Issue - meetings

Oxfordshire Health & Wellbeing Strategy 2024-2030

Meeting: 17/04/2024 - Cabinet (Item 152)

152 Oxfordshire Health & Wellbeing Strategy 2024-2030 pdf icon PDF 121 KB

The Head of Corporate Strategy has submitted a report to present the Oxfordshire Health and Wellbeing Strategy 2024-30, as a key partner in developing and delivering the strategy.

Cabinet is recommended to:

1.        Note theOxfordshire Health and Wellbeing Strategy 2024-30; and


2.        Note the draft Health and Wellbeing Action Plan 2024 at Appendix 2.

Additional documents:


The Head of Corporate Strategy had submitted a report to present the Oxfordshire Health and Wellbeing Strategy 2024-30 and draft action plan, as a key partner in developing and delivering the strategy.

Councillor Louise Upton, Cabinet Member for Planning and Healthier Communities highlighted that the Health and Wellbeing Strategy was underpinned by the action plan.  This had a focus on preventing ill health, tackling inequality, and collaboration between all parts of the healthcare system.  It took account of all life stages and all of the elements which impacted on a person’s chances of living a healthy life, such as: job insecurity, poverty, access to a decent home, effects of climate change, and access to social networks.

It was broad ranging, with actions which ranged from reducing smoking and increasing activity to looking after mental health.  The Council had a role to play in a number of these actions, for example through the provision of green spaces or providing decent homes.  Several other organisations also had actions within the action plan.

Councillor Ed Turner drew attention to the need for improved access to facilities within the healthcare system (most notably access to a GP) - particularly in areas where there was housing growth and in areas of deprivation - and to address issues of capacity.   There was a need for an improved interface with the planning process when developments were planned so as to ensure access to healthcare facilities.  Concern was also expressed around sustainability and deliverability of the action plan in the current financial context.

Cabinet resolved to:

1.        Note theOxfordshire Health and Wellbeing Strategy 2024-30; and


2.        Note the draft Health and Wellbeing Action Plan 2024 at Appendix 2.