Issue - meetings

Issue - meetings

Finance, Performance and Risk - Quarter 2 Progress 2013/14

Meeting: 11/09/2013 - City Executive Board (became Cabinet on 13 May 2019) (Item 56)

56 Finance, Performance and Risk - Quarter 1 Progress pdf icon PDF 35 KB

This report provides an update to the Board on financial and non-financial performance and corporate risk for the period April to June 2013 (Quarter 1).  It recommends the Board generally to note the position but specifically in relation to waste, to:-


(1)  Agree that the Council’s performance indicator for the recycling rate target be amended to 44% for 2013/14 and 2014/15 and 45% for 2015/16 and 2016/17 as referred to in paragraph 8 of and Appendix B to the report;


(2)  Agree that the weight of residual waste per household per annum should in future be used as the Council’s key indicator (published in the Corporate Plan) to measure its recycling performance as referred to in paragraph 8 of and Appendix B to the report.






Additional documents:


The Executive Director, Organisational Development and Corporate Services submitted a report (previously circulated, now appended) that updated the Board on Finance, Risk and Performance at the end of Quarter 1 (30th June 2013)


In the absence of the Board Member for Finance, Efficiency and Strategic Asset Management, Councillor Bob Price presented this report to the Board. He invited Councillor John Tanner, Board Member for Cleaner, Greener Oxford, to introduce the section on recycling rates.


Councillor Jean Fooks attended the meeting and addressed the Board on the contents of this report.


Scrutiny Recommendations


The following recommendations were submitted:-


Recommendation 1: To express concern about the availability of resources to deliver the Capital Programme.


Response: The Council’s 2013/14 capital programme is significantly greater than in previous years. The administration involved in delivering this programme is similarly considerable and whilst every effort is made to use the councils in-house resources there are occasions when this is not always possible. Consequently the monitoring report identifies a number of additional external posts which will be required to facilitate key capital projects.


Recommendation 2: To reconsider the reporting of the Commercial Property rental measure using dates that align to produce a more accurate picture of performance.   


Response: Agree that the reporting of this indicator needs improving to mitigate the timing differences highlighted in the report. Officers will ensure that this is undertaken going forward


Recommendation 3: That the City Executive Board bring forward their strategy for the provision of contingencies with the forthcoming medium Term Financial Strategy to the next meeting of the Panel in November. 


Response: The Medium Term Financial Plan and Consultation Budget for 2014-15  is scheduled to be presented to CEB in December 2013 at which point the Finance Panel will be able to consider the strategy for the provision of contingencies in the context of the pressures and risks identified.


Resolved to:-


(1)  Note the financial position and performance of the Council for the first quarter of 2013/14, and also the position of risks outstanding as at 30th June 2013;

(2)  That the Council’s performance indicator for the Recycling Rate Target be amended to a floor target of 44% for 2013/14 and 2014/15, and to 45% for 2015/16 and 2016/17 in accordance with paragraph 8 of the report. The Council still aspires to reach a 50% target for recycling;


(3)   That the Board agrees that the weight of residual waste per household, per annum, should in future be used as the Council’s key indicator (published in the Corporate Plan) to measure its recycling performance in accordance with paragraph 8 of the report.