Issue - meetings

Issue - meetings

Work Programme and Forward Plan

Meeting: 12/04/2022 - Scrutiny Committee (Item 126)

126 Report back on recommendations and from Scrutiny Panel meetings pdf icon PDF 238 KB

At its meeting on 16 March the Cabinet considered the following reports from Scrutiny and made responses to the recommendations:

·       Climate Emergency Review Group Update

·       Equality, Diversity and Inclusion Strategy

·       Allocation of Preventing Homelessness Grant 2022/23

·       Housing Assistance and Disabled Adaptation Policy

·       Annual Update of the Council Business Plan

·       Oxfordshire Recovery and Renewal Framework


Since Scrutiny’s previous meeting, the following Panels have met:

·       Housing & Homelessness Panel (22 March)

·       Companies Scrutiny Panel (28 March)


The Committee is asked to:

1.    Note Cabinet’s responses to its recommendations.

2.    Note the updates from Panel Chairs.


The Chair presented the report on recommendations and asked the Committee for its views on whether it considered the ‘recommendations agreed/not agreed by Cabinet’ column in the recommendation reports was required and whether the Committee should look to develop a form of metric to replace the yes/no recording.

Members advised that they thought the column was useful and added that one of the most valuable parts of the report was the explanation column for why the recommendation was agreed or not by Cabinet.

In addition, Members said that it would be useful for future reports submitted to Scrutiny Committee for consideration if there was an indication of where the Committee was able to have input in terms of making recommendations, as there were some occasions where the Committee’s scope for making recommendations was limited and it would be useful to know this before reading the report. It was suggested that knowing where the Committee could have input would also help guide discussion at meetings.

Cllr Chapman left the meeting and did not return.

The Committee agreed to defer further discussion on these issues to the next meeting.

The Committee noted the report back on recommendations.

There was no report back on recent Scrutiny Panel meetings as the Chairs of the Housing & Homelessness Panel and Companies Scrutiny Panel were not present.

Meeting: 05/04/2022 - Scrutiny Committee (Item 119)

119 Report back on recommendations and from Scrutiny Panel meetings pdf icon PDF 238 KB

At its meeting on 16 March the Cabinet considered the following reports from Scrutiny and made responses to the recommendations:

·       Climate Emergency Review Group Update

·       Equality, Diversity and Inclusion Strategy

·       Allocation of Preventing Homelessness Grant 2022/23

·       Housing Assistance and Disabled Adaptation Policy

·       Annual Update of the Council Business Plan

·       Oxfordshire Recovery and Renewal Framework


Since Scrutiny’s previous meeting, the following Panels have met:

·       Housing & Homelessness Panel (22 March)

·       Companies Scrutiny Panel (28 March)


The Committee is asked to:

1.    Note Cabinet’s responses to its recommendations.

2.    Note the updates from Panel Chairs.