Issue - meetings

Issue - meetings

Motions on Notice

Meeting: 19/12/2011 - Council (Item 77)

77 Motions on Notice pdf icon PDF 85 KB

Council Procedure Rule 11.14 refers.  The Motions (listed in the order received) that have been notified to the Head of Law and Governance by the deadline of 1.00pm on Wednesday 7th December 2011 are attached to this agenda.


Council had before it 14 Motions on Notice and reached decisions as follows:


(1)       Means tests for Councillors – (Proposer – Councillor Stuart Craft, seconded by Councillor Nuala Young)


This Council agrees that Councillors with an annual household income exceeding £75,000 have no need to claim their allowance and that this money would be better spent in the interests of the City’s Council Tax payers.


With this in mind, Council agrees to set up a Committee to decide the details of a system of means testing for City Councillors in order to remove the allowance from those councillors with annual incomes exceeding £75,000.


Council requests that those Councillors currently falling into this category voluntarily give up their allowance until a formal system is introduced.


Council also agrees to request that City Councillors who are also County Councillors put forward a motion to the same ends to the County Council.


Following a debate, Council voted and the Motion was not adopted


(2)       Resignation of the City Council Leader – (Proposer – Councillor Stuart Craft)


Oxford City Council has engaged in transactions resulting in public land being sold to the benefit of Oxford Brookes University.   Council has also decided a major planning application by Brookes that received a large amount of opposition from local residents.


Council understands that it would be perfectly reasonable for members of the public to conclude that the Leader of Oxford City Council, Bob Price, has a conflict of interest when dealing with Oxford Brookes as he is a Director at the university.


With this in mind Council agrees, to remove the Leader from office as provided for in paragraph 1.4(c) of the Constitution.


            The Motion fell as there was no seconder.


(3)       Temple Cowley and Blackbird Leys Pools – (Proposer – Councillor Stuart Craft seconded by Councillor David Williams)


If the current plans for a new swimming pool at Blackbird Leys were to go ahead, the land at Temple Cowley along with playing fields (and mature trees) in Blackbird Leys will be lost – probably forever.


As councillors we are entrusted to safeguard the City’s assets for future generations.


With this in mind, this Council asks the Executive to put plans for a new swimming pool at Blackbird Leys on hold until:


(a)      An alternative source of funding becomes available other than the proposed funds from the sale of Temple Cowley Pool.


(b)      An alternative site for the new pool, which does not encroach on existing playing fields or have a negative effect on neighbouring residents’ lives, is found.


            Following a debate, Council voted and the Motion was not adopted


(4)       Oxford Transport Strategy and Motorcycles – (Proposer – Councillor Stuart Craft seconded by Councillor Dick Wolff)


Oxfordshire County Council’s Transport Strategy fails to address the benefits of motorcycle use as an alternative to the car.  

Motorcycles can be a cheap alternative to cars for commuters who live off the main bus routes.  Motorcycles take up less road space than cars  ...  view the full minutes text for item 77