Issue - meetings
Local Government Association Corporate Peer Review: Council Action Plan
Meeting: 13/12/2023 - Cabinet (Item 100)
100 Local Government Association Corporate Peer Review: Council Action Plan PDF 194 KB
The Chief Executive has submitted a report to update Cabinet on the Council’s Action Plan in response to the Corporate Peer review feedback and recommendations of July 2023.
Cabinet is recommended to:
1. Approve the Council’s Action Plan in response to the July 2023Corporate Peer review feedback and recommendations; and
2. Note the progress that has already been made towards the July 2023 Peer Review recommendations, which are set out in the Action Plan.
Additional documents:
- Appendix 1 - Oxford City Council Local Government Peer Challenge Feedback Report July 2023, item 100
PDF 397 KB
- Appendix 2 - Corporate Peer Challenge Review July 2023 Action Plan, item 100
PDF 713 KB
The Chief Executive had submitted a report to update Cabinet on the Council’s Action Plan in response to the Corporate Peer review feedback and recommendations of July 2023.
Councillor Susan Brown, Leader, presented the report and outlined the work which had commenced, and the progress which had been made, in addressing the recommendations arising from the review. It was noted that a refresh of the Council’s Corporate Plan was due in the near future, and that the recommendations and action plan would help to inform that process.
Cabinet heard that preparation had also begun for the progress review with the LGA, which would take place in March / April 2024.
Cabinet resolved to:
1. Approve the Council’s Action Plan in response to the July 2023Corporate Peer review feedback and recommendations; and
2. Note the progress that has already been made towards the July 2023 Peer Review recommendations, which are set out in the Action Plan.