Issue - meetings
Updates to Constitution
Meeting: 25/11/2024 - Council (Item 12.)
12. Updates to Constitution PDF 271 KB
The Head of Law and Governance (Monitoring Officer) has submitted a report which seeks Council’s agreement to amend the Constitution to reflect changes to the Contract Rules.
Recommendation: Council is recommended to:
1. To approve the amendments to
a. The Contract Rules as attached at Appendix One
b. Part 4.4 (Publication of Officer Decisions) as set out at paragraph 10;
c. Part 15.4 (Key Decisions) as set out at paragraph 16;
d. Part 4.5 (Decisions that must be agreed by Cabinet) as set out at paragraph 17;
e. The Financial Rules as set out at paragraph 18.
2. To delegate authority to the Monitoring Officer to make any other consequential amendments to the Constitution to reflect the above changes to the extent that they have not been identified in the above, provided such changes are purely required as a direct consequence.
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