Issue - meetings
Citizen Experience Strategy
Meeting: 12/07/2023 - Cabinet (Item 28)
28 Citizen Experience Strategy PDF 170 KB
The Head of Business Improvement has submitted a report to seek approval for a new Citizen Experience Strategy 2023-25.
Cabinet is recommended to:
1. Approve the Citizen Experience Strategy 2023-25 (at Appendix 1).
Additional documents:
- Appendix 1 - Citizen Experience Strategy, item 28
PDF 1023 KB
- Appendix 2 - Consultation Findings, item 28
PDF 578 KB
- Appendix 3 - Risk Register, item 28
PDF 138 KB
- Appendix 4 - Equalities Impact Assessment, item 28
PDF 625 KB
The Head of Business Improvement had submitted a report to seek approval for a new Citizen Experience Strategy 2023-25.
Councillor Nigel Chapman, Cabinet Member for Citizen Focused Services and Council Companies, highlighted that the strategy was more wide-ranging than the previous Customer Contact Strategy, and also built on lessons learned during the Covid pandemic in that it did not diminish the importance of face to face contact to resolve difficult issues. Councillor Chapman reported that the Council had recently signed a three year agreement with Oxfordshire County Council and the Citizens Advice Bureau to extend and enhance the Council’s customer service presence at the Westgate Library. This was particularly welcome as the Council received high customer satisfaction ratings from users of the service.
Councillor Chapman commented that the pillars of the strategy, and the associated action plans, were around its focus on citizens; inclusion; and getting things right first time. Progress against the strategy would be monitored by a suite of measures, and included the potential for feedback using the residents’ survey.
Cabinet resolved to:
1. Approve the Citizen Experience Strategy 2023-25 (at Appendix 1).