Agenda, decisions and minutes

Agenda, decisions and minutes

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Speaking at a Council or Committee meeting

Venue: The Old Library - Oxford Town Hall. View directions

Contact: Alec Dubberley, Democratic Services Officer 

No. Item


Apologies for absence and substitutions




Declarations of Interest

Councillors serving on the Committee are asked to declare any personal or personal prejudicial interests they may have in any of the following agenda items.


3. Fox and Hounds, 279 Abingdon Road, Oxford - 11/02594/FUL, 11/0297/FUL, 11/02595/FUL, 11/02596/FUL and 11/02591/ADV.

Councillor Elise Benjamin, Personal and Prejudicial, is employed by one of the objectors to the application.


3. Fox and Hounds, 279 Abingdon Road, Oxford - 11/02594/FUL, 11/0297/FUL, 11/02595/FUL, 11/02596/FUL and 11/02591/ADV.

Councillor Shah Khan, Personal, was acquainted with one of the objectors to the development.


7. Recreation Ground, Meadow Lane, Oxford - 11/01473/FUL.

Councillor Bob Price, Personal, had contacted the applicants to state that the opening of a skate park would be welcomed, although approaching the meeting with an open mind.


7. Recreation Ground, Meadow Lane, Oxford - 11/01473/FUL.

Councillor Colin Cook, Personal, had been approached by a work colleague to discuss highway arrangements in the vicinity of the site.


7. Recreation Ground, Meadow Lane, Oxford - 11/01473/FUL.

Councillor Elise Benjamin, Personal, had attended a residents' meeting where the application was discussed without expressing a view.


7. Recreation Ground, Meadow Lane, Oxford - 11/01473/FUL.

Councillor Graham Jones, Personal, had invited a relative of the applicant to the Lord Mayor's charity Christmas party in recognition of community work.


7. Recreation Ground, Meadow Lane, Oxford - 11/01473/FUL.

Councillor Oscar Van Nooijen, Personal, had received correspondence from interested parties.


9. 3 Lathbury Road, Oxford - 11/02722/FUL.

Councillor Oscar Van Nooijen, Personal, had received correspondence from interested parties.


Fox and Hounds, 279 Abingdon Road, Oxford - 11/02594/FUL, 11/0297/FUL, 11/02595/FUL, 11/02596/FUL and 11/02591/ADV pdf icon PDF 28 KB

Demolition of existing public house.  Erection of 3 storey building to provide retail store on ground floor and 1x3 bedroom, 1x1 bedroom and 2x2 bedroom flats on upper floors.  Provision of plant enclosure, service yard, 9 x retail car parking spaces, 7 x residential car parking spaces, cycle parking, bin storage, landscaping and communal open space.


Item deferred from meeting of 8 December 2011.


Officer recommendation: Approve with conditions.

Additional documents:


11/02594/FUL - Demolition of existing public house. Erection of 3 storey building to provide retail store on ground floor and 1 x 3 bedroom, 1 x 1 bedroom and 2 x 2 bedroom flats on upper floors. Provision of plant enclosure, service yard, 9 x retail car parking spaces, 7 x residential car parking spaces, cycle parking, bin storage, landscaping and communal open space - Approved with conditions

11/0297/FUL - Alterations to frontage of existing building to provide new shop front and creation of a ramped access. - Refused

11/02595/FUL - Installation of plant and associated fencing - Refused


11/02596/FUL- Installation of an ATM - Application withdrawn by applicant


11/02591/ADV - Display of 4 externally illuminated fascia signs and one internally illuminated hanging sign - Approved with conditions


The Head of City Development submitted a report (previously circulated, now appended) which gave details of the following planning applications:


11/02594/FUL - Demolition of existing public house. Erection of 3 storey building to provide retail store on ground floor and 1 x 3 bedroom, 1 x 1 bedroom and 2 x 2 bedroom flats on upper floors. Provision of plant enclosure, service yard, 9 x retail car parking spaces, 7 x residential car parking spaces, cycle parking, bin storage, landscaping and communal open space -

11/0297/FUL - Alterations to frontage of existing building to provide new shop front and creation of a ramped access.

11/02595/FUL - Installation of plant and associated fencing


11/02596/FUL- Installation of an ATM


11/02591/ADV - Display of 4 externally illuminated fascia signs and one internally illuminated hanging sign.


The Development Control Team Leader explained that the applications had been deferred from the previous meeting in order to obtain clarity on concerns raised about highway and pedestrian safety. Farakh Hamid from Oxfordshire Highways spoke to the meeting to clarify the response given and to answer any further questions.


In accordance with the criteria for public speaking Mr Afzal, a local business owner, spoke in objection to the developments raising concerns on highways safety and lack of need for the development. Gemma Brickwood, Simon Peter and Nathan Hanks (on behalf of the applicants) spoke in support of the proposal. The Committee was also advised that the applicant had withdrawn application 11/02596/FUL to install a cash machine.


The Committee considered all submissions both written and oral and it was:



In respect of 11/02594/FUL to:-


(1)   Support the development in principle, subject to the conditions in the officer’s report, but defer the application in order to complete an accompanying legal agreement as outlined in the officers’ report and to delegate to officers the issuing of the notice of planning permission on its completion.


(2)   Impose a further condition requiring that no occupation of the building shall occur until measures have been put in place in, accordance with Highway Authority specifications, to provide for alterations to the junction of Weirs Lane and Abingdon Road and/or the carriageway and pavements of Weirs Lane up to the first bridging point of the River Thames to improve pedestrian safety in crossing the roads in order to mitigate against the pedestrian and highway safety implications of the approved development.


(3)   To impose a further condition requiring the applicant to construct a brick wall on the side of the site bordering 10 Weirs Lane.

In respect of 11/0297/FUL to refuse planning permission for the following reasons:


(1)   The proposal would be an inadequate use of the site


(2)   The number of car parking spaces would be too large and of concern for highway safety


(3)   The proposal would not be in keeping with the character and appearance of the area.


(4)   The development would not provide much needed housing in the area.


In respect of 11/02595/FUL to refuse planning permission for the  ...  view the full minutes text for item 79.


3 Lathbury Road, Oxford - 11/02722/FUL pdf icon PDF 99 KB

Erection of a two storey side extension and first floor extension to rear of property together with associated internal alterations.


Officer recommendation: Approve with conditions.


Approved subject to conditions.


The Head of City Development submitted a report (previously circulated, now appended) detailing a planning application for the Erection of a two storey side extension and first floor extension to rear of property together with associated internal alterations.


In accordance with the criteria for public speaking George Brownlee spoke in objection to the development highlighting concerns that the development would be out of character for the area.  Anthony Crean spoke on behalf of the applicant in support of the development.


The Committee considered all submissions both written and oral and it was:


Resolved to:-


(1)   Approve the application subject to the conditions in the officer’s report


(2)   Add an additional informative to ask for a hipped roof to be put onto the extension.


Recreation Ground, Meadow Lane, Oxford - 11/01473/FUL pdf icon PDF 83 KB

Demolition of existing timber skate park facilities and construction of new concrete skate park facilities.


Officer recommendation: Approve with conditions.


Approved subject to conditions.


The Head of City Development submitted a report (previously circulated, now appended) detailing a planning application for the demolition of existing timber skate park facilities and construction of new concrete skate park facilities.


In accordance with the criteria for public speaking the Sarah Wilde spoke on behalf of the Iffley Fields Residents’ Association objecting to the proposal on grounds of the scale of the proposal and Pamela Webber and Jack Richens spoke in support.


The Committee considered all submissions both written and oral and it was:


Resolved to:-


(1)   Grant planning permission subject to the conditions in the officer’s report


(2)   Amend the condition on operating hours to allow the new park to be used between the hours of 10am and dusk on both weekdays and weekends.


Cantay House, Park End Street, Oxford - 11/02477/FUL pdf icon PDF 1 MB

Demolition of rearmost building.  Erection of 5 storey building to comprise 44 student study rooms plus wardens accommodation.


Officer recommendation: Approve with conditions.


Approved subject to conditions.


The Head of City Development submitted a report detailing an application for the demolition of a building and the erection of a 5 storey building to comprise 44 student study rooms plus warden’s accommodation.


In accordance with the criteria for public speaking Tony Joyce spoke in objection to the development stating he felt that student accommodation was inappropriate for the site. Nik Lyzba, on behalf of the applicant, spoke in support of the development.


The Committee considered all submissions both written and oral and it was:


Resolved to:-


(1)   To support the development in principle, subject to the conditions in the officer’s report, but defer the application in order to complete an accompanying legal agreement as outlined in the offers’ report and to delegate to officers the issuing of the notice of planning permission on its completion.


(2)   Add the additional Informatives as follows:


                                            i.            Grey water


                                          ii.            To make provision to encourage the nesting of Kingfisher and Sand martin varieties of bird.


109A Banbury Road, Oxford - 11/02850/FUL pdf icon PDF 4 MB

Alterations to garden building including the addition of a kitchen to enable it to be used as a self contained annexe ancillary to 109A Banbury Road.


Officer recommendation: Approve with conditions.


Approved subject to conditions.


The Head of City Development submitted a report (previously circulated, now appended) detailing an application for alterations to garden building including the addition of a kitchen to enable it to be used as a self contained annexe ancillary to 109A Banbury Road.


In accordance with the criteria for public speaking Karen Hewitt and David Madden spoke in objection to the development highlighting concerns of over development and Mr Fiorentino, the applicant, spoke in support.


The Committee considered all submissions both written and oral and it was:


Resolved to grant a personal planning permission to the applicant subject to the conditions in the officer’s report.


Green Street Bindery and 9 Green Street, Oxford - 11/02850/FUL pdf icon PDF 130 KB

Demolition of existing buildings.  Erection of 2 and 3 storey building to provide 1x1 bed, 5x2 bed and 1x3 bed residential properties.  Provision of car and cycle parking and landscaping.


Officer recommendation: Refuse.




The Head of City Development submitted a report (previously circulated, now appended) detailing an application for Demolition of existing buildings.  Erection of 2 and 3 storey building to provide 1x1 bed, 5x2 bed and 1x3 bed residential properties as well as provision of car and cycle parking and landscaping.


In accordance with the criteria for public speaking Hillary Cave spoke in objection to the development explaining concerns that the proposal was out of character for the area. Nik Lyzba, the applicant’s agent, and Mike Tait spoke in support of the development.


The Committee considered all submissions both written and oral and it was:


Resolved to:-


(1)   Refuse planning permission for the reasons listed in the officers report


(2)   Add an eighth reason namely that the proposal made no provision for affordable homes contrary to the recently approved Housing Development Planning Document.


Planning Appeals pdf icon PDF 57 KB

To receive information on planning appeals received and determined during November 2011.


The Committee is asked to note this information.


The Head of City Development submitted a report (previously circulated, now appended) giving details of planning appeals received and determined during November 2011.


Resolved to note the report.


Forthcoming Applications

The following items are listed for information. They are not for discussion at this meeting.


(1)   Linton Lodge Hotel, Linton Road: 11/02916/FUL: Extensions etc


(2)   376 Banbury Road: 11/03008/FUL: 9 flats


(3)   56 St. Clements: 11/02722/VAR: Variation to residential permission.


(4)   Innovations House, Mill Street: 11/03005/FUL: Student accommodation


(5)   Castle Mill, Roger Dudman way: 11/02881/FUL: Student accommodation


(6)   University Science area: 11/00940/CONSLT: Masterplan (Not a planning application)




Members noted the following planning applications which would be before the Committee at future meetings:-


(1)       Linton Lodge Hotel, Linton Road: 11/02916/FUL: Extensions etc


(2)       376 Banbury Road: 11/03008/FUL: 9 flats


(3)       56 St. Clements: 11/02722/VAR: Variation to residential permission.


(4)       Innovations House, Mill Street: 11/03005/FUL: Student accommodation


(5)       Castle Mill, Roger Dudman way: 11/02881/FUL: Student accommodation


(6)       University Science area: 11/00940/CONSLT: Masterplan (Not a planning application)


Minutes pdf icon PDF 41 KB

Minutes of the meeting held on 8 December 2011.


Resolved to approve as a correct record the minutes of the meeting held on 8 December 2011.