Issue - meetings

Issue - meetings

Commercial Events, Hackney Carriage and Private Hire, Road Closure Orders, Scrap Metal Dealers, Sex Establishments and Street Parties: Licence Fees and Charges for the 2022/23 Financial Year

Meeting: 07/02/2022 - General Purposes Licensing Committee (Item 12)

12 Commercial Events, Hackney Carriage and Private Hire, Road Closure Orders, Scrap Metal Dealers, Sex Establishments and Street Parties: Licence Fees and Charges for the 2022/23 Financial Year pdf icon PDF 126 KB

The Head of Regulatory Services and Community Safety has submitted a report to seek agreement of the licence fees for 2022/23 where the Council has discretion over the level of fee charged.

Recommendation: That the General Purposes Licensing Committee resolves to:

1.    Agree the licence fees and charges for 2022/23 as set out in Appendix 1 and recommend them to Council.

Additional documents:


The Head of Regulatory Services and Community Safety had submitted a report to seek agreement of the licence fees for 2022/23 where the Council had discretion over the level of fee charged.

The Senior Licensing Compliance Officer introduced the report. It was proposed that no substantial variation to the current fees and charges was made in 2022/23 in order to provide financial stability to licence holders in the present economic climate. It was added that the Taxi Licensing Fees may be revisited later in the year, but this was not confirmed and the fees would be brought to the Committee for consideration in the event they were revised.

In response to questions, the Senior Licensing Compliance Officer confirmed:

·       That she had been asked to mention the possibility of the Taxi Licensing Fees being revisited because they had not been revised for some time, but there was no immediate intention to revise them.

·       That one-year licences were only issued in special circumstances by the Licensing Team Leader (e.g. the economic climate due to COVID-19 or driver retirement).

·       That the fees were set to reflect the Council’s costs (e.g. sex entertainment premises were more expensive, but this reflected the work that went into conducting more inspections to ensure compliance with relevant legislation and regulations).

The Committee resolved to:

·       Agree the licence fees and charges for 2022/23 as set out in Appendix 1 and recommend them to Council.