Read – public events. 2. Hazel Dawe – air quality 3. Steve Dawe – private landlords. 4. Mr Chaka Artwell – letters to the Council. 5. Judith Harley – FOI 5462 – Request For Catalyst Temple Cowley.
Four questions were submitted in writing but the questioner did not attend to speak: 1. Ann Duncan– parishing the city. 2. Elise Benjamin– Carnival. 3. Matthew Ledbury – local government funding. 4. Sietske Boeles, CPRE Oxfordshire – Green Belt development.
Board members responded to these as summarised in the supplement.
Questions were submitted from but the speakers did not attend. The written question and responses are included it he supplement.
The supplement to these minutes contains the full text of addresses and questions where these were delivered as submitted and summaries of speeches which were significantly different. Written responses and summaries of verbal responses from the Board Members are included. |
1. On behalf of Councillor Sinclair, the Community Safety Service Manager has submitted a report informing members of the work of the Oxford Safer Communities Partnership.
Council is invited to comment on and note the submitted report.
2. Each ordinary meeting of Council shall normally receive a written report concerning the work of one of the partnerships on which the Council is represented.
The programme of reporting at future meetings will be:
· September 2016: Environmental and Waste Partnership work
3. Members who are Council representatives on external bodies or Chairs of Council Committees who consider that a significant decision or event has taken place, will give notice to the Head of Law and Governance by 1.00pm on Wednesday 20 July 2016 that they wish present a written or oral report on the event or the significant decision and how it may influence future events.
Minutes: Council had before it a report of the Board Member for Community Safety.
Council noted the report without comment. |
Scrutiny Committee update report July 2016 The Chair of the Scrutiny Committee has submitted a report which updates Council on the activities of scrutiny and other non-executive Councillors and the implementation of recommendations since the last meeting of Council.
Council is invited to comment on and note the report.
Additional documents:
Minutes: Council had before it the report of the Scrutiny Committee Chair.
The Chair outlined the proposed review topics for 2016/17 of devolution and safeguarding in language schools.
He thanked Councillor Simmons for his time as Chair and thanked Board members for the time they give to scrutiny and their response to the report of the equality and diversity review group.
He thanked Geno Humphrey for his work on the Housing Panel and the scrutiny officer, Andrew Brown, for his work for the committee. |
This item has a time limit of 60 minutes.
The full text of motions received by the Head of Law and Governance in accordance with Council Procedure Rule 11.17 by the deadline of 1.00pm on 13 July 2016 is below. Cross party motions are taken first then motions taken in turn from the Labour, Liberal Democrat, and Green groups in that order.
Substantive amendments to these motions must be sent by councillors to the Head of Law and Governance by no later than 1.00pm on Thursday 21 July 2016. The briefing note will list amendments submitted before its publication.
Council is asked to consider the following motions:
1. Following the Referendum this Council condemns the rise in hate crimes (proposed by Councillor Price, seconded by Councillor Gant and supported by Councillor Simmons)
Cross party motion
Oxford City Council profoundly regrets the outcome of the referendum on the UK’s membership of the European Union, and the way in which the tenor of the Leave campaign has stimulated a wave of hostility towards migrants and ethnic minorities. We are proud that Oxford voted overwhelmingly to remain in the EU, reflecting the open, diverse and tolerant character of our city, and we are committed to retaining our strong international links and to work with our city and county partners to reduce the negative economic and social consequences of leaving the EU.
We are particularly concerned by the reported rise in racism, xenophobia and hate crimes since the referendum, and wish to place on record our condemnation of such crimes.
The Council will work with local partners to fight and prevent racism and xenophobia and wish to reassure everyone living in our city that they are valued members of our community.
As part of the renegotiation process with the EU, the Council will make the strongest representations to protect the existing status and rights of EU citizens currently living or working in the city and the county.
2. Local Transport Plan 4 (LTP4) (proposed by Councillor Tanner, seconded by Councillor Curran)
Labour member motion
Oxford City Council welcomes the improvements made by Oxfordshire County Council to Local Transport Plan 4 (LTP4), including the greater emphasis on walking and cycling, clean air, support for a workplace parking levy in Oxford and the option of more residents’ parking schemes across the city.
However LTP4 is still not ambitious enough and offers too little too late. We consider that a unitary Oxford would be able to make the improvements needed more quickly and effectively. We also consider that the standard of road and pavement maintenance in Oxford is unacceptably poor.
The City Council calls on the County Council as highway authority, to improve cycling and pedestrian facilities, introduce a zero emission zone and to consult on a workplace parking levy for Oxford without delay.
The City Council also asks the County to review its spending priorities, and the areas of Oxfordshire where transport funding is spent, so that more money is available for road repairs ... view the full agenda text for item 28. Minutes: Council had before it seven motions on notice submitted in accordance with the Council procedure rules and reached decisions on three motions as set out below.
Motions not taken Four motions were not taken because the time allowed in the Council’s procedure rules had elapsed:
1. Banning Glyphosate in Oxford 2. Scrapping of student grants and curbing of access to higher education for disadvantaged young people 3. Democratic mandate for national leader 4. The future electoral system in Oxfordshire.
Following the referendum this Council condemns the rise in hate crimes Minutes: Councillor Tanner, seconded by Councillor Gant and supported by Councillor Simmons, proposed the submitted cross-party motion (Following the Referendum this Council condemns the rise in hate crimes).
After debate and on being put to the vote, the motion was declared carried.
Council resolved to adopt the motion as set out below:
Oxford City Council profoundly regrets the outcome of the referendum on the UK’s membership of the European Union, and the way in which the tenor of the Leave campaign has stimulated a wave of hostility towards migrants and ethnic minorities. We are proud that Oxford voted overwhelmingly to remain in the EU, reflecting the open, diverse and tolerant character of our city, and we are committed to retaining our strong international links and to work with our city and county partners to reduce the negative economic and social consequences of leaving the EU.
We are particularly concerned by the reported rise in racism, xenophobia and hate crimes since the referendum, and wish to place on record our condemnation of such crimes.
The Council will work with local partners to fight and prevent racism and xenophobia and wish to reassure everyone living in our city that they are valued members of our community.
As part of the renegotiation process with the EU, the Council will make the strongest representations to protect the existing status and rights of EU citizens currently living or working in the city and the county. |
Local Transport Plan 4 (LTP4) Minutes: Councillor Tanner, seconded by Councillor Curran, proposed his submitted motion (Local Transport Plan 4)
After debate and on being put to the vote, the motion was declared carried.
Council resolved to adopt the motion as set out below:
Oxford City Council welcomes the improvements made by Oxfordshire County Council to Local Transport Plan 4 (LTP4), including the greater emphasis on walking and cycling, clean air, support for a workplace parking levy in Oxford and the option of more residents’ parking schemes across the city.
However LTP4 is still not ambitious enough and offers too little too late. We consider that a unitary Oxford would be able to make the improvements needed more quickly and effectively. We also consider that the standard of road and pavement maintenance in Oxford is unacceptably poor.
The City Council calls on the County Council as highway authority, to improve cycling and pedestrian facilities, introduce a zero emission zone and to consult on a workplace parking levy for Oxford without delay.
The City Council also asks the County to review its spending priorities, and the areas of Oxfordshire where transport funding is spent, so that more money is available for road repairs and maintenance in the city. |
Planning sustainability and the Green Belt Minutes:
Councillor Goff, seconded by Councillor Fooks, proposed her submitted motion (Planning sustainability and the Green Belt)
Councillor Brandt proposed and Councillor Simmons seconded an amendment:
Add to the beginning of the motion: Recognising that, with the exception of land to the west of the City, most Green Belt falls within the boundaries of our neighbouring authorities so Oxford City Council currently has very limited influence on how the land is developed.
Add the following bullet point: • Council will only support developments which align with the Council’s social housing policies
On being put to the vote, the amendment was declared carried.
Councillor Hollingsworth proposed and Councillor Pegg seconded an amendment:
Redraft text of the submitted motion as follows: Council notes that while the Oxford Green Belt was instituted in the late 1950s it remained interim for several decades, and its boundaries have been adjusted continually throughout its existence. The Council further notes that the NPPF (National Planning Policy Framework, paragraph 84) specifically allows for the review and alteration of green belt boundaries. The Council further notes that neighbouring local authorities Cherwell, Vale of White of Horse and South Oxfordshire have all proposed or agreed modifications to the boundaries of the Oxford Green Belt as part of their most recent Local Plans. Council recognises the current crisis in availability of housing, but also recognises that the purposes for which the Green Belt was invented have not gone away. Council accepts that people living near areas of Green Belt have legitimate concerns at any suggestion of part of it being lost, and that these concerns need to be carefully balanced against the duty of the City Council to plan for a successful city with sufficient homes, employment, facilities and recreation space for current and future residents of Oxford.
Council will in the development of the Local Plan and other planning policy give due consideration to the following:
-Oxford's Green Belt remains protected by existing local and national policies that prevent inappropriate development in all but exceptional circumstances
-proper weight will be given to the agreed methodology and framework for reviewing Green Belt boundaries that form part of the comprehensive review of the Oxford Green Belt already carried out by LUC on behalf of all the relevant Local Planning Authorities, and used by neighbouring District Council’s in their recent Local Plan reviews and updates
-studies will be commissioned to properly assess the full value of the biodiversity and the ecosystem of open spaces both within and outside the Green Belt as part of the analysis of the overall value of the Green Belt and specific sites within it-any building within the Green Belt will not only replace but actively enhance the biodiversity and natural capital provided by the area lost, by use of scientific techniques such as ecological risk assessment and biodiversity management plans working closely with relevant environmental NGOs, or as otherwise set out in existing NPPF or local policies governing development in the Green Belt.
-as applicant Council will support buildings ... view the full minutes text for item 28c |