Agenda and minutes
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Speaking at a Council or Committee meeting
Venue: Council Chamber, Town Hall
Contact: Mathew Metcalfe, Democratic and Electoral Services Officer
No. | Item |
Apologies for absence Minutes: Apologies for absence were received from Councillors Beverley Clack, Michael Gotch, Sajjid Malik and Louise Upton. |
Declarations of Interest Minutes: None declared. |
Minutes of the ordinary meetings of Council held on:
(a) 3rd February 2014
(b) 19th February 2014 Additional documents:
Minutes: Council agreed to approve the minutes of the ordinary meetings held on 3rd and 19th February 2014. |
Appointments to Committees Minutes: No appointments to Committees were made. |
Announcements Announcements by:
(1) The Lord Mayor
(2) The Sheriff
(3) The Leader of the Council
(4) The Chief Executive, Chief Finance Officer, Monitoring Officer Minutes: The Lord Mayor, Councillor Dee Sinclair made the following announcements:
(1) A special meeting of Council would be held on 2nd July 2014 to confer the Freedom of the City on Christopher Brown.
(2) Lois Stock, Democratic and Electoral Services Officer in Law and Governance was leaving the Council after eight years with the Council, and wished her well for the future.
(3) The following Councillors would not be seeking re-election at the forthcoming local elections in May:
· Councillor Jim Campbell – Elected in May 1995 · Councillor John Goddard – Elected in May 1998 · Councillor Shah Jahan-Khan – Elected in May 2006 · Councillor Mark Mills – Elected in June 2008 · Councillor David Rundle – Election in May 2002
Council thanked them for their service and wished them well for the future.
(4) Councillor Val Smith was welcomed back to Council following her recent absence due to ill health and Council noted that Councillor Michael Gotch was recovering well from a recent operation.
(5) The recent Lord Mayors Charity Dinner raised over £4,000 towards the Lord Mayors charities.
The Leader of the Council, Councillor Bob Price said that the Council had been shortlisted in the Municipal Journal Awards for Best Achieving Council in 2014. Judging would take place on 24th April 2014 with the winner announced in June 2014. |
Public addresses and questions that relate to matters for decision at this meeting PDF 140 KB Public addresses and questions received in accordance with Council Procedure Rule 11.10 and 11.11. The full text of any address or question must be received by the Head of Law and Governance by 5.00pm on Tuesday 8th April 2014.
Full details of addresses and questions submitted by the deadline will be provided separately prior to the meeting. Minutes: Harry Jenkins addressed Council. The full text of his address is appended to these minutes.
In accordance with Procedure Rule 11.10(g) the address was considered with agenda item 17(2) Motions on Notice – Isolation and loneliness in our city (minute 117 refers). |
The Head of Human Resources and Facilities has submitted a report. The Council is required to make decisions about various matters relating to the application of the Local Government Pensions Scheme (LGPS). These are in place for the current scheme as previously agreed by Council. As the new LGPS comes into force on 1st April 2014, these discretions need to be reviewed in that context. A number of other existing employment policies have also been reviewed in consultation with both trade unions and revisions are proposed.
Council is asked:
(1) That the employer discretions under the LGPS and other pension related Regulations as recommended in Appendices 1 and 2 be approved with retrospective effect from 1st April 2014.
(2) That the revisions to the employment policies as summarised in the body of the report be approved and that the Head of Human Resources and Facilities be authorised to amend the policies in accordance with those described changes and to promote/implement the revised policies on a date to be fixed by him.
(3) That the Head of Human Resources and Facilities be also authorised to amend the policies from time to time in order to correct any factual or legal errors. Additional documents:
Minutes: The Head of Human Resources and Facilities submitted a report (previously circulated, now appended) which required the Council to make decisions about various matters relating to the application of the Local Government Pensions Scheme (LGPS). These are in place for the current scheme as previously agreed by Council. As the new LGPS came into force on 1st April 2014, these discretions needed to be reviewed in that context. A number of other existing employment policies had also been reviewed in consultation with both trade unions and revisions proposed.
Council agreed:
(1) To approve the employer discretions under the LGPS and other pension related Regulations as recommended in Appendices 1 and 2 with retrospective effect from 1st April 2014.
(2) To approve the revisions to the employment policies as summarised in the body of the report and to authorise the Head of Human Resources and Facilities to amend the policies in accordance with those described changes and to promote/implement the revised policies on a date to be fixed by him.
(3) To authorise the Head of Human Resources and Facilities to amend the policies from time to time in order to correct any factual or legal errors. |
Oxford City Councils report on its involvement in tackling child sexual exploitation PDF 83 KB The Executive Director for Community Services has submitted a report the purpose of which is to report on the City Councils involvement in tackling child sexual exploitation.
Council is asked to note the report. Additional documents: Minutes: The Executive Director for Community Services submitted a report (previously circulated, now appended) which reported on the Councils involvement in tackling child sexual exploitation.
Councillor Pat Kennedy, Board Member, Education, Crime and Community Safety, moved the report.
Council agreed to note the report. |
Regulation of Investigatory Powers Act 2000 PDF 78 KB The Head of Law and Governance has submitted a report the purpose of which is to report to Council the application of its powers under the Regulation of Investigatory Powers Act 2000.
Council is asked to note the Council’s use of its powers under the Regulation of Investigatory Powers Act 2000 (RIPA) for the period 1st April 2013 to 31st March 2014. Minutes: The Head of Law and Governance submitted a report (previously circulated, now appended) the purpose of which was to report to Council on the application of its powers under the Regulation of Investigatory Powers Act 2000.
Council agreed to note the Council’s use of its powers under the Regulations of Investigatory Powers Act 2000 (RIPA) for the period 1st April 2013 to 31st March 2014. |
Constitution Review 2014 PDF 104 KB The Monitoring Officer has submitted a report which recommends changes to the Council’s constitution to reflect changes in the law and also to provide clarification.
Council is asked to approve the amendments to the Constitution. Additional documents:
Minutes: The Monitoring Officer submitted a report (previously circulated, now appended) which recommended changes to the Council’s constitution to reflect changes in the law and to provide clarification.
During the debate the following points/additions were raised:
(1) Contract Rules – Paragraph 19.10 Clauses that must be included in contracts over £100,000 – Inclusion of a requirement seeking a commitment from a contractor to pays its employees the Oxford living wage, was welcomed, but should this also be required on contracts below £100,000.
(2) Planning Code of Practice – Paragraph 24.3 – Preparation of Planning Policy Documents – Public Meetings – The contents of this paragraph would be reflected in the Planning Code of Practice.
(3) Planning Code of Practice – Paragraph 24.15 – Site Visits – In the sixth paragraph, last line, replace the word “should” with the word “must”.
(4) Other Committee Procedures – Paragraph 14.9 – Area Planning Committees and Planning Review Committee – Insert the word “not” between the words “can” and “be” in the first line of sub-paragraph (a)
Council agreed to approve the amendments to the constitution as outlined in appendices 1 to 5 of the report and subject to points (1) to (4) above being clarified and where appropriate included. |
City Executive Board Minutes PDF 51 KB (1) Minutes of the meeting held on 12th February 2014
The following minutes were discussed at the meeting of Full Council on 19th February 2014.
· Minute 133 – Budget and Medium Term Financial Strategy 2014/15 to 2017/18 and 2014/15 Budget
· Minute 134 – Corporate Plan 2014-18 – Outcome of Consultation – Plan adoption
· Minute 135 – Treasury Management Strategy 2014/15
(2) Minutes of the meeting held on 12th March 2014
(3) Minutes of the meeting held on 9th April 2014
These minutes will be circulated separately prior to the meeting. Additional documents:
Minutes: Council had before it minutes of the City Executive Board as follows:
(a) 12th February 2014
(b) 12th March 2014
(c) 9th April 2014
City Executive Board – 12th February 2014
(a) Minute 137 – Covered Market Strategy – Councillor Jim Campbell welcomed the appointment of the new manager. He asked if it was still the case that if the traders did not accept the 20% increase, would the Council still go to arbitration.
In response Councillor Bob Price said that he was happy to meet with the traders to discuss the issues further.
City Executive Board – 9th April 2014
(b) Minute 167 – Fusion Lifestyle – Annual Service Plan 2014/15 – Councillor Craig Simmons said that he was concerned that the Scrutiny recommendation on funds being used to improve facilities had not be taken. He said that he could not see the income stream that Fusion would be using to repay the loan from the council.
In response Councillor Mike Rowley said that Officers would be looking at this.
(c) Minute 169 – Saving Community Public Houses. Councillor Elise Benjamin asked if the Board Member would consider adding CAMRA to the list of consultees.
In response Councillor Colin Cook, declined to reconsider. |
Questions on notice from Members of Council Questions on notice under Council Procedure Rule 11.9(b) may be asked of Lord Mayor, a Member of the City Executive Board or the Chair of Committee.
Questions on notice must, by the Constitution be notified to the Head of Law and Governance by no later than 1.00pm on Monday 7th April 2014.
Full details of any questions and responses will be provided separately prior to the meeting. Minutes: (1) Question to the Board Member, Benefits and Customer Services (Councillor Susan Brown) from Councillor Sam Hollick
Discretionary Housing Payments
Is the board member disappointed that the council will be returning money to the government that could have been spent on Discretionary Housing Payments to help people who are being charged unaffordable rents?
Response: I am very disappointed for residents in this city that the government has chosen to penalise people on low wages, tenants in private rented housing, people with disabilities and people whom the government in its wisdom have decided have too many bedrooms.
I am also very disappointed that the government thinks that giving councils a budget that it will not commit to beyond a year called ‘discretionary housing payment’ which is only designed to be given as a temporary measure to local residents in order to ‘wean’ them off benefits will materially improve the lot of many of the city’s residents.
In the light of these policies I commend the excellent work of the council’s welfare reform team who have worked hard to ensure that as many people as possible who have been affected by the government’s benefit changes have been alerted to the possibility of using discretionary housing payments as a temporary measure to help them bridge the gap between their income and their outgoings, of which in this city where housing is so expensive, rent is a major factor. I also note that 80% of applicants have been successful in their application for discretionary housing payment .
I regret the fact that the government has done nothing to tackle the real cause of the rising benefit bill in Oxford which is the catastrophic rise in the cost of housing owing to the restrictions placed on the city’s need to develop.
A robust and extensive process was undertaken to ensure maximum take-up and award, including:
· All tenants affected by the bedroom tax being written to offering support; · All residents impacted by the Benefit Cap being phoned, and letters sent when there was no contact to offer support; and · Promotion of DHP internally to Housing, Benefits, Rents, Revenues and Customer Contact teams and externally to Housing and Voluntary Groups including advice agencies, housing associations, and organisations providing housing support or support to specific interest groups.
Compared to previous years, the amount of DHP awarded is double
that granted in 2012/13 and more than three times that awarded in
2011/12 and 2010/11 and the City Council has spent 82% of the
budget. This is in spite of the fact that the Universal Credit
which the government had said would be introduced this year has
been postponed, so the council has not seen the number of claims it
expected to see this compared to previous years, the amount
of DHP awarded is double that granted in 2012/13 and more than
three times that awarded in 2011/12 and 2010/11. |
Public addresses and questions received in accordance with Council Procedure Rule 11.10 and 11.11. The full text of any address or question must be received by the Head of Law and Governance by 5.00pm on Tuesday 8th April 2014.
Full details of the addresses and questions submitted by the deadline will be provided separately prior to the meeting. Additional documents: Minutes: Addresses
(1) Nigel Gibson – The Temple Cowley Pools Development – Energising the community - Text of the address appended to these minutes.
(2) Chaka Artwell – Malfeasance in Public Office – Text of the address appended to these minutes. |
Petition - Keep Temple Cowley Pools Open PDF 83 KB The Head of Law and Governance has submitted a report which advises on the procedure that Council needs to follow under the Council’s Petitions Scheme in respect of large petitions, and to provide information specifically on the petition entitled “Keep Temple Cowley Pools Open”.
Council is being recommended to follow the procedure for large petitions by hearing the head petitioner and to then debate the petition and decide how to advise the Executive. Minutes: The Head of Law and Governance submitted a report (previously circulated, now appended) which advised on the procedure that Council needed to follow under the Council’s Petitions Scheme in respect of large petitions and provided information specifically on the petition concerning “Keep Temple Cowley Pools Open”.
Nigel Gibson the head petitioner presented the petition and spoke on its contents.
Following Nigel Gibson’s presentation, Council debated the contents of the petition.
Councillor Mike Rowley said that Council had been very helpful in agreeing to designate the site as a community asset and thanked the officers for their work in achieving this. He said that an impartial and constructive attitude had been taken on this and proposed that the petition be noted. Councillor Bob Price seconded Councillor Mike Rowley’s proposal to note the petition.
Councillor Craig Simmons thanked the campaigners for their efforts and that the Green Group had always supported the campaign and proposed that the Council called upon the City Executive Board to work with the Save Temple Cowley Pools Group to enhance and preserve the facilities at Temple Cowley Pools.
Following a further debate, Council voted as follows:
(a) To adopt the Motion by Councillor Mike Rowley to note the petition.
(b) To not adopt the Motion by Councillor Craig Simmons to call upon the City Executive Board to work with the Save Temple Cowley Pools Group to enhance and preserve the facilities at Temple Cowley Pools. |
Outside organisation/Committee Chair reports and questions PDF 151 KB Members who are Council representatives on external bodies or Chairs of Council Committees who consider that a significant decision or event has taken place, will give notice to the Head of Law and Governance by 1.00 pm on Thursday 9th April 2014 to present a written or oral report on the event or the significant decision and how it may influence future events. Minutes: Oxfordshire Environment and Waste Partnership
Councillor John Tanner, Board Member, Cleaner Greener Oxford, submitted a report (previously circulated, now appended) which informed Council of the Oxfordshire Waste Partnership and the Oxfordshire Environment Partnership.
Councillor John Tanner introduced the report.
Councillor Bob Price asked if there was a new recycling target and was there a target to reduce the amount of landfill waste. In response Councillor John Tanner said that the current targets would remain for recycling and waste reduction, with new targets being set possibly in October 2014. Regarding landfill waste he acknowledged that the amount would fall when the incinerator was operational.
Councillor Jean Fooks said that she sat on the Oxfordshire Waste Partnership in 2007 when recycling rates doubled. She congratulated Councillor John Tanner for keeping something going in the interim and hoped that some county wide funding would be forthcoming.
Councillor Craig Simmons asked if the contribution to the Oxfordshire Waste Partnership from the City council would still be spent on initiatives. In response Councillor John Tanner said that it would continue to be spent on recycling and waste reduction.
Council agreed to note the report. |
Scrutiny Committee Briefing PDF 83 KB The Chair of the Scrutiny Committee has submitted a report which updates Council on the activities of scrutiny and other non-executive Councillors since the last meeting of Council.
Council is asked to comment on and note the report. Additional documents: Minutes: The Chair of the Scrutiny Committee submitted a report (previously circulated, now appended) which updated Council on the activities of Scrutiny and other non-Executive Councillors since the previous meeting of Council.
Councillors Mark Mills moved the report.
Councillor Jim Campbell thanked Councillor Mark Mills for his work as Chair and Councillor Gill Sanders for her work and support as Vice-Chair of the Scrutiny Committee. He also thanked officers for their work and support.
Councillor Craig Simmons said that he had not supported the transition to a single Scrutiny Committee as this meant that things could not be considered due to lack of Committee and officer time.
Councillor Mike Rowley said that as a Board Member he had been impressed by the Scrutiny Committee on the occasions when he had attended the meeting.
Council agreed to note the report. |
Motions on Notice Council Procedure Rule 11.16 refers.
Motions received by the Head of Law and Governance by the deadline of 1.00pm on Wednesday 2nd April 2014 are attached to this agenda. Minutes: Council had before it nine Motions on Notice and reached decisions as follows:
(1) Oxford Housing Crisis Summit – (Proposed by Councillor Sam Hollick, seconded by councillor Craig Simmons)
Green Group Member – Motion on Notice
Council notes that Oxford's housing is the most unaffordable in the UK, that there is a large shortage of affordable and council homes compared to the local housing list, rough sleeping is on the increase, and that people are being moved out of the city as housing benefit won’t cover the cost of private rents.
Council recognises that Oxford has a housing crisis.
In light of this, Council resolves to hold a Housing Crisis Summit to explore innovative solutions to Oxford’s housing crisis. This should involve a wide range of stakeholders including Council and private sector tenants, those on housing benefit and otherwise in housing need as well as third sector organisations, political representatives and housing providers from within the City and from surrounding areas.
Councillor Scott Seamons seconded by Councillor Bob Price moved the following amendment:
Councillor Scott Seamons will propose an amendment to Motion 1 in the name of Councillor Sam Hollick as follows:
To delete all of the words in the third paragraph beginning with “In light of this…..” and replace with the following words:
In light of severe housing needs of all tenures this council supports urban expansion of the city both to the North through the Northern Gateway and the Barton Park development; and to the South beyond the Grenoble Road. The recent Strategic Housing Market Assessment, made clear a need for 27,000 new homes in our city by 2031 and 100,000 in the wider county; such need cannot be met within the city's current boundaries alone, and will require a series of targeted reviews of the Oxford Green Belt. We remain disappointed about the loss of the Grenoble Road expansion with the abandonment of the South East Regional Plan with the ending of the Regional Development Agencies by this government.
Following a debate Council resolved under Procedure Rule 11/19(d) to have a named vote. The result of the named vote was as follows:
For the amended Motion – Councillors Dee Sinclair, Tony Brett, Mohammed Niaz Abbasi, Mohammed Altaf-Khan, Laurence Baxter, Susan Brown, Anne Marie Canning, Mary Clarkson, Colin Cook, Van Coulter, Stephen Curran, Roy Darke, James Fry, John Goddard, Mick Haines, Rae Humberstone, Pat Kennedy, Shah Jahan-Khan, Ben Lloyd-Shogbesan, Mark Lygo, Helen O’Hara, Michele Paule, Susanna Pressel, Bob Price, Mike Rowley, Gill Sanders, Scott Seamons, Val Smith, John Tanner, Ed Turner, Oscar Van Nooijen, Ruth Wilkinson.
Against the amended Motion – Councillors Sam Hollick, David Williams, Dick Wolff.
Abstentions – Councillors Elise Benjamin, Jim Campbell, Jean Fooks, Graham Jones, Mark Mills, Gwynneth Royce, Craig Simmons.
With more Councillors voting for the amended Motion than against the amended Motion was adopted as follows:
Council notes that Oxford's housing is the most unaffordable in the UK, that there is ... view the full minutes text for item 117. |
Matters exempt from publication If Council wishes to exclude the press and the public from the meeting during consideration of any aspects of the preceding agenda items it will be necessary for Council to pass a resolution in accordance with the provisions of Section 100A(4) of the Local Government Act 1972 specifying the grounds on which their presence could involve the likely disclosure of exempt information as described in specific paragraphs of Part 1 of Schedule 12A of the Act if and so long as, in all the circumstances of the case, the public interest in maintaining the exemption outweighs the public interest in disclosing the information.
(The Access to Information Procedure Rules – Section 15 of the Council’s Constitution – sets out the conditions under which the public can be excluded from meetings of the Council) |