Issue - meetings

Issue - meetings

Medium Term Financial Strategy 2025/26 to 2026/27 and 2025/26 Budget

Meeting: 13/02/2025 - Council (Item 80)

80 Medium Term Financial Strategy 2025/26 to 2026/27 and 2025/26 Budget pdf icon PDF 129 KB

The Group Director Finance has submitted a report to Cabinet on 7 February 2024, to present the outcome of the budget consultation and agree the Council’s Medium Term Financial Strategy for 2025-26 to 2027-28 and 2024-25 Budget for recommendation to Council.

Any further proposed amendments to the budget will be reported in the Briefing Note.

Councillor Ed Turner, Deputy Leader (Statutory) and Cabinet Member for Finance and Asset Management, will present the report and propose Cabinet’s recommendations.

Amendments to the budget proposed by opposition groups or individual councillors must be received by Democratic Services before 1.00 p.m. on Wednesday 12 February 2025 and will be published in the Briefing Note.

The procedure for this item is set out in Part 11.4 of the Council’s Constitution.

A recorded vote must be taken when voting to agree the final budget and medium term strategy.


Additional documents:


Council had before it and considered:

·                The report of the Group Director Finance to Cabinet on 05 February 2025 setting out the outcome of the budget consultation and seeking agreement of the Council’s Budget for 2025/26 and the Medium-Term Financial Strategy for 2026/27 to 2028/29.

·                The Labour Group’s submitted subsequent amendment published with the briefing note.

·                The Liberal Democrat Group’s submitted amendments published with the briefing note.

·                The Green Group’s submitted amendments published with the briefing note.

·                The Independent Oxford Alliance Group’s submitted amendments published with the briefing note.

·                The Oxford Community Independents Group’s submitted amendments published with the briefing note.

·                An individual amendment proposed by Councillor Jarvis tabled at the meeting.


Councillor Ed Turner, Deputy Leader (Statutory) and Cabinet Member for Finance and Asset Management, presented the report and proposed Cabinet’s recommendations. Councillor Turner thanked the Council officers for their work on the budget. He noted the importance of the Council taking the lead on improving the city. He also discussed the outcome of the residents’ survey and how that had shaped the proposed budget. Councillor Turner, Cabinet Member for Finance and Asset Management, seconded by Councillor Brown, Leader of the Council and Cabinet Member for Inclusive Economy and Partnerships, proposed agreement of the Budget and the Medium Term Strategy and the recommendations from Cabinet.  He also moved his amendment to the Budget, published at Item 9a of the agenda, which was seconded by Councillor Brown.

a)        Additional recommendations from Cabinet and corrections      to the published budget

Councillor Turner, Cabinet Member for Finance and Asset Management, seconded by Councillor Brown, Leader of the Council and Cabinet Member for Inclusive Economy and Partnerships, proposed the additional amendment from Cabinet.

b)             Alternative budget proposals - Liberal Democrat Group amendments

The Liberal Democrat Group withdrew their amended Budget, following submission of the amended Labour Group Budget.

Councillor Harley arrived during the discussion of amendment 9b.

c)             Alternative budget proposals - Green Group amendments

Councillor Mundy left the chamber for the discussion of and vote on amendment 9c due to his declared interest in this item.

Councillor Jarvis, seconded by Councillor Max Morris, moved the Green Group amendments. 

Following debate, these were put to the vote.

With more Councillors voting against (19), than for (7), and 20 abstentions, the Green Group amendments were not carried.

d)             Alternative budget proposals - Independent Oxford Alliance Group Amendments

Councillors Henwood and Stares left the chamber for discussion of and vote on amendment 9d, due to their declared interest in this item.

Councillor Yeatman, seconded by Councillor Rehman, moved the Independent Oxford Alliance Group Amendments.

Following debate, these were put to the vote.

With more Councillors voting against (27), than for (8), and 10 abstentions, the Independent Oxford Alliance Group amendments were not carried.

e)             Alternative Budget Proposals - Oxford Community Independents Group Amendments

Councillor Mundy left the chamber for discussion of and vote on amendment 9d, due to their declared interest in this item. Councillors Henwood and Stares re-entered the chamber at this time.  ...  view the full minutes text for item 80