Issue - meetings
Out of Hospital Care Team Provision
Meeting: 13/09/2023 - Cabinet (Item 55)
55 Continuation of the Oxfordshire Out of Hospital Care Model PDF 154 KB
The Executive Director (Communities and People) has submitted a report to seek authorisation to continue the Oxfordshire Out of Hospital Care Group through financing secured from the Better Care Fund and to seek delegated authority to award ongoing contracts (with annual break clauses) for the provision of this service, subject to securing the necessary financing.
Cabinet is recommended to:
1. Approve continuation of the Oxfordshire Out of Hospital Care Model (OOHCM) using the financing secured through the Better Care Fund (BCF);
2. Recommend to Council the allocation of £1.2 million to continue to fund the Oxfordshire Out of Hospital Care Model until 31st March 2024, using funding from the Better Care Fund;
3. Delegate authority to the Executive Director (Communities and People) in consultation with the Cabinet Member for Housing, the Head of Financial Services / Section 151 Officer, and the Head of Law and Governance / Monitoring Officer to enter into agreements and contracts to continue the Oxfordshire Out of Hospital Care Model until 31st March 2024 within the level of the external funding award and within the project approval; and
4. Delegate authority to the Executive Director (Communities and People) in consultation with the Cabinet Member for Housing, the Head of Financial Services / Section 151 Officer, and the Head of Law and Governance / Monitoring Officer to enter into agreements and contracts to continue the Oxfordshire Out of Hospital Care Model beyond 31st March 2024, up to a maximum of five years with an early termination clause, subject to ongoing financing being secured and in place.
Additional documents:
- Appendix 1 - OOHC Staffing Model, item 55
PDF 115 KB
- Appendix 2 - Diagram of Flow, item 55
PDF 215 KB
- Appendix 3 - Case Study 1, item 55
- Appendix 4 - Case Study 2, item 55
The Executive Director (Communities and People) had submitted a report to seek authorisation to continue the Oxfordshire Out of Hospital Care Group through financing secured from the Better Care Fund and to seek delegated authority to award ongoing contracts (with annual break clauses) for the provision of this service, subject to securing the necessary financing.
Councillor Linda Smith, Cabinet Member for Housing, commented that it was regrettable that funding was only available until 31st March 2024. It would be better and more efficient for commissioning and service delivery if funding were available for longer. It was hoped that further funding would be available in the future. The model had built on a pilot and had worked effectively for two years, meeting its aim of providing housing for people in need and helping the health system by ensuring that people were able to leave hospital and go somewhere which was right for their needs, thereby reducing hospital admissions and rough sleeping.
Cabinet resolved to:
1. Approve continuation of the Oxfordshire Out of Hospital Care Model (OOHCM) using the financing secured through the Better Care Fund (BCF);
2. Recommend to Council the allocation of £1.2 million to continue to fund the Oxfordshire Out of Hospital Care Model until 31st March 2024, using funding from the Better Care Fund;
3. Delegate authority to the Executive Director (Communities and People) in consultation with the Cabinet Member for Housing, the Head of Financial Services / Section 151 Officer, and the Head of Law and Governance / Monitoring Officer to enter into agreements and contracts to continue the Oxfordshire Out of Hospital Care Model until 31st March 2024 within the level of the external funding award and within the project approval; and
4. Delegate authority to the Executive Director (Communities and People) in consultation with the Cabinet Member for Housing, the Head of Financial Services / Section 151 Officer, and the Head of Law and Governance / Monitoring Officer to enter into agreements and contracts to continue the Oxfordshire Out of Hospital Care Model beyond 31st March 2024, up to a maximum of five years with an early termination clause, subject to ongoing financing being secured and in place.