Issue - meetings

Issue - meetings

Oxfordshire Councils Charter

Meeting: 12/06/2024 - Cabinet (Item 13)

13 Oxfordshire Councils Charter pdf icon PDF 123 KB

The Head of Law and Governance has submitted a report to seek approval of the Oxfordshire Councils Charter, a framework for better partnership working in Oxfordshire, including shared commitments and principles.

Cabinet is recommended to:

1.          Approve the Oxfordshire Councils Charter.

Additional documents:


The Head of Law and Governance had submitted a report to seek approval of the Oxfordshire Councils Charter, a framework for better partnership working in Oxfordshire including shared commitments and principles.

Councillor Anna Railton, Cabinet Member for Zero Carbon Oxford, reported that the Charter was a non-binding agreement which sought to promote a closer working relationship between the different levels of local government within Oxfordshire.  The Charter had been subject to consultation, and also review by a multi-organisational working group.

Cabinet resolved to:

1.          Approve the Oxfordshire Councils Charter.