Issue - meetings
Barton Park: 15/03642/RES and 14/03201/RES (for 13/01383/OUT)
Meeting: 02/03/2016 - East Area Planning Committee (Item 109)
109 Barton Park: 15/03642/RES PDF 1 MB
Site Address: Land at Barton Northern By-pass Road Oxford.
Proposal: 15/03642/RES Details of reserved matters (layout, scale, appearance and landscaping) for the first phase of the Barton Park development, pursuant to Condition 3 of outline planning permission 13/01383/OUT. The works comprise the construction of 237 residential units (Class C3) with associated means of access and highways works; car and cycle parking; hard and soft landscaping; public realm works and ancillary structures. (Amended plan)
Note: outline planning permission was granted in October 2013 (13/01383/OUT) for the development of the site.
Officer recommendation: to approve reserved matters for the reasons stated and to confirm compliance with the following conditions.
1. Develop in accordance with approved plans
2. Residents Parking Zone
3. Verification report - contamination
4. Watching brief - contamination
Additional documents:
- Barton Phase 1 15-03642-RES site plan and appendices 2-12, item 109 PDF 5 MB View as DOCX (109/2) 6 MB
- Barton Phase 1 15-03642-RES presentation, item 109 PDF 4 MB
Councillor Clarkson arrived after the start of this item and in accordance with the Constitution took no part in the debate or voting.
The Committee considered application 15/03642/RES for details of reserved matters (layout, scale, appearance and landscaping) for the first phase of the Barton Park development, pursuant to Condition 3 of outline planning permission 13/01383/OUT at land at Barton Northern By-pass Road Oxford.
The works comprise the construction of 237 residential units (Class C3) with associated means of access and highways works; car and cycle parking; hard and soft landscaping; public realm works and ancillary structures. (Amended plans submitted).
Outline planning permission (13/01383/OUT) was granted in October 2013 for the development of the site.
Glyn Mutton, representing the applicant, and Paul Comerford, the agent, spoke in support of the application and answered questions from the Committee.
The Committee raised concerns over the residents parking zone (RPZ) and asked that this be in place at an early stage and there be no overprovision of permits compared to parking spaces.
The Committee resolved to approve reserved matters application 15/03642/RES subject to the following conditions:
1. Develop in accordance with approved plans.
2. Residents Parking Zone.
3. Verification report – contamination.
4. Watching brief – contamination.
Meeting: 11/02/2015 - East Area Planning Committee (Item 96)
The Head of City Development has submitted a report setting out the details of the applications below and appendices relating to these (attached); and the officer’s report and appendices relating to application 13/01383/OUT considered by this committee on 24 September 2013 (as a supplement to the agenda)
Site address: Land West of Barton North of A40 and South of Bayswater Brook Northern By-pass Road Wolvercote
Application summary:
Details of reserved matters (layout, scale, appearance and landscaping) for a scheme of Enabling Infrastructure Works (such as utility services, earthworks, drainage/attenuation and road works), pursuant to conditions 3 and 4 of the outline planning permission for the mainly residential development of the site (13/01383/OUT).
More specifically these works comprise:-
a) the primary street, street furniture, on-street parking, street lighting, surface water drainage swales, associated landscaping and surface finishes;
b) green infrastructure, the linear park, greenways, hard and soft landscaping, footpaths, cycle paths and ecological improvements;
c) landscaping details for the approved A40 junction;
d) buried services and utilities, foul and surface water drainage, water channels, ponds, sustainable urban drainage systems and underground storage tanks.
This reserved matters application (14/03201/RES) is accompanied by the following additional submissions in relation to conditions and non-material amendments to the above mentioned outline permission:-
i) condition 11 - tree protection (13/01383/CND2);
ii) condition 24 - site-wide surface water drainage scheme (13/01383/CND3);
iii) condition 25 - enabling infrastructure phased surface water drainage system (13/01383/CND2);
iv) condition 26 - site-wide foul water drainage strategy (13/01383/CND3); and,
v) non-material amendments to approved A40 junction e.g. omission of splitter island (13/01383/NMA).
Officer recommendations:
1. 14/03201/RES – to approve the reserved matters application for the reasons stated and confirm compliance with condition 4 (scheme of enabling infrastructure) of 13/01383/OUT
With conditions:
1. Time limits
2. Develop in accordance with approved plans
3. Detailed design of the western play area (LEAP)
2. 13/01383/NMA – to approve the non-material amendments to the proposed A40 junction as approved under 13/01383/OUT
3. 13/01383/CND3 – to confirm compliance with condition 24 (site wide surface water strategy) and partial compliance with condition 26 (site wide foul water strategy) of 13/01383/OUT
4. 13/01383/CND2 – to confirm compliance with condition 11 (tree protection) and condition 25 (surface water scheme for current development phase) of 13/01383/OUT
Additional documents:
- Barton Park: 14/03201/RES appendices, item 96 PDF 1 MB View as DOCX (96/2) 8 MB
- Barton Park: 13/01383/OUT report (determined on 24 September2013), item 96 PDF 14 MB
- Barton Park: 13/01383/OUT supplementary report (determined on 24 September2013), item 96 PDF 117 KB
- Barton Park: 14/03201/RES presentation, item 96 PDF 6 MB
The Head of City Development submitted a report setting out the details of the applications for reserved matters and discharge of conditions 14/03201/RES, 13/01383/CND2, 13/01383/CND3, and 13/01383/NMA for land west of Barton, north of A40, and south of Bayswater Brook, Northern By-pass Road Wolvercote (‘Barton Park’).
The Committee also had before them the officer’s report and appendices relating to application 13/01383/OUT considered by this committee on 24 September 2013 to which the applications related.
The planning officer recommended removal of the first condition suggested for application 14/03201/RES (time limits) as this was dealt with by conditions on outline permission13/01383/OUT.
Councillor Haines addressed the Committee, raising concerns about the adverse impact of this development on flooding, sewage, and traffic in Marston.
Alex Robinson, on behalf of the Barton LLP, addressed the Committee.
Members of the Committee asked questions about the applications, in particular about parking and cycle parking in the public spaces and at the school; the capacity and management of the sewer system; and traffic movements through the development. Concerns about parking at the sports pavilion and the school could be addressed in future permissions. The need for adequate planting to prevent access from the open space to the A40 at the entrance to the development was noted.
Motions to grant permission for each application were proposed and put to the vote in turn.
The Committee resolved to:
1. Approve the reserved matters application 14/03201/RES and confirm compliance with condition 4 (scheme of enabling infrastructure) of 13/01383/OUT with the following conditions:
1. Develop in accordance with approved plans.
2. Detailed design of the western play area (LEAP).
2. Approve application 13/01383/NMA ( non-material amendments to the proposed A40 junction as approved under 13/01383/OUT);
3. Approve application 13/01383/CND3 (compliance with condition 24 (site wide surface water strategy) and partial compliance with condition 26 (site wide foul water strategy) of 13/01383/OUT); and
4. Approve application 13/01383/CND2 (compliance with condition 11 (tree protection) and condition 25 (surface water scheme for current development phase) of 13/01383/OUT).
Meeting: 10/12/2014 - Briefings and Presentations - public (Item 1.)
Barton Park - briefing
Following the granting of outline planning permission for the Barton Park development, the applicant has submitted a further planning application in relation to key strategic infrastructure for the site (14/03201/RES).
The application is anticipated to be reported to the East Area Planning Committee for decision in February 2015.
This briefing has been arranged to allow the applicants to update Councillors on the application, as well as on progress to date on detailed proposals to deliver the residential and other development on the site.
This meeting is open to members of the public. All are welcome to attend. There is no need to contact the Council beforehand.
Confirmed Venue:- Barton Neighbourhood Centre (Underhill Circus), Barton
Confirmed Meeting Time:- 6:00pm till 7:00pm, Wednesday, 10th December 2014
Meeting: 24/07/2014 - Briefings and Presentations - public (Item 1.)
Barton Park: 13/01383/OUT
Following the granting of outline planning permission last year for the Barton Park development, the applicant is preparing to submit "Reserved Matters" planning application/s in relation to key strategic infrastructure for the site, which is anticipated to be reported to the East Area Planning Committee for decision before the end of 2014.
This application/s will contain details of the junction arrangements to the A40, the main spinal road, including the two public squares, surface water and foul drainage, the linear Park and any earthworks needed to re-level parts of the site.
This briefing has been arranged for the applicants to update Councillors both in terms of these infrastructure works, as well as on progress to date on detailed proposals to deliver the residential and other development on the site.
This meeting is open to members of the public. All are welcome to attend. There is no need to contact the Council beforehand.