Issue - meetings
City-wide Smoke Control Area for Oxford
Meeting: 13/09/2023 - Cabinet (Item 59)
59 City-wide Smoke Control Area Declaration PDF 175 KB
The Head of Corporate Strategy has submitted a report to seek approval of plans to create a City-wide Smoke Control Area in Oxford.
Cabinet is recommended to:
1. Approve plans to revoke Oxford’s existing 23 Smoke Control Orders and replace them with a single Smoke Control Order across the whole City, subject to the outcome of consultations and confirmation by the Secretary of State; and
2. Subject to the outcome of the public consultation and confirmation by the Secretary of State, delegate authority to the Head of Corporate Strategy in consultation with the Cabinet Member for Zero Carbon Oxford and Climate Justice and the Head of Law and Governance, to make the order.
Additional documents:
- Appendix 1 - Map of existing smoke control areas, item 59
PDF 146 KB
- Appendix 2 - Emissions from domestic heating methods, item 59
PDF 135 KB
- Appendix 3 - Risk Assessment, item 59
The Head of Corporate Strategy had submitted a report to seek approval of plans to create a City-wide Smoke Control Area in Oxford.
Councillor Anna Railton, Cabinet Member for Zero Carbon Oxford and Climate Justice, reported that the proposal was being brought forward largely as a public health intervention rather than for carbon reduction reasons. There was an increasing amount of domestic burning in Oxford, and the creation of a city-wide smoke control area offered an opportunity to reduce particulate pollution both indoors and outdoors. It would also simplify enforcement and reduce confusion for residents as to where the smoke control areas applied. Councillor Railton clarified that the proposal would cover buildings with chimneys but did not include bonfires, barbecues or narrow boats.
Cabinet resolved to:
1. Approve plans to revoke Oxford’s existing 23 Smoke Control Orders and replace them with a single Smoke Control Order across the whole City, subject to the outcome of consultations and confirmation by the Secretary of State; and
2. Subject to the outcome of the public consultation and confirmation by the Secretary of State, delegate authority to the Head of Corporate Strategy in consultation with the Cabinet Member for Zero Carbon Oxford and Climate Justice and the Head of Law and Governance, to make the order.