Agenda and minutes

Agenda and minutes

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Speaking at a Council or Committee meeting

Venue: The Old Library - Oxford Town Hall. View directions

Contact: Alec Dubberley, Democratic Services Officer 

No. Item


Apologies for absence and substitutions


No apologies for absence were received.


Declarations of Interest

Councillors serving on the Committee are asked to declare any personal or personal prejudicial interests they may have in any of the following agenda items.


3. Fox and Hounds, 279 Abingdon Road, Oxford - 11/02594/FUL.

Councillor Bob Price, Personal, had attended a public meeting on the proposals..


3. Fox and Hounds, 279 Abingdon Road, Oxford - 11/02594/FUL.

Councillor Elise Benjamin, Personal and Prejudicial, is employed by one of the objectors to the application.


3. Fox and Hounds, 279 Abingdon Road, Oxford - 11/02594/FUL.

Councillor Oscar Van Nooijen, Personal, had attended a public meeting on the proposals..


3. Fox and Hounds, 279 Abingdon Road, Oxford - 11/02594/FUL.

Councillor Shah Khan, Personal, was aquainted with one of the objectors to the development..


4. Fox and Hounds, 279 Abingdon Road, Oxford - 11/0297/FUL, 11/02595/FUL, 11/02596/FUL and 11/02591/ADV.

Councillor Bob Price, Personal, had attended a public meeting on the proposals..


4. Fox and Hounds, 279 Abingdon Road, Oxford - 11/0297/FUL, 11/02595/FUL, 11/02596/FUL and 11/02591/ADV.

Councillor Elise Benjamin, Personal and Prejudicial, is employed by one of the objectors to the application.


4. Fox and Hounds, 279 Abingdon Road, Oxford - 11/0297/FUL, 11/02595/FUL, 11/02596/FUL and 11/02591/ADV.

Councillor Oscar Van Nooijen, Personal, had attended a public meeting on the proposals..


4. Fox and Hounds, 279 Abingdon Road, Oxford - 11/0297/FUL, 11/02595/FUL, 11/02596/FUL and 11/02591/ADV.

Councillor Shah Khan, Personal, was aquainted with one of the objectors to the development..


7. 10 Park End Street, Oxford - 11/02537/FUL.

Councillor Bob Price, Personal, applicant is a fellow member of Oxford City Council..


7. 10 Park End Street, Oxford - 11/02537/FUL.

Councillor Colin Cook, Personal, applicant is a fellow member of Oxford City Council..


7. 10 Park End Street, Oxford - 11/02537/FUL.

Councillor Elise Benjamin, Personal, applicant is a fellow member of Oxford City Council..


7. 10 Park End Street, Oxford - 11/02537/FUL.

Councillor Graham Jones, Personal, applicant is a fellow member of Oxford City Council..


7. 10 Park End Street, Oxford - 11/02537/FUL.

Councillor John Goddard, Personal, applicant is a fellow member of Oxford City Council..


7. 10 Park End Street, Oxford - 11/02537/FUL.

Councillor John Tanner, Personal, applicant is a fellow member of Oxford City Council..


7. 10 Park End Street, Oxford - 11/02537/FUL.

Councillor Michael Gotch, Personal, applicant is a fellow member of Oxford City Council..


7. 10 Park End Street, Oxford - 11/02537/FUL.

Councillor Oscar Van Nooijen, Personal, applicant is a fellow member of Oxford City Council..


7. 10 Park End Street, Oxford - 11/02537/FUL.

Councillor Shah Khan, Personal, applicant is a fellow member of Oxford City Council..


8. Mansfield College, Mansfield Road, Oxford - 11/02210/EXT.

Councillor Oscar Van Nooijen, Personal, was friends with the architect for the development.


Fox and Hounds, 279 Abingdon Road, Oxford - 11/02594/FUL pdf icon PDF 55 KB

The Head of City Development has submitted a report which details a planning application for the demolition of existing public house.  Erection of 3 storey building to provide retail store on ground floor and 1x3 bedroom, 1x1 bedroom and 2x2 bedroom flats on upper floors.  Provision of plant enclosure, service yard, 9 x retail car parking spaces, 7 x residential car parking spaces, cycle parking, bin storage, landscaping and communal open space.


Officer recommendation: Approve subject to conditions.

Additional documents:


The Head of City Development submitted a report (previously circulated, now appended) detailing a planning application for the demolition of existing public house,  erection of 3 storey building to provide retail store on ground floor and 1x3 bedroom, 1x1 bedroom and 2x2 bedroom flats on upper floors.  Provision of plant enclosure, service yard, 9 x retail car parking spaces, 7 x residential car parking spaces, cycle parking, bin storage, landscaping and communal open space.


The Planning Officer advised that late comments had been received from Keith Taylor MEP raising concerns about air pollution, and from Kemp & Kemp on behalf of Mr Afzal of the local Nisa store advising that in their opinion the proposal would result in the closure of the Nisa store and post office contained within it. The recommendation for approval remained.


In accordance with the criteria for public speaking Judy Chipchase and Mohammad Afzal spoke in objections to the development raising concerns over the proposed use for the site and environmental concerns. Simon Peter, Matthew Roe, William Rankin and Andy Garlick spoke in support of the applications stating that the development would improve the local area.


The Committee considered all submission both written and oral and it was:


Resolved to defer consideration of the application pending further advice from Oxfordshire County Highways on matters relating to the impact on traffic and pedestrian movement as a result of the development.


Fox and Hounds, 279 Abingdon Road, Oxford - 11/0297/FUL, 11/02595/FUL, 11/02596/FUL and 11/02591/ADV pdf icon PDF 851 KB

The Head of City Development has submitted a report which details four planning applications as follows:


(1)       11/02597/FUL – New shop front and ramped access.


            Officer recommendation: Approve subject to conditions.


(2)       11/02595/FUL – Plant and associated fencing.


            Officer recommendation: Approve subject to conditions.


(3)       11/02596/FUL – Installation of ATM.


            Officer recommendation: Approve subject to conditions.


(4)       11/02591/ADV – Externally illuminated fascia signs and internally illuminated hanging sign.


            Officer recommendation: Approve subject to conditions.


The Head of City Development submitted a report (previously circulated, now appended) detailing four planning applications as follows:


(1)       11/02597/FUL – New shop front and ramped access.


(2)       11/02595/FUL – Plant and associated fencing.


(3)       11/02596/FUL – Installation of ATM.


(4)   11/02591/ADV – Externally illuminated fascia signs and internally illuminated hanging sign.


In accordance with the criteria for public speaking Judy Chipchase and Mohammed Afzal spoke against the applications and Matthew Roe spoke in support.


The Committee considered all submission both written and oral and it was:


Resolved to defer consideration of the application pending further advice from Oxfordshire County Highways on matters relating to the impact on traffic and pedestrian movement as a result of the developments.


Cantay House, 36-39 Park End Street, Oxford - 11/02446/FUL pdf icon PDF 1 MB

The Head of City Development has submitted a report which details a planning application for the demolition of rearmost building.  Erection of 5 storey building consisting of 9x2 bed flats with cycle parking, bin stores and landscaping.


Officer recommendation: Approve subject to conditions.

Additional documents:


The Head of City Development submitted a report (previously circulated, now appended) detailing a planning application for the demolition of rearmost building, erection of 5 storey building consisting of 9x2 bed flats with cycle parking, bin stores and landscaping.


The Planning Officer reported that the comments made by Oxford Civic Society had subsequently been withdrawn, and that the figure of £19,738 to be sought by planning agreement for library facilities was included in error and should be deleted as the West End contribution also indicated represented an all inclusive figure for contributions from the development.


In accordance with the criteria for public speaking Nik Lyzba, the applicant’s agent, spoke in support of the application.


The Committee considered all submissions both written and oral and it was:


Resolved to


(1)   Support the development in principle, subject to the conditions in the officer’s reports, but defer the application in order to complete an accompanying legal agreement as outlined in the offers’ report and to delegate to officers the issuing of the notice of planning permission on its completion.


(2)   Add the additional Informatives as follows:


                                            i.            To encourage the use if solar PVT panels where possible

                                          ii.            Grey water

                                        iii.            To make provision to encourage the nesting of Kingfisher and Sand martin varieties of bird.


Former Builders Yard, Lamarsh Road -11/024499/VAR pdf icon PDF 23 MB

The Head of City Development has submitted a report which details a planning application for a minor amendment to planning permission 09/00247/FUL to allow for the revision of drawing 113-208-102 revision J (controlled by condition 2) to provide 124.4 square metres of additional mezzanine floor space.


Officer recommendation: Approve subject to conditions.

Additional documents:


The Head of City Development submitted a report (previously circulated, now appended) detailing an application for a minor amendment to planning permission 09/00247/FUL to allow for the revision of drawing 113-208-102 revision J (controlled by condition 2) to provide 124.4 square metres of additional mezzanine floor space.


The Committee considered all written submissions and it was:



(1)   To support the development in principle, subject to the conditions in the officer’s report, but defer the application in order to complete an accompanying legal agreement as outlined in the offers’ report which should also include a pro rata sum of £1250 towards  off site landscaping and / or flood prevention measures and to delegate to officers the issuing of the notice of planning permission on its completion. If this is not forthcoming then the application shall be referred back to this Committee.


10 Park End Street, Oxford - 11/02537/FUL pdf icon PDF 343 KB

The Head of City Development has submitted a report which details a planning application for the installation of a new extracting system and external ducting.


Officer recommendation: Approve subject to conditions.

Additional documents:


The Head of City Development submitted a report (previously circulated, now appended) detailing an application for the installation of a new extracting system and external ducting.


The Committee considered all written submissions and it was:


Resolved to grant planning permission subject to the conditions in the officer’s report.


Mansfield College, Mansfield Road, Oxford - 11/02210/EXT pdf icon PDF 29 KB

The Head of City Development has submitted a report which details a planning application to extend the time limit of planning permission 08/01741/FUL for erection of new buildings over four floors and basement to provide student accommodation (78 rooms), meeting rooms, offices, common rooms and ancillary facilities.  Associated landscaping and pedestrian access and landscaping improvements to existing main quadrangle.


Officer recommendation: Approve subject to conditions.

Additional documents:


The Head of City Development submitted a report (previously circulated, now appended) detailing an application to extend the time limit of planning permission 08/01741/FUL for erection of new buildings over four floors and basement to provide student accommodation (78 rooms), meeting rooms, offices, common rooms and ancillary facilities.  Associated landscaping and pedestrian access and landscaping improvements to existing main quadrangle.


The Committee considered all written submissions and it was:


Resolved to grant planning permission subject to the conditions in the officer’s report.


Forthcoming Applications

The following items are listed for information. They are not for discussion at this meeting.


(1)       Meadow Lane, Oxford – 11/01473/FUL – Skateboard Park


(2)       Roger Dudman Way, Oxford – 11/02881/FUL – Graduate student accommodation


(3)       Cantay House, Park End Street, Oxford – 11/02447/FUL – 44 student study rooms


(4)       376 Banbury Road, Oxford – 11/03008/FUL – 9 flats


(5)       56 St. Clement’s Street, Oxford – 11/02497/VAR


(6)       3 Lathbury Road, Oxford – 11/02722/FUL


(7)       University Science Area – 11/00940/CONSLT – Masterplan consultation (Not a planning application)


Members noted the following planning applications which would be before the Committee at future meetings:-


(1)       Meadow Lane, Oxford – 11/01473/FUL – Skateboard Park


(2)       Roger Dudman Way, Oxford – 11/02881/FUL – Graduate student accommodation


(3)       Cantay House, Park End Street, Oxford – 11/02447/FUL – 44 student study rooms


(4)       376 Banbury Road, Oxford – 11/03008/FUL – 9 flats


(5)       56 St. Clement’s Street, Oxford – 11/02497/VAR


(6)       3 Lathbury Road, Oxford – 11/02722/FUL


(7)       University Science Area – 11/00940/CONSLT – Masterplan consultation (Not a planning application)


Planning Appeals pdf icon PDF 60 KB

To receive information on planning appeals received and determined during October 2011.


The Committee is asked to note this information.


The Head of City Development submitted a report (previously circulated, now appended) giving details of planning appeals received and determined during October 2011.


Resolved to note the report.


Minutes pdf icon PDF 36 KB

Minutes of the meeting held on 9 November 2011


Resolved to approve as a correct record the minutes of the meeting held on 9 November 2011 as a correct record subject to the following amendment:


Minute 61, final paragraph (page 111)


Replace “That arrangements for the control of access to the site from Canterbury Road for pedestrians, cyclists and vehicles, (including during hours of darkness), should be agreed by Officers, following consultation with local residents.”




“That arrangements for the control of access to the site from Canterbury Road for pedestrians, cyclists and vehicles, (including the times of access), should be agreed by Officers, after consultation and agreement by the applicants and local residents.  If an agreement cannot be reached between the three parties the arrangements for the control of access will be taken back to the West Planning Committee for approval.”