Issue - meetings

Issue - meetings

Headington Neighbourhood Area - Neighbourhood Plan

Meeting: 23/04/2014 - City Executive Board (became Cabinet on 13 May 2019) (Item 180)

180 Headington Neighbourhood Area - Neighbourhood Plan pdf icon PDF 113 KB

The Head of City Development has submitted a report which proposes the designation of the Headington neighbourhood area. For clarification, this is not intended to be designated as business areas.



Recommendations: That the City Executive Board


1.    Designates the proposed Headington Neighbourhood Area.

2.    Does not designate the area as a business area.

Additional documents:


The Head of City Development submitted a report (previously circulated, now appended) concerning the proposed designation of the Headington Neighbourhood Area. Councillor Colin Cook presented this report to the Board.


Sarah Harrison (Senior Planning Officer) informed the Board of a late comment from the Centre for Islamic Studies; which had expressed concern that it had not been consulted by the Headington Neighbourhood Forum. Their contact details will be passed to the Forum so that they can be involved in future.


Councillor Cook observed that it was not always possible to consult everyone, and that it was necessary in this case to work within the Ward boundaries.


Councillor Susan Brown had been given assurances that it would be possible for planning gain funding to be spent legitimately outside the designated neighbourhood area – in this case, parts of Wood Farm and Lye Valley. Money raised by the Community Infrastructure Levy (CIL) was fairly mobile, and while 25% of it should be spent within the neighbourhood area, 75% could be used elsewhere.


Councillor Turner felt that this idea was a good one, but added that he would not wish to see areas of the City with neighbourhood plans receive all the attention when it came to consultation.


With the agreement of the Board, Mike Ratcliffe (Chair of the Steering Group) addressed the meeting and confirmed that he would be happy to talk with the Oxford Centre for Islamic Studies. The group aimed to make plans that were coherent for Headington, and although the task ahead was onerous they had plenty of enthusiasm!


Resolved to:-


(1)  Designate the proposed Headington Neighbourhood Area;


(2)  Not designate it as a business area.