Issue - meetings

Issue - meetings

Housing Revenue Account (HRA) Rent Setting Report 2025/26

Meeting: 27/01/2025 - Council (Item 7.)

7. Housing Revenue Account (HRA) Rent Setting Report 2025/26 pdf icon PDF 534 KB

The Head of Financial Services had submitted a report to present the outcome of Oxford City Council’s (the council’s) annual rent review and associated rent setting proposal for 2025/26 in respect of all council dwellings within the Housing Revenue Account, including the setting of associated services and facilities charges.

Recommendation: That Council resolves to:

·       Approve an increase of 2.7% for 2025/26 (subject to any subsequent cap on increases imposed by central government) in social dwelling rents from 1st April 2025 giving an average weekly increase of £3.51 per week, and a revised weekly average social rent of £133.68 as set out in the Financial Implications section of this report.

·       Approve an increase to rents for shared ownership dwellings as outlined in paragraph 21 of the Financial Implications.

·       Approve an increase to service charges by 2.7% (CPI + 1%) to enable the HRA to recover the associated cost of supply.

·       Approve an increase to the charge for a garage of 4.1%, equating to an increase of £0.78 per week for a standard garage within a curtilage with a revised charge of £20.00 per week.

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