Issue - meetings

Issue - meetings

Finance, Performance and Risk - Quarter 2 Progress 2012/13

Meeting: 11/12/2013 - City Executive Board (became Cabinet on 13 May 2019) (Item 104)

104 Finance, Performance and Risk - Quarter 2 Progress 2012/13 pdf icon PDF 34 KB


This report sets out the financial and non-financial performance of the Council as at the end of September 2013 (the Second Quarter of the financial year 2013/14).  It also sets out the position in respect of the risks on the Council’s Corporate Risk Register.  The Board is being asked to:-


(1)  Note the financial position and performance of the Council for the second quarter of 2013/14 and also the position of risks outstanding as  at 30th September 2013;


      (2) Note a virement, approved by the Head of Finance under delegated   authority, being the introduction into the 2013/14 Housing Revenue Account Capital Programme of a £0.250 million budget for “Green Energy”, and further funding associated with this project being included in the 2014/15 Budget consultation;


(2)  Note that it will be a priority to transfer at year-end the reported £2.262m General Fund projected surplus, together with the £0.800m previously transferred from the in-year risk contingency budget, to a specific Earmarked Reserve to fund the Capital Programme in the absence of further planned capital receipts



Additional documents:


The Head of Finance and the Head of Business Improvement and Technology submitted a report (previously circulated, now appended).


Resolved to note:-


(1)  The financial position and performance of the Council for the second quarter of 2013/14 and also the position of risks outstanding as  at 30th September 2013;


      (2) Note a virement, approved by the Head of Finance under delegated   authority, being the introduction into the 2013/14 Housing Revenue Account Capital Programme of a £0.250 million budget for “Green Energy”, and further funding associated with the project being included in the 2014/15 Budget consultation;


(2)  That it would be a priority to transfer at year-end the reported £2.262m General Fund projected surplus, together with the £0.800m previously transferred from the in-year risk contingency budget, to a specific Earmarked Reserve to fund the Capital Programme in the absence of further planned capital receipts.