Agenda and minutes
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Speaking at a Council or Committee meeting
Venue: Council Chamber, Town Hall
Contact: Jennifer Thompson, Committee and Members Services Officer email: tel: 01865 252275
No. | Item |
Council heard tributes and observed a minute’s silence in memory of former Councillor and Lord Mayor Barbara Gatehouse. |
Apologies for absence Minutes: Councillors Anwar and Paule submitted apologies. |
Minutes of the ordinary meeting of Council held on 7 December 2015.
Council is asked to approve the minutes as a correct record.
Minutes: Council agreed to approve the minutes of the ordinary meeting held on 7 December 2015 as a true and correct record.
Declarations of interest Minutes: There were no declarations. |
Appointment to Committees Any proposed changes will be circulated with the briefing note.
Minutes: There were no appointments.
Announcements by: (1) The Lord Mayor (2) The Sheriff (3) The Leader of the Council (4) The Chief Executive, Chief Finance Officer, Monitoring Officer
Minutes: The Lord Mayor announced: - The list of engagements enclosed with the briefing note to draw Councillors’ attention to the events attended since the last meeting; - the upcoming Veterans’ Medal of Honour Presentation and single act of commemoration; - his charity dinner
The Leader of the Council announced: - that work to transfer land ownership and secure the Oxpens site was complete, and thanked officers; - the successful opening of the Rosehill Community Centre and the work of the Community Services team; - that Oxford was designated the fittest city in the country; updates to the devolution proposals submitted to government. |
Public addresses and questions that relate to matters for decision at this meeting Public addresses and questions to the Leader or other Board member received in accordance with Council Procedure Rule 11.11 and 11.12 relating to matters for decision on this agenda.
The request to speak accompanied by the full text of the address or question must be received by the Head of Law and Governance by 5.00pm on 2 February.
The briefing note will contain the text of addresses and questions submitted by the deadline, and written responses where available.
A total of 45 minutes is available for both public speaking items. Responses are included in this time. Up to five minutes is available for each public address or question.
Minutes: There were no addresses or questions.
Proposed freehold purchase of The Old School, Gloucester Green The Executive Director of Regeneration and Housing submitted a report to the City Executive Board on 17 December 2015 requesting approval for the principle of acquiring the long leasehold interest in The Old School, Gloucester Green.
The proposed acquisition price and the positive impact on the return profile of the investment portfolio is set out in the confidential Appendix 1 circulated with the City Executive Board papers.
The relevant draft minute of the City Executive Board meeting is attached later in the agenda.
The Board Member will move the recommendations.
The City Executive Board recommends Council to increase the budget within the Council’s capital programme by the requisite amount in 2015/16. Additional documents: Minutes: Council considered a report to the City Executive Board on 17 December 2015 seeking approval for the principle of acquiring the long leasehold interest in The Old School, Gloucester Green, including the confidential Appendix 1 circulated with the City Executive Board papers, and the relevant draft minute of the City Executive Board meeting.
Council resolved to:
increase the budget within the Council’s capital programme by the requisite amount in 2015/16.
Review of the Statement of Licensing Policy 2016 - 2021 The Head of Community Services submitted a report presenting the revised Statement of Licensing Policy, to the Licensing and Gambling Acts Committee on 26 January 2016.
The minutes (Minute 18) of that meeting state
The Licensing Manager presented the report. He informed the Committee that approximately 1000 licensed premises or associations had been contacted about the consultation. The Licensing Authority had received just 4 consultation responses and no changes had been requested. He said that Thames Valley Police had confirmed that they wished the Special Saturation Policies to be continued without any changes to boundaries or scope.
The Committee resolved to: 1. NOTE the comments received on the revised draft Licensing Policy Statement; and 2. RECOMMEND COUNCIL to resolve to adopt the revised Licensing Policy Statement at its meeting on 8 February 2016.
The Committee Chair will move the recommendation.
Council is recommended to adopt the revised Licensing Policy Statement attached to this agenda. Additional documents: Minutes: Council considered a report presenting the revised Statement of Licensing Policy, considered by the Licensing and Gambling Acts Committee on 26 January 2016.
Council resolved to:
adopt the revised Licensing Policy Statement attached to the agenda.
The Head of Law and Governance has submitted a report outlining the proposed Oxford Flood Alleviation Scheme (“the Scheme”) and seeking approval for the delegation to the Oxfordshire County Council of any planning responsibilities that would otherwise be exercised by the Oxford City Council in relation to the Scheme.
The Board Member for Planning, Transport and Regulatory Service will move the recommendations and the Head of Law and Governance will be available to answer questions.
Recommendations: Council is recommended to:
1. delegate the discharge of the District Planning Authority functions of the Oxford City Council to the Oxfordshire County Council, in connection with the processing and determination of the expected planning application for the Oxford Flood Alleviation Scheme, under section 101 of the Local Government Act 1972;
2. authorise the Head of Planning and Regulatory Services, in consultation with the Head of Law of Governance, to negotiate and agree a Memorandum of Understanding with the Oxfordshire County Council to determine the operational arrangements of the delegation of the Oxford City Council’s planning functions in relation to the Scheme;
3. agree that a long stop date be placed on the delegation such that the delegation will be revoked if any Scheme application is not determined by the 18th February 2019.
Minutes: Council considered a report outlining the proposed Oxford Flood Alleviation Scheme (“the Scheme”) and seeking approval for the delegation to the Oxfordshire County Council of any planning responsibilities that would otherwise be exercised by the Oxford City Council in relation to the Scheme.
Council resolved to: 1. delegate the discharge of the District Planning Authority functions of the Oxford City Council to the Oxfordshire County Council, in connection with the processing and determination of the expected planning application for the Oxford Flood Alleviation Scheme, under section 101 of the Local Government Act 1972;
2. authorise the Head of Planning and Regulatory Services, in consultation with the Head of Law of Governance, to negotiate and agree a Memorandum of Understanding with the Oxfordshire County Council to determine the operational arrangements of the delegation of the Oxford City Council’s planning functions in relation to the Scheme;
3. agree that a long stop date be placed on the delegation such that the delegation will be revoked if any Scheme application is not determined by the 18th February 2019.
Council and Committee programme May 2016 to May 2017 The Head of Law and Governance has submitted a report which sets out a programme of Council, Committee and other meetings for the 2016/17 council year (May 2016 to May 2017 inclusive) following a review agreed by Council in December.
The Leader of the Council will move the recommendations and the Head of Law and Governance will be available to answer questions.
That Council resolves to:
1. approve the programme of Council, Committee and other meetings attached at Appendix 1 for the council year 2016/17; and 2. delegate the setting of dates for the Standards Committee to the Head of Law and Governance.
Additional documents: Minutes: Council considered a report proposing the programme of Council and committee meetings for the 2016/17 council year (May 2016 to May 2017 inclusive) following a review agreed by Council in December.
Council resolved to:
1. approve the programme of Council, Committee and other meetings attached at Appendix 1 for the council year 2016/17; and
2. delegate the setting of dates for the Standards Committee to the Head of Law and Governance.
City Executive Board Minutes This item has a time limit of 15 minutes.
Councillors may ask the Board Members questions about matters in these minutes. Additional documents:
Minutes: Council had before it the minutes of the City Executive Board meetings of Thursday 17 December 2015,Thursday 14 January 2016 and Thursday 21 January 2016.
On Minute 127 (Councillor addresses), Councillor Fooks asked when the revised tree policy would be considered. Councillor Lygo replied this was in progress and could be considered by Scrutiny Committee prior to the Board.
On Minute 160 (Oxford Local Development Scheme), Councillor Wolff asked that the key views of Oxford be taken into account when considering increasing the height and density of buildings. Councillor Hollingsworth replied that views would be taken into account along with other factors including maintaining a varied skyscape. |
Questions on Notice from Members of Council Questions on notice from councillors received in accordance with Council Procedure Rule 11.10(b).
Questions on notice may be asked of the Lord Mayor, a Member of the City Executive Board or a Chair of a Committee. One supplementary question may be asked at the meeting.
The full text of questions must be received by the Head of Law and Governance by no later than 1.00pm on 1 February.
The briefing note will contain all questions submitted by the deadline, and written responses where available.
Additional documents:
Minutes: Members of Council submitted 38 written questions to Board Members and the Leader of the Council. Written answers and summaries of supplementary questions and responses are in the supplement to these minutes.
Public addresses and questions to the Leader or other Board member received in accordance with Council Procedure Rule 11.11 and 11.12 and not related to matters for decision on this agenda.
The request to speak accompanied by the full text of the address or question must be received by the Head of Law and Governance by 5.00pm on 2 February.
The briefing note will contain the text of addresses and questions submitted by the deadline, and written responses where available.
A total of 45 minutes is available for both public speaking items. Responses are included in this time. Up to five minutes is available for each public address or question.
Additional documents:
Minutes: Council heard addresses from members of the public. The full text of the addresses where these were delivered as submitted and questions and responses are in the supplement to these minutes.
Councillor Price drew the speaker’s attention to the written response in the supplement (response attached)
Councillor Lygo, the Board Member, replied, saying in summary:
The old pavilion facility at Five Mile Drive is being demolished due to its poor condition. It was previously used by Summertown Stars for toilet facilities, storage and to be able to make hot drinks. As a replacement we recently provided the club with a mobile unit which has toilet facilities, storage, areas to make hot drinks and a space for officials to use if needed. We will leave this facility on the site for the immediate future while we work with the club around alternate funding options at Five Mile Drive. Without raising expectations we will work with you to improve facilities.
We have worked closely with the club and the Oxfordshire F.A over the past few years. Currently we are undertaking a major refurbishment at Cutteslowe Park lower pavilion which is the main home of Summertown Stars. This is a significant investment from Oxford City Council, Football Foundation and Sport England of around £750,000. And also be aware that there will be a meeting between relevant parties to look at the issues around the pavilion’s maintenance.
Councillor Lygo, the Board Member, replied summarising the current usage of the replacement facilities.
Councillors Rowley and Hayes thanked Ms Howe for addressing the meeting.
Councillors Rowley and Hollingsworth, the Board Members, replied in summary that as even housing for purchase at 80% of market rate is unaffordable for most people in Oxford, this is why we will continue to focus our limited resources on providing affordable rented housing. However the speaker made some very good points and suggestions and Board Members would be happy to continue discussions with Mr McDonald to find ways to provide the housing people in Oxford need. The Council had launched a review of the local plan and in due course would be seeking comments on this.
Outside organisation/Committee Chair reports and questions 1. On behalf of Councillor Price the Economic Development Manager has submitted a report on the work of the Oxfordshire Local Enterprise Partnership including its changing role, recent strategic developments, and impact on funding attraction and delivery.
Council is invited to comment on and note the submitted report.
2. Each ordinary meeting of Council shall normally receive a written report concerning the work of one of the partnerships on which the Council is represented.
The programme of reporting at future meetings will be:
· April 2016: Oxfordshire Growth Board · July 2016: Community Safety · September 2016: Environmental and Waste
3. Members who are Council representatives on external bodies or Chairs of Council Committees who consider that a significant decision or event has taken place, will give notice to the Head of Law and Governance by 1.00 pm on Thursday 4 February that they wish present a written or oral report on the event or the significant decision and how it may influence future events.
Minutes: Council had before it the report of the Leader of the Council outlining the work of the Oxfordshire Local Enterprise Partnership.
Councillor Price moved the report and answered questions around accountability and transparency of decision making.
Council noted the report.
Scrutiny Committee update report The Chair of the Scrutiny Committee has submitted a report which updates Council on the activities of scrutiny and other non-executive Councillors and the implementation of recommendations since the last meeting of Council.
Council is invited to comment on and note the report.
Additional documents:
Minutes: Council had before it the report of the Scrutiny Committee Chair.
Councillor Simmons moved the report and asked for suggestions for major review topics for 2016/17. Councillor Rowley thanked the Housing panel for their work and Councillor Price noted that the committee’s work would be submitted for a Municipal Journal ‘excellence in scrutiny and governance award’.
Council noted the report.
This item has a time limit of 60 minutes.
The full text of motions received by the Head of Law and Governance in accordance with Council Procedure Rule 11.17 by the deadline of 1.00pm on 1.00pm on 27 January is below. Motions will be taken in turn from the Liberal Democrat, Green, and Labour groups in that order.
Substantive amendments to these motions must be sent by councillors to the Head of Law and Governance by no later than 1.00pm on 4 February. The briefing note will list amendments submitted before its publication.
Council is asked to consider the following motions:
The first motion is a formal all-party motion. The Leader will propose suspending standing orders for the first motion only in order to formally adopt this and then move onto the 60 minutes allotted for the debate of the remaining motions.
1. Fairtrade Mark (proposed by Councillor Price, seconded by Councillors Fooks and Simmons)
All-party Labour, Liberal Democrat and Green member motion
Oxford City Council, as an important consumer and opinion leader, should continue to support and facilitate the promotion and purchase of foods with the FAIRTRADE Mark as part of its commitment to the pursuit of sustainable development and to give marginalised producers a fair deal.
Oxford City Council resolves to continue to contribute to the campaign to increase sales of products with the FAIRTRADE Mark by supporting the campaign to achieve the recertification of FAIRTRADE status for Oxford.
To this end, Oxford City Council resolves to ask the Executive to:
1. Continue to offer FAIRTRADE Marked food and drink options internally and make them available for internal meetings. 2. Promote the FAIRTRADE Mark using Fairtrade Foundation materials in refreshment areas and promoting the Fairtrade Towns initiative in internal communications and external newsletters. 3. Use its influence to urge local retailers to provide Fairtrade options for residents. 4. Engage in a media campaign to publicise the recertification of Oxford as a Fairtrade Towns initiative. 5. Nominate a Council representative to sit on the Fairtrade Steering Group. 6. Support on-going work to promote Fairtrade. 7. Continue to support organised events and publicity during national Fairtrade Fortnight – the annual national campaign to promote sales of products with the FAIRTRADE Mark
2. Affordable private housing (proposed by Councillor Gant, seconded by Councillor Wade)
Liberal Democrat member motion
Council notes
· the increasing inability of people on low and middle incomes to be able to afford to buy or rent in or near the city, and that this is hampering the efforts to attract or keep key workers such as nurses, teachers, social workers, junior university staff and other essential employees
· that there are examples of innovative approaches and solutions to this problem in other parts of the country. Examples include the partnership between Pocket Homes and the Mayor of London and the creative policy of Cambridge City Council to assist the university to house employees in housing they can afford as the ‘affordable housing’ element of a development
· the work in ... view the full agenda text for item 16. Minutes: Council had before it eight motions on notice and amendments submitted in accordance with Council procedure rule 11.17, and reached decisions as set out below.
Council agreed to suspend the standing orders relating to the total time allowed for motions for the first motion only.
1. Fairtrade Mark Councillor Price proposed a submitted cross-party motion, seconded by Councillor Fooks and supported by Councillor Wolff.
On being put to the vote, the motion was declared carried.
Council resolved to adopt the motion as set out below:
Oxford City Council, as an important consumer and opinion leader, should continue to support and facilitate the promotion and purchase of foods with the FAIRTRADE Mark as part of its commitment to the pursuit of sustainable development and to give marginalised producers a fair deal. Oxford City Council resolves to continue to contribute to the campaign to increase sales of products with the FAIRTRADE Mark by supporting the campaign to achieve the recertification of FAIRTRADE status for Oxford. To this end, Oxford City Council resolves to ask the Executive to: 1. Continue to offer FAIRTRADE Marked food and drink options internally and make them available for internal meetings. 2. Promote the FAIRTRADE Mark using Fairtrade Foundation materials in refreshment areas and promoting the Fairtrade Towns initiative in internal communications and external newsletters. 3. Use its influence to urge local retailers to provide Fairtrade options for residents. 4. Engage in a media campaign to publicise the recertification of Oxford as a Fairtrade Towns initiative. 5. Nominate a Council representative to sit on the Fairtrade Steering Group. 6. Support on-going work to promote Fairtrade. 7. Continue to support organised events and publicity during national Fairtrade Fortnight – the annual national campaign to promote sales of products with the FAIRTRADE Mark
2. Affordable private housing
Councillor Gant proposed his submitted motion, seconded by Councillor Wade:
Council notes · the increasing inability of people on low and middle incomes to be able to afford to buy or rent in or near the city, and that this is hampering the efforts to attract or keep key workers such as nurses, teachers, social workers, junior university staff and other essential employees · that there are examples of innovative approaches and solutions to this problem in other parts of the country. Examples include the partnership between Pocket Homes and the Mayor of London and the creative policy of Cambridge City Council to assist the university to house employees in housing they can afford as the ‘affordable housing’ element of a development · the work in hand to consider setting up a Local Housing Company and welcomes the work being done to encourage Oxford University and the Hospital Trust to plan to provide housing for their staff. Nevertheless, Council considers the need to be so great that, despite uncertainties in future Government policy which may prevent some desirable measures, it is urgent to explore all possible means of addressing the shortfall of essential affordable housing to rent or buy. Council therefore asks the Executive Board to ... view the full minutes text for item 16. |