Issue - meetings

Issue - meetings

Jericho Canalside Supplementary Planning Document - Consultation

Meeting: 11/09/2013 - City Executive Board (became Cabinet on 13 May 2019) (Item 55)

55 Jericho Canalside Supplementary Planning Document - Consultation pdf icon PDF 117 KB

This report asks the Board to approve a draft Jericho Canalside Supplementary Planning Document for consultation. It also asks the Board at this stage to approve the draft Supplementary Planning Document as a material consideration in determining planning applications.  It asks the Board to endorse the strategic environmental assessment screening report referred to in paragraph 34 of and Appendix 4 to the report.  And it asks the Board to authorise the Head of City Development to make editorial corrections as and if necessary to the Supplementary Planning Document (in consultation with the Board Member) before consultation starts.

Additional documents:


The Head of City Development submitted a report (previously circulated, now appended) concerning the Jericho Canalside SPD Consultation.


Councillor Colin Cook (Board Member for City Development) presented the report to the Board and asked to make one minor change to the draft SPD document as follows:


·         Paragraph 6.15 – to remove the reference to 1,000m square gross external area as a guideline for the Community Centre, pending further work with the Community Centre and consultees.


Laura Goddard (Planning Policy) outlined two further changes, the wording of which would be agreed with Councillor Cook and the Head of City development:-


·         Paragraph 6.13- planning consent had not lapsed; and the stated 1,400m square gross external area should be 1,600m square;

·         Paragraph 6.14 needs further clarity generally and this will be agreed as above.


Laura Goddard indicated that the consultation was expected to start on Friday 13th September and would last for six weeks. The final report would return to CEB in December 2013.


Resolved to:-


(1)  Approve the draft Jericho Canalside SPD for public consultation with amendments as listed above;


(2)  Approve the draft Jericho SPD as a material consideration in determining planning applications;


(3)  Endorse the accompanying Strategic Environmental Assessment screening Report;


(4)  Authorise the Head of City Development to make any necessary editorial corrections to the document prior to publication in consultation with the Board Member.


(Having declared a pecuniary interest in this item, Councillor Susan Brown withdrew from the room whilst the matter was discussed, and took no part in the proceedings)