Issue - meetings
CEB Reports
Meeting: 03/07/2014 - City Executive Board (became Cabinet on 13 May 2019) (Item 21)
21 Draft Community Engagement Policy Statement 2014 - 17 PDF 95 KB
The Head of Policy, Culture and Communications has submitted a report which seeks approval from the City Executive Board to adopt the draft Community Engagement Policy Statement 2014 – 17.
Officer Recommendation: That the City Executive Board approve the draft Community Engagement Policy Statement 2014 – 17, subject to any specified amendments, for adoption.
Additional documents:
- Appendix 1 Draft Community Engagement Policy Statement, item 21
PDF 528 KB
- Appendix 2 Consultation Results - Draft Community Engagement Plan, item 21
PDF 864 KB
- Appendix 3 Risk Register - Community Engagement Policy Statement, item 21
PDF 194 KB
- Appendix 4 Initial EqIA - Community Engagement Policy Statement, item 21
PDF 198 KB
- Appendix 5 Consultation Toolkit, item 21
PDF 475 KB
The Head of Policy, Culture and Communications submitted a report (previously circulated, now appended) which sought approval from the City Executive Board to adopt the draft Community Engagement Policy Statement 2014 – 17.
Cllr Simm, Executive Board Member for Culture and Communities presented the report.
The Board noted and agreed the Scrutiny Committee’s recommendations 1-4. In terms of the pilot study (recommendation 3) it was suggested that officers use two case studies of consultations already planned. One case study should be a broad, city wide consultation and the other should focus on a small in-depth sole community of interest.
The City Executive Board resolved:
1. To approve the draft Community Engagement Policy Statement 2014–17 for adoption.
2. That Officers test the effectiveness of the Council’s Community Engagement Policy Statement’s principles by choosing two planned consultations as case studies. One should be a broad, city wide consultation and the other should focus on a small in-depth sole community of interest.
Meeting: 23/06/2014 - Scrutiny Committee (Item 9)
9 Community Engagement Plan 2014/2017 - Adoption of the Plan PDF 89 KB
Contact Officers: Peter McQuitty, Head of Policy, Culture and Communications
Tel 01865 252780,
Background Information |
This strategy was considered by the Scrutiny Committee during its consultation period. |
Why is it on the agenda? |
The Committee made a number of recommendations which were agreed by the City Executive Board and asked to see the final strategy before agreement.
The recommendations made by the Scrutiny Committee are attached alongside the strategy report.
This item will be considered by the City Executive Board on the 3rd. July. |
Who has been invited to comment? |
Peter McQuitty, Head of Policy, Culture and Communications |
Additional documents:
- Report to CEB_ Draft Community Engagement Policy Statement 2014-17, item 9
PDF 96 KB View as DOC (9/2) 192 KB
- Appendix 1 Draft Community Engagement Policy Statement, item 9
PDF 528 KB
- Appendix 2 Consultation Results - Draft Community Engagement Plan,, item 9
PDF 864 KB
- Appendix 3 Risk Register - Community Engagement Policy Statement,, item 9
PDF 198 KB
- Appendix 4 Initial EqIA - Community Engagement Policy Statement,, item 9
PDF 198 KB
- Appendix 5 Consultation Toolkit, item 9
PDF 475 KB
The Head of Policy, Culture and Communication submitted a report (previously circulated, now appended) which detailed the draft Community Engagement Policy Statement 2014 – 17.
The Consultation Officer presented the report. She outlined that the Policy Statement encompassed all consultation plans across the Council.
Cllr Lloyd Shogbesan asked that engagement with faith communities be included in the Policy Statement.
Cllr Sanders asked why the consultation of the Policy Statement was so poor with 13,000 questionnaires produced and only 48 received. People only consult if they feel that what they say will make a difference. The likelihood or participation increases if people are going to be affected by the proposal.
The Committee resolved to make the following recommendations to CEB:
1. To provide a clear statement in the principles on the ambition for engagement focusing on depth as well as breadth.
2. To provide information on the engagement ambitions set for all consultations during the last year, what was achieved and how this fits with the principles set within the Policy Statement.
3. To suggest to the Scrutiny Committee an up and coming engagement/empowerment exercise that can act as a pilot study to demonstrate the effectiveness of the principles within this report.
4. To provide a table that shows how all comments received during the consultation on this Policy Statement have been handled.