Agenda and minutes
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Speaking at a Council or Committee meeting
Venue: Council Chamber, Town Hall
Contact: Mathew Metcalfe, Democratic and Electoral Services Officer
No. | Item |
Apologies for absence Minutes: Apologies for absence were received from Councillors Susan Brown, Anne-Marie Canning and Beverley Clack. |
Declarations of interest Minutes: No declarations of interest were made. |
(a) Ordinary meeting of Council held on 14th April 2014.
(b) Annual Council held on 9th June 2014.
(c) Extraordinary meeting of Council held on 2nd July 2014. Additional documents:
Minutes: Council agreed to approve the minutes of the ordinary meeting held on 14th April 2014, Annual Council held on 9th June 2014 and the extraordinary meeting held on 2nd July 2014. |
Appointment to Committees Minutes: No appointments to Committee were made. |
Announcements Announcements by:
(1) The Lord Mayor
(2) The Sheriff
(3) The Leader of the Council
(4) The Chief Executive, Chief Finance Officer, Monitoring Officer Minutes: The Lord Mayor, Councillor Mohammed, Niaz Abbasi made the following announcements:
(1) A special meeting of Council was held on 2nd July 2014 which conferred the Freedom of the City on Professor Christopher Brown.
(2) The annual Cowley Road Carnival took place and he congratulated the organisers for their efforts in making it such a success
(3) Mathew Metcalfe, Committee and Members Services Officer was moving to a new role within the Council as an Electoral Services Officer and Council thanked him for his many years in Committee Services and clerking Council and wished him well in his new role.
(4) Thanked David Williams, former Councillor for the Iffley Fields Ward of Oxford City Council for his many years representing his constituents and the City Council.
The Leader of the Council, Councillor Bob Price made the following announcements:
(1) Thanked the staff, unions etc. for their help and support in the City Council winning the MJ Award for best improving Council in the country.
(2) The Council achieved the Investors in People Gold Award which would be a Launchpad for further improvements.
(3) Thanked Cowley Road Works for their work and support of the Cowley Road Carnival.
(4) LGA Peer Review took place. A report would be presented to the Council at the end of July. Assessors said that the passion and commitment of staff for the services they provided was evident and that the central message was that the Council should now become a Leader of Place.
(5) Successful bids fro the Growth Fund which would go towards schemes which included the western conveyance flood scheme, eastern traffic arch and an improved College of Further Education campus in Blackbird Leys. |
Public addresses and questions that relate to matters for decisions at this meeting Public addresses and questions received in accordance with Council Procedure Rule 11.10 and 11.11. The full text of any address or question must be received by the Head of Law and Governance by 5.00 pm on Tuesday 8th July 2014.
Full details of addresses and questions submitted by the deadline will be provided separately prior to the meeting. Minutes: Sietske Boeles asked a question of the Leader of the Council, Councillor Bob Price and Councillor Bob Price responded as follows:
Northern Gateway
The Northern Gateway policy in the Core Strategy allows for a mixed use site of 55,000 sq metres of employment use, with up to 200 houses and 3,000 employees. This took into account the potential for high economic growth and was identified by the Inspector to be at a level that would not jeopardise growth in Bicester and would provide a realistic housing versus jobs balance. However, the Inspector remained doubtful about the transport and environmental constraints and the final decision was therefore referred to the Northern Gateway Area Action Plan.
How can the City Council reconcile this with now bringing forward a plan that:
- Is significantly larger than that identified in the Core Strategy?
- Is ahead of the publication of vital evidence on commuter information from the last census, despite the fact that the development could put an estimated 10,000 more cars on the road in a particularly congested and polluted area?
- Is prioritising employment (which generates additional housing need) above meeting existing housing need?
- Is still not clear on funding for any necessary mitigation (given that the Growth Fund money announced last week will only cover around one third of the £88 million Access to Oxford Funding envisaged several years ago)
- And, given the above, is the decision to continue with the Northern Gateway Area Action Plan lawful or should the entire Core Strategy not now be revisited to take account of the implications of the Strategic Housing Market Assessment on employment sites?’
Response: The question asks a number of specific questions about the Northern Gateway Area Action Plan, that is before Council. The following is a response is to each question in turn:
The plan is significantly larger than that identified in the Core Strategy?
The AAP is not significantly larger. It provides for 90,000m2 employment floorspace by 2026; this reflects the 80,000m2 identified at Core Strategy and the 10,000m2 released as there no longer being a requirement for the emergency services centre. In terms of the complementary uses, the AAP provides for the same level of retail development and the same size hotel as the Core Strategy. As part of the detailed AAP work, it has been shown that the site has capacity for a greater amount of housing than was originally identified in the Core Strategy, while still maintaining the employment focus for the site. Whilst CS6 makes provision for 200 dwellings to 2026, the AAP makes provision for 500 dwellings. It is considered prudent to increase the housing numbers at the Northern Gateway.
It is ahead of the publication of vital evidence on commuter information from the last census, despite the fact that the development could put an estimated 10,000 more cars on the road in a particularly congested and polluted area?
The County Council has carried out detailed transport analysis. The North ... view the full minutes text for item 23. |
Capital contribution towards Frideswide Square The Head for City Development has submitted a report which details a request to make a financial contribution to Oxfordshire County Council towards the work to transform Frideswide Square.
This report was presented to the City Executive Board on 3rd July 2014. An extract from the minutes of this meeting is also attached.
Council is asked:
(a) To approve a capital grant to the Oxfordshire County Council of £670,000 in two phases of £335,000 each (50% in Q3 2014/15 and 50% in Q2 2015/16).
(b) To delegate to the Executive Director of Regeneration and Housing responsibility to complete the legal agreement requested by the County Council. Additional documents: Minutes: The Head of City Development submitted a report along with an extract from the minutes of the City Executive Board held on 3rd July 2014(previously circulated, now appended) The report detailed a request to make a financial contribution to Oxfordshire County Council towards the work to transform Frideswide Square.
Councillor Bob Price moved the report.
Council agreed:
(a) To approve a capital grant to the Oxfordshire County Council of £670,000 in two phases of £335,000 each (50% in quarter 3 2014/15 and 50% in quarter 2 2015/16);
(b) To delegate to the Executive Director of Regeneration and Housing responsibility to complete the legal agreement requested by the Oxfordshire County Council. |
Oxpens Delivery Strategy - Stage 1 The Executive Director of City Regeneration and Housing has submitted a report which details an update and agree the next steps to deliver redevelopment of the Oxpens site area, including establishing the budget.
This report was presented to the City Executive Board on 3rd July 2014. An extract from the minutes of this meeting is also attached.
Council is asked to approve the establishment of a budget of £320,000 in the Council’s revenue budget funded from the New Growths Point Grant to complete due diligence and to progress the project through the next stages. Additional documents:
Minutes: The Executive Director of City Regeneration and Housing submitted a report and an extract from the minutes of the City Executive Board held on 3rd July 2014 (previously circulated, now appended). The report detailed an update and next steps to deliver the redevelopment of the Oxpens site area, including the establishment of a budget.
Councillor Price moved the report and clarified that under the City Deal a minimum of 300 residential units would be included as stated in paragraph 7 of the report and not to deliver up to 300 residential units as stated in paragraph 6 of the report.
Council agreed to approve the establishment of a budget of £320,000 in the Council’s revenue budget funded from the New Growths Point Grant to complete due diligence and to progress the project through the next stages. |
Tower Block Refurbishment Project The Head of Housing and Property has submitted a report which requests approval to commence a tender process and for the Executive Director of Regeneration and Housing to be able to appoint and award the contract for the refurbishment of the city tower blocks and to recommend to Council a revised budget to cover the agreed scope of works.
This report was presented to the City Executive Board on 3rd July 2014. An extract from the minutes of this meeting is also attached.
Council is asked to approve the inclusion of an additional budget within the HRA Capital Programme of £1.743m funded by a combination of leaseholder contributions (for their element of the scheme), or as a last resort prudential borrowing together with appropriate revenue funding of a maximum of approximately £104kper annum in capital financing costs. Additional documents:
Minutes: The Head of Housing and Property submitted a report and an extract from the minutes of the City Executive Board held on 3rd July 2014 (previously circulated, now appended). The report detailed a request for approval to commence a tender process and for the Executive Director of Regeneration and Housing to be able to appoint and award the contract for the refurbishment of the city tower blocks and to recommend a revised budget to cover the agreed scope of works.
Councillor Seamons moved the report.
Council agreed to approve the inclusion of an additional budget within the HRA Capital Programme of £1.743m funded by a combination of leaseholder contributions (for their element of the scheme), or as a last resort prudential borrowing together with appropriate revenue funding of a maximum of approximately £104k per annum in capital financing costs. |
Integrated Performance Report for Quarter 4 - 2013/2014 The Heads of Finance and Business Improvement and Technology have submitted a report which updates Members on Finance, Risk and Performance as at the end of Quarter 4, 31st March 2014
This report was presented to the City Executive Board on 3rd July 2014. An extract from the minutes of this meeting is also attached.
Council is asked to include a budget of £162,000 in the capital programme in respect of highways vehicles outlined in paragraph 22 of the report. Additional documents:
Minutes: The Head of Finance and the Head of Business Improvement and Technology submitted a report and an extract from the minutes of the City Executive Board held on 3rd July 2014 (previously circulated, now appended). The report provided an update on finance, risk and performance as at the end of quarter 4, 31st March 2014.
Councillor Turner moved the report.
Council agreed to approve the inclusion of a budget of £162,000 in the capital programme in respect of highways vehicles as outlined in paragraph 22 of the report. |
Northern Gateway AAP: Proposed Submission Document The Head of City Development has submitted a report which seeks Council approval for the Northern Gateway Area Action Plan Proposed Submission Document for public consultation and, subject to the outcome of the consultation to submit the draft AAP to the Secretary of State for formal examination.
Council is asked to:
(1) Approve the Northern Gateway Area Action Plan Proposed Submission Document for consultation;
(2) Approve all the supporting documentation that includes the Sustainability Appraisal, Habitats Regulation Assessment, Equalities Impact Assessment, and Options Consultation Report (listed in Appendix 2);
(3) Authorise the Head of City Development, in consultation with the Executive Board Member, to make any necessary editorial corrections to the document, Sustainability Appraisal and Habitat Regulations Assessment, and to agree the designed version before publication;
(4) Approve the Northern Gateway AAP Proposed Submission Document as a material consideration in determining planning applications;
(5) Following publication, authorise the Head of City Development, in consultation with the Executive Board Member, to make any minor changes to the document deemed necessary as a result of the consultation, and then to formally submit the Northern Gateway AAP to the Secretary of State for examination;
(6) Approve the proposed amendment to the Local Development Scheme. Additional documents: Minutes: The Head of City Development submitted a report (previously circulated, now appended) which sought the approval of Council for the Northern Gateway Area Action Plan Proposed Submission Document for public consultation and subject to the outcome of the consultation to submit the draft AAP to the Secretary of State for formal examination.
Councillor Bob Price moved the report and following a debate Council agreed to:
(a) Approve the Northern Gateway Area Action Plan Proposed Submission Document for consultation;
(b) Approve all the supporting documentation that included the Sustainability Appraisal, Habitats Regulation Assessment, Equalities Impact Assessment and Options Consultation Report;
(c) Authorise the Head of City Development in consultation with the Executive Board Member, to make any necessary editorial corrections to the document, Sustainability Appraisal and Habitat Regulations Assessment, and to agree the designed version before publication;
(d) Approve the Northern Gateway AAP Proposed Submission Document as a material consideration in determining planning applications;
(e) Authorise, following publication, the Head of city Development, in consultation with the Executive Board Member, to make any minor changes to the document deemed necessary as a result of the consultation, and then to formally submit the Northern Gateway AAP to the Secretary of State for examination;
(f) Approve the proposed amendment to the Local Development Scheme. |
Councillors' Allowances - Appointment of Independent Remuneration Panel The Head of Law and Governance has submitted a report which explains the background to the Members’ Allowances Scheme and seeks authorisation for the appointment of an Independent Remuneration Panel to draft a new Allowances Scheme. The Panel will recommend the proposed Scheme to Council in the autumn.
Council is asked to:
(a) Authorise the Head of Law & Governance to appoint an Independent Remuneration Panel to consider and formulate a new Members’ Allowances Scheme; and
(b) Agree to pause the indexation of the members’ basic allowances available from the year 13/14 onwards, pending the report of the Independent Remuneration Panel. The 13/14 increase and the 14/15 increase in allowances will not be implemented in the meantime. Minutes: The Head of Law and Governance submitted a report (previously circulated, now appended) which explained the background to the Members’ Allowance Scheme and sought authorisation for the appointment of an Independent Remuneration Panel to draft a new Allowances Scheme. The Panel would recommend the proposed Scheme to Council in the autumn.
Councillor Price moved the report.
Council agreed:
(a) To authorise the Head of Law and Governance to appoint an Independent Remuneration Panel to consider and formulate a new Members’ Allowance Scheme; and
(b) To pause the indexation of the members’ basic allowance available for the year 2013/14 onwards, pending the report of the Independent Remuneration Panel. The 2013/14 increase and the 2014/15 increase would not be implemented in the meantime. |
City Executive Board Minutes (1) Minutes of the meeting held on 23rd April 2014
(2) Minutes of the meeting held on 11th June 2014
(3) Minutes of the meeting held on 3rd July 2014 (to be circulated separately prior to the meeting) Additional documents: Minutes: Council had before it minutes of the City Executive Board as follows:
(a) 23rd April 2014
(b) 11th June 2014
(c) 3rd July 2014
Questions were asked as follows:
City Executive Board – 11th June 2014
(a) Minute 6 – Low Carbon Hub Loan facility – councillor Sam Hollick said that he would have welcomed more input into the decision to provide a £2.3m loan.
In response Councillor Ed Turner said that the issue was time critical due to the school holidays and being able to undertake the necessary works.
City Executive Board – 3rd July 2014
(b) Minute 20 – Grant Monitoring Information for 2013/14 – Councillor Jean Fooks raised concerns on core funding of staff posts from grant funding.
(c) Minute 32 – Appointment to Outside Bodies 2014/15 – Councillor Jean Fooks asked why ward Councillors had been excluded from being the Council representative on outside bodies in their wards.
In response Councillor Bob Price said that the Councillors that had been appointed to outside bodies had a definite interest in the organisation that they had been appointed to and were willing to represent the Council on them. |
Questions on Notice from Members of Council Questions on notice under Council Procedure Rule 11.9(b) may be asked of the Lord Mayor, a Member of the City Executive Board or Chair of a Committee.
Questions on notice must, by the Constitution be notified to the Head of Law and Governance by no later than 1.00pm on Monday 7th July 2014.
Full details of any questions and responses will be provided separately prior to the meeting. Minutes: (1) Question to the Board Member, Housing and Estate Regeneration (Councillor Scott Seamons) from Councillor Sam Hollick
Discharging of homelessness duty
What is the number of households that have been relocated outside of Oxford as a result of the Council discharging a homelessness duty?
Response: To the end of May 2014, the Council used the Localism Powers to discharge our statutory homeless duty to 5 clients, who accepted private rented sector accommodation outside of Oxford City.
The Council tries to find suitable and affordable private rented sector accommodation as close to Oxford as possible, and recognises challenges around this in relation to employment, schooling, and specialist health and support needs. However, the buoyancy of the local property market at present, means that most landlords are only renting to persons that are in work, with good tenancy histories, and are charging at least £100pcm over the LHA rate. As such, it is extremely hard to secure access to such accommodation in Oxfordshire anymore. We have had success at finding suitable property at LHA rates in the next nearest rental markets of the West Midlands, Swindon, South Wales and Gloucestershire/ Worcestershire.
The substantive issue here however, is the chronic lack of decent, affordable homes in Oxford, which can really only be addressed through the supply of more housing, which the Council are trying to deliver on through the development of Barton Park; the Council’s own building programme of 113 units; working with registered providers to bring forward sites; and looking to future developments at the Northern Gateway and the West End.
Councillor Sam Hollick in a supplementary question asked if the Board Member regretted that the Council was under providing social housing. In response Councillor Scott Seamons said that he was pleased with the 40% social rented accommodation that was being provided.
(2) Question to the Board Member, Housing and Estate Regeneration (Councillor Scott Seamons) from Councillor David Thomas
Lord Mayor’s Deposit Scheme
Would the Board Member agree with me that the Lord Mayor’s Deposit Scheme provided an important lifeline to those struggling to access rented accommodation in Oxford?
Response: Yes – It has provided, and continues to provide, additional assistance to single persons and couples that are not in priority need, and who would not be assisted under statutory homeless provision. Councillor David Thomas in a supplementary question asked the Board Member if he could give an assurance that the way the current scheme was administered did not create unnecessary barriers for those trying to access the scheme and in particular individuals were not being asked to sign binding tenancy agreements before being considered for the scheme. In response Councillor Scott Seamons said hat the low take up was unfortunate but this was due to the expensive housing market in Oxford.
(3) Question to the Board Member, Housing and Estate Regeneration (Councillor Scott Seamons) from Councillor Jean Fooks
Rough sleepers – hostel beds
I have been told that the City Council is failing to give rough sleepers who ... view the full minutes text for item 31. |
Public addresses and questions received in accordance with Council Procedure Rule 11.10 and 11.11. The full text of any address or question must be received by 5.00pm on Tuesday 8th July 2014.
Full details of the addresses and questions submitted by the deadline will be provided separately prior to the meeting. Additional documents:
Minutes: Addresses
(1) Park Pitt – Wildflower wipeout – The text of the address is appended to these minutes.
Councillor Mark Lygo, responded to the address and said that the City Council was currently writing a pollinator management plan to ensure that we embed where possible sensitive habitat management for our pollinator’s. this will involve the creation of new wild flower meadows, pollinator friendly bedding plants in our formal gardens, planting tree which have early pollen and the creation of pollinator homes near suitable food sources. The City Council has joined up with Oxford’s Friends of the Earth, Local Bee Keepers Association, leading ecologists to create a work group to help advise the City Council on what can be done. Both Parks and Streetscene Operation Managers are heavily involved to ensure that we can deliver what we say we are going to do. Currently we are looking at our existing assets across the Council to see what our teams are already doing. We have wild flowers in our church yards and we are looking to put a green roof on our Parks Office. There will be a joint event held at the end of September where we will create at least four new flower meadows across the City.
(2) Nigel Gibson – Oxford City council must engage with the East Oxford Community – Text of the address appended to these minutes.
Councillor Mike Rowley responded to the address and said that Nigel Gibson asks the Council to ensure that Officers provide him with a long list of detailed operational information on the Temple Cowley Pool as quickly as possible. This information, which largely comes from Fusion, has been sought and collated by Officer as a matter of urgency and is already being supplied to Mr Gibson.
(3) Sarah Lasenby – Temple Cowley Pools Campaign – Text of the address appended to these minutes.
Sarah Lasenby did not attend to give her address and Councillor Mike Rowley said that he would provide a written response, now detailed below:
I would
fundamentally disagree with the speaker's contention that the
new pool in Blackbird Leys will not represent an entirely
adequate, indeed superior, replacement facility for
Temple Cowley. The Council has
undertaken this project on the clear basis that by building the new
pool, residents are obtaining an improved facility, that will last much longer, at less cost
to the public purse.
(4) Jane Alexander - £108 million for Oxford – Text of the address appended to these minutes.
Councillor Mike Rowley responded to the address and said Jane Alexander asks why various funds received from central government cannot be spent on supporting her community group’s bid to purchase the Temple Cowley site. Quite apart from ... view the full minutes text for item 32. |
Petitions Minutes: No petitions had been previously submitted for debate at this meeting. |
Outside organisation/Committee Chair reports and questions (a) Members who are Council representatives on external bodies or Chairs of Council Committees who consider that a significant decision or event has taken place, will give notice to the Head of Law and Governance by 1.00 pm on Thursday 10th July 2014 to present a written or oral report on the event or the significant decision and how it may influence future events.
(b) Each ordinary meeting of Council shall receive a written report concerning the work of one of the partnerships on which the Council is represented. The programme of reporting will be:
· LEP/Growth Board – September 2014 · Community Safety – February 2015 · Environmental and Waste – April 2015
The Head of Policy, Communications and Culture has submitted a report on behalf of Councillor Ed Turner, which informs Members of the work of the Oxfordshire Health Improvement Board.
Council is asked to comment on and note the report. Minutes: Oxfordshire Health Improvement Board
The Head of Policy, Communications and Culture submitted a report on behalf of Councillor Ed Turner (previously circulated, now appended) which informed Council of the work of the Oxfordshire Health Improvement Board.
Councillor Ed Turner introduced the report.
Council agreed to note the report and the work of the Oxfordshire Improvement Board. |
Scrutiny Committee Briefing The Chair of the Scrutiny Committee has submitted a report which updates Council on the activities of scrutiny and other non-executive Councillors since the last meeting of Council.
Council is asked to comment on and note the report. Minutes: The Chair of the Scrutiny Committee submitted a report (previously circulated, now appended) which updated Council on the activities of scrutiny and other non-executive Councillors since the previous ordinary meeting of Council.
Councillor Craig Simmons as Chair of the Scrutiny Committee moved the report. He said that while there was a heavy workload for the Scrutiny Committee he welcomed suggestions from Members on possible areas which the Committee may wish to look into as some of this work could be undertaken by the various Panels such as the Finance Panel rather than just the main Committee
Councillor Val Smith said that Scrutiny should be vibrant and take on issues especially ones that mattered to the public. Councillor Jean Fooks added that maybe consideration should be given to having two Scrutiny Committees as there had been in the past.
Council agree to note the report. |
Council Procedure Rule 11.16 refers.
Motions received by the Head of Law and Governance by the deadline of 1.00pm on Wednesday 2nd July 2014 are attached to this agenda. Minutes: Council had before it five Motion on Notice and reached decisions as follows:
(1) Control of residential lettings boards in the City – (Proposed by Councillor Ruth Wilkinson, seconded by Councillor Steve Goddard)
Liberal Democrat Group Member - Motion on Notice
Council acknowledges that “To Let” and “Let by” signs are erected on some properties for months despite the properties being occupied. This creates visual clutter, community objection and planning enforcement complaints, highlights student-targeted areas, and police advice in other parts of the country has pointed to a strong correlation between crime levels and the properties displaying “To Let” boards.
Council notes that other authorities have tackled this issue by means of either a voluntary code or a mandatory code, and that mandatory codes have been introduced in Leeds, and also in Newcastle following a review of a previously agreed voluntary code. Council further notes the well-documented success of a mandatory code on the erection of residential lettings boards in Inner NW Leeds which led to a reduction in crime and antisocial behaviour, and improved the appearance of two predominantly student areas in the City.
Council also notes that the majority of agencies involved in letting residential properties do ensure that boards are taken down when reminded.
Council asks the City Executive Board:
(a) To require officers to introduce a code on the erection of residential lettings boards in Oxford
(b) To carry out a formal consultation process on whether this code should be voluntary or mandatory
(c) To work with landlords, estate agencies which operate lettings, lettings agencies, boards agents, Oxford City Council officers and the Universities on the content of the code, taking into account the relevant regulations and ensuring that there is an agreed and clear definition of the start date of a tenancy which triggers the board erection process.
Councillor Bob Price seconded by Councillor Ed Turner moved the following amendment:
To delete points (a), (b), (c) and replace with the following:
To ask the officers to bring forward proposals for a code of practice on the erection and removal of sales and letting boards in the City, including consideration of both voluntary and mandatory status ,and proposals for involving letting and estate agents in the development of an effective code.
Councillor Ruth Wilkinson accepted the amendment and following a debate Council voted and the amended Motion was adopted as follows:
Council acknowledges that “To Let” and “Let by” signs are erected on some properties for months despite the properties being occupied. This creates visual clutter, community objection and planning enforcement complaints, highlights student-targeted areas, and police advice in other parts of the country has pointed to a strong correlation between crime levels and the properties displaying “To Let” boards.
Council notes that other authorities have tackled this issue by means of either a voluntary code or a mandatory code, and that mandatory codes have been introduced in Leeds, and also in Newcastle following a review of a previously agreed voluntary code. Council further notes the ... view the full minutes text for item 36. |
Matters exempt from publication If Council wishes to exclude the press and the public from the meeting during consideration of any aspects of the preceding agenda items it will be necessary for Council to pass a resolution in accordance with the provisions of Section 100A(4) of the Local Government Act 1972 specifying the grounds on which their presence could involve the likely disclosure of exempt information as described in specific paragraphs of Part 1 of Schedule 12A of the Act if and so long as, in all the circumstances of the case, the public interest in maintaining the exemption outweighs the public interest in disclosing the information.
(The Access to Information Procedure Rules – Section 15 of the Council’s Constitution – sets out the conditions under which the public can be excluded from meetings of the Council) |