Issue - meetings

Thriving Communities Strategy

Meeting: 14/12/2022 - Cabinet (Item 102)

102 Thriving Communities Strategy 2023-27 pdf icon PDF 437 KB

The Executive Director (Communities & People) has submitted a report to present the Thriving Communities Strategy 2023-27, and recommend its adoption by Council as part of Budget and Policy Framework.

Cabinet is recommended to:

1.      Recommend to Council to adopt Oxford’s Thriving Communities Strategy 2023-27 as part of the Council’s policy framework, including the following recommendations:


(i)      agree and adopt the Thriving Communities Principles across the Council’s work and to encourage our partners to do the same;


(ii)     explore opportunities to improve the inclusivity and sustainability of Oxford’s community facilities, and review opportunities as they arise through a business case;


(iii)    continue to integrate council services and seek out opportunities to better align our work with partner agencies, including co-location.


2.    Agree that an annual progress update should be produced for Cabinet, and that the action plan should be regularly reviewed based on new data and insights such as the census.

Additional documents:


The Executive Director (Communities & People) had submitted a report to present the Thriving Communities Strategy 2023-27, and to recommend its adoption by Council as part of the policy framework.

Councillor Shaista Aziz, Cabinet Member for Inclusive Communities and Culture, clarified that the Strategy aimed to improve the way in which the Council worked with and alongside communities, rather than looking to impose solutions.  The pandemic and cost of living crisis had demonstrated the excellent work of many thriving community organisations; the Strategy would seek to help people to work more closely together and avoid duplication, provide a voice to communities, and provide autonomy in how communities worked with the Council.

The Head of Community Services highlighted the importance and value of the 10-week Thriving Communities City Conversation which had involved partners, community groups and residents.  The outcomes of this process had underpinned and informed the development of the strategy.  A desktop version of the strategy was currently being prepared which would include video, and an easy-read version was also available.  This was aimed at ensuring the accessibility of the Strategy to everyone.  An action plan was also being produced, and it was proposed that an annual update should be brought to Cabinet detailing progress against aims and learning points acquired over the preceding year.

Cabinet resolved to:

1.      Recommend to Council to adopt Oxford’s Thriving Communities Strategy 2023-27 as part of the Council’s policy framework, including the following recommendations:


(i)       agree and adopt the Thriving Communities Principles across the Council’s work and to encourage our partners to do the same;


(ii)      explore opportunities to improve the inclusivity and sustainability of Oxford’s community facilities, and review opportunities as they arise through a business case;


(iii)     continue to integrate council services and seek out opportunities to better align our work with partner agencies, including co-location.


2.    Agree that an annual progress update should be produced for Cabinet, and that the action plan should be regularly reviewed based on new data and insights such as the census.