Issue - meetings

Issue - meetings

Code of Conduct: summary of complaints and individual dispensations - DD MONTH YEAR until DD MONTH YEAR

Meeting: 13/10/2022 - Standards Committee (Item 2)

2 Local Hearing Panel (Case No. 0017352) pdf icon PDF 328 KB

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The Monitoring Officer had submitted a report to provide the Local Hearing Panel with the Investigator’s Report and all associated evidence to enable them to determine the allegation that Littlemore Parish Councillor, Michael Evans, had breached the Littlemore Parish Council Code of Conduct for Members.

In accordance with Section 28 of the Localism Act 2011, which provides that arrangements must be in place to deal with complaints of Councillors breaching their code of conduct, the Local Hearing Panel conducted a hearing into complaint reference 0017352.

Cllr Michael Evans (Littlemore Parish Council) left the meeting before the Panel announced its determination of whether there had been a breach of the Littlemore Parish Code of Conduct for Members and did not return.

A copy of the decision notice is attached to these minutes.