Issue - meetings

Issue - meetings


Meeting: 26/06/2013 - Planning Review Committee (Item 5)

5 Former Cowley Community Centre, Barns Road - 12/03278/FUL pdf icon PDF 77 KB

The Head of City Development has attached a report which details a planning application to erect a 4 storey building comprising community centre (215 sq.m), retail and workshop unit (Emmaus) on ground floor together with 40 "car-free" residential flats (19 x 1-bed, 21 x 2-bed).  Provision of 3 x customer car parking spaces and 3 x delivery spaces to serve Emmaus, 2 x car club parking spaces and 3 x disabled car parking spaces.  Includes 100 cycle parking spaces, bin storage and associated landscaping works.


This application was called in from the East Area Planning Committee that met on 5June 2013 by the following Councillors:


Cook, Fry, Turner, Sanders, Khan, Rowley, Kennedy, Curran, Canning, Sinclair, Tanner and Lygo.



Officer recommendation: That the Committee GRANT planning permission subject to conditions, but to defer the issuing of the decision notice and delegate it to the Head of City Development following the satisfactory completion of the associated Section 106 legal agreement.




1          Development begun within time limit         

2          Develop in accordance with approved plans

3          Samples Materials

4          Archaeology – mitigation

5          Suspected contamination – Phased risk assessment

6          Variation of road traffic order - Car Club Spaces

7          Car and cycle parking to be laid out prior to use of building in accordance with details to be agreed in writing by the Council beforehand

8          Bin storage facilities

9          Wheelchair accessible spaces allocated and retained

10        No development to commence until signage erected on Knolles Road and in application site dissuading parking by residents and visitors       

11        Real time passenger information points to be installed in all flats

12        Drainage details required

13        Balcony details required

14        Pedestrian Link required at all times between Barns Road and Knolles Road

15        Landscape plan required

16        Landscape to be carried out by completion

17        SuDS Compliant Hardsurfacing

18        Details of boundary treatment required

19        Details of layout of community centre required prior to commencement

20        Construction Traffic Management Plan required prior to commencement

21        Travel Plan required

22        Environmental Management Plan required prior to work commencing

23        Public Art - Scheme Details & timetable

24        Details of sound proofing of workshop

25        Vision Splays required

26        Compensatory landscaping along Barns Road to be agreed with Council and Highway Authority prior to commencement of development

27        Wheel Washing Facilities to be agreed to prevent mud on highway

28        To be undertaken in accordance with the Natural Resource Impact Analysis document

29        Furniture construction, repair, treatment, demolition to take place only within fully sound attenuated building

30        Personal permission for use of retail/workshop unit restricted to Emmaus only unless the Council agrees otherwise in writing

31        Details of cycle parking required prior to commencement of development

32        No development to take place until a replacement freestanding bus shelter on Barns Road has been erected to the County Council’s standards and specifications

33        Prior to first occupation of the development the existing dropped kerbs allowing vehicular access to the site from Barns Road shall be  ...  view the full agenda text for item 5

Additional documents:


The Head of City Development submitted a report which detailed a planning application to erect a 4 storey building comprising community centre (215 sq.m), retail and workshop unit (Emmaus) on ground floor together with 40 "car-free" residential flats (19 x 1-bed, 21 x 2-bed).  Provision of 3 x customer car parking spaces and 3 x delivery spaces to serve Emmaus, 2 x car club parking spaces and 3 x disabled car parking spaces.  Includes 100 cycle parking spaces, bin storage and associated landscaping works.


This application was called in from the East Area Planning Committee that met on 5June 2013 by Councillors Cook, Fry, Turner, Sanders, Khan, Rowley, Kennedy, Curran, Canning, Sinclair, Tanner and Lygo.


In accordance with the criteria for public speaking Robert Wakefield, Daniel Lordon and Judith Harley spoke against the application and Marita Ford (GreenSquare Group), Wyon Stansfeld (Emmaus Oxford) and Paul Ruff (AHMM) spoke in favour of it.


The Committee asked that neighbouring residents be consulted on the types of trees to be planted before landscaping plan agreed.


Having taken all written and oral submissions into account, the Committee resolved to GRANT planning permission subject to conditions, but to defer the issuing of the decision notice and delegate it to the Head of City Development following the satisfactory completion of the associated Section 106 legal agreement.




1          Development begun within time limit         

2          Develop in accordance with approved plans

3          Samples Materials

4          Archaeology – mitigation

5          Suspected contamination – Phased risk assessment

6          Variation of road traffic order - Car Club Spaces

7          Car and cycle parking to be laid out prior to use of building in accordance with details to be agreed in writing by the Council beforehand

8          Bin storage facilities

9          Wheelchair accessible spaces allocated and retained

10        No development to commence until signage erected on Knolles Road and in application site dissuading parking by residents and visitors       

11        Real time passenger information points to be installed in all flats

12        Drainage details required

13        Balcony details required

14        Pedestrian Link required at all times between Barns Road and Knolles Road

15        Landscape plan required

16        Landscape to be carried out by completion

17        SuDS Compliant Hardsurfacing

18        Details of boundary treatment required

19        Details of layout of community centre required prior to commencement

20        Construction Traffic Management Plan required prior to commencement

21        Travel Plan required

22        Environmental Management Plan required prior to work commencing

23        Public Art - Scheme Details & timetable

24        Details of sound proofing of workshop

25        Vision Splays required

26        Compensatory landscaping along Barns Road to be agreed with Council and Highway Authority prior to commencement of development

27        Wheel Washing Facilities to be agreed to prevent mud on highway

28        To be undertaken in accordance with the Natural Resource Impact Analysis document

29        Furniture construction, repair, treatment, demolition to take place only within fully sound attenuated building

30        Personal permission for use of retail/workshop unit restricted to Emmaus only unless  ...  view the full minutes text for item 5

Meeting: 05/06/2013 - East Area Planning Committee (Item 8)

8 Former Cowley Community Centre, Barns Road: 12/03278/FUL pdf icon PDF 133 KB

The Head of City Development has submitted a report which details a planning application to erect a 4 storey building comprising community room, retailing and workshop floor space on ground floor and 40 residential flats (18 x 1 bed, 22 x 2 bed) on upper floors.  Provision of 5 car parking spaces, 100 cycle parking spaces, bin stores and ancillary works MP



Officer recommendation: That the Committee GRANT planning permission subject to conditions, but defer the issuing of the decision notice until the satisfactory completion of the associated Section 106 legal agreement. and delegate the issuing of the decision notice to the Head of City Development.  



1          Development begun within time limit         

2          Develop in accordance with approved plans

3          Samples Materials

4          Archaeology – mitigation

5          Suspected contamination – Phased risk assessment

6          Variation of road traffic order - Car Club Spaces

7          Car and cycle parking to be laid out prior to use of building in accordance with details to be agreed in writing by the Council beforehand

8          Bin storage facilities

9          Wheelchair accessible spaces allocated and retained

10        No development to commence until signage erected on Knolles Road and in application site dissuading parking by residents and visitors       

11        Real time pedestrian information points to be installed in all flats

12        Drainage details required

13        Balcony details required

14        Pedestrian link required at all times between Barns Road and Knolles Road

15        Landscape plan required

16        Landscape carry out by completion

17        SuDS Compliant Hard surfacing

18        Details of boundary treatment required

19        Details of layout of community centre required prior to commencement

20        Construction Traffic Management Plan required prior to commencement

21        Travel Plan required

22        Environmental Management Plan required prior to work commencing

23        Public Art - Scheme Details & timetable

24        Details of sound proofing of workshop

25        Vision Splays required

26        Compensatory landscaping along Barns Road to be agreed with Council and Highway Authority prior to commencement of development

27        Wheel Washing Facilities to be agreed to prevent mud on highway

28        To be undertaken in accordance with the Natural Resource Impact Analysis document

29        Furniture construction, repair, treatment, demolition to take place only within sound attenuated building

30        Personal permission for use of retail/workshop restricted to Emmaus only

31        Details of cycle parking required prior to commencement of development

32        No development to take place until a replacement freestanding bus shelter on Barns Road has been erected to the County Council’s standards and specifications

33        Prior to first occupation of the development the existing dropped kerbs allowing vehicular access to the site from Barns Road shall be reinstated to the County Council’s standards and specifications


Legal Agreements


A total of £395,000 Section 106 contributions over the 3 application sites [Northway Centre/Dora Carr Close, Westlands Drive and Barns Road] (which includes admin fees for city and county) will be secured as follows:


·        £250,000 towards primary and secondary education

·        £100,000 towards highways, £37,500 of which will  ...  view the full agenda text for item 8

Additional documents:


The Head of City Development submitted a report which detailed a planning application to erect a 4 storey building comprising community room, retailing and workshop floor space on ground floor and 40 residential flats (18 x 1 bed, 22 x 2 bed) on upper floors.  Provision of 5 car parking spaces, 100 cycle parking spaces, bin stores and ancillary works MP


In accordance with the criteria for public speaking, the Committee noted that Robert Wakefield, Daniel Lordan and Judith Harley spoke against the application and Jo Curson (GreenSquare Group), Carl Hibbing (Emamus) and Paul Ruff (AHMM) spoke in favour of it.


The Committee resolved to REFUSE planning permission on the following grounds:


1.  The proposal fails to provide sufficient social rented affordable housing on this site thereby failing to meet the objective of creating mixed and balanced communities and does not comply with policy HP3 of the Council’s Sites and Housing Plan 2013,


2.  The proposal seeks to provide a car-free development in an area which is not subject to a Controlled Parking Zone (CPZ). Consequently the car-free nature of the scheme cannot be enforced. As a result the proposals are likely to lead to significant on-street parking to the detriment of highway safety and the parking conditions for existing local residents. Consequently the proposal is contrary to policy CP1 of the Oxford Local Plan 2001-2016 and HP16 of the Sites and Housing Plan 2013.


3. The proposal fails to make sufficient and safe provision for access and circulation for delivery and servicing vehicles as well as pedestrian movement in and around the site to the detriment of highway safety, contrary to policy CP1 of the Oxford Local Plan 2001-2016.


4. The excessive height and bulk of the building fails to reflect the smaller suburban scale of properties at the rear to the detriment of the character of the area and the amenity of the neighbouring residents, contrary to policies CP1, CP6, CP8 and CP10 of the Oxford Local Plan 2001-2016 and policy HP14 of the Sites and Housing Plan 2013.


5. The proposed amount and intensity of development and competing uses is inappropriate on this restricted site, amounting to overdevelopment to the detriment of the amenity of existing residents and future occupiers, contrary to policies CP1, CP6 and CP10 of the Oxford Local Plan 2001-2016.

Meeting: 13/05/2013 - East Area Planning Committee (Item 159)

DEFERRED_ Former Cowley Community Centre, Barns Road: 12/03278/FUL

DEFERRED until the Committee meeting on 5 June 2013


This application has been DEFERRED because of the large volume of third party responses that were received after the Committee report was published


The deferral will allow for the report to be updated and any issues addressed, to assist all parties with representations and discussion at the committee meeting.


DEFERRED until the Committee meeting on 5 June 2013


This application was DEFERRED because of the large volume of third party responses that were received after the Committee report was published


The deferral will allow for the report to be updated and any issues addressed, to assist all parties with representations and discussion at the committee meeting.