Issue - meetings

Issue - meetings

Proposal to Proceed with a Contract to Undertake Commercial Waste Collections and Environmental Improvement Services for an External Public Sector Client

Meeting: 09/10/2013 - City Executive Board (became Cabinet on 13 May 2019) (Item 81)

81 Proposal to Proceed with a Contract to Undertake Commercial Waste Collections and Environmental Improvement Services for an External Public Sector Client pdf icon PDF 87 KB

The report seeks approval to tender for Commercial Waste collections and Environmental Improvement services to a public body, as the potential value of the contract exceeds delegated authority levels.


It is recommended that:-


(1)  The Executive Director of Community Services be authorised in conjunction with the Head of Finance to enter into an appropriate contract with the public sector body identified in the Not for Publication Annex attached to the report for the supply of various commercial waste services;


(2)  The Board notes that in the event that the tender is successful that capital expenditure will be required to fulfil the contract, which will require an addition to the Council’s Capital Programme.


There is a not for publication annexe attached to this report at agenda item….


The Executive Director Community Services submitted a report (previously circulated, now appended) seeking the Board’s approval to tender for commercial waste collections and environmental improvement services to a public body.


Councillor Ed Turner, Board Member for Finance, Efficiency and Strategic Asset Management presented the report to the Board and provided some background and context. He paid tribute to officers whose hard work had enabled to proposal to reach this stage.


Resolved that:-


(1)  The Executive Director of Community Services be authorised in conjunction with the Head of Finance to enter into an appropriate contract with the public sector body identified in the Not for Publication Annex attached to the report for the supply of various commercial waste services;


(2)  The Board notes that in the event that the tender is successful that capital expenditure will be required to fulfil the contract, which will require an addition to the Council’s Capital Programme.