Issue - meetings
Meeting: 02/08/2021 - Finance and Performance Panel (Panel of the Scrutiny Committee) (Item 15)
15 Aareon QL Implementation Update
As requested by the Panel at its previous meeting, an update report on the implementation of the Aareon QL system will be provided to the Panel. It is recommended that this update be taken in confidential session. Paul Leo, Executive Director of Housing, and Nigel Kennedy, Head of Financial Services, will be available to present the report.
The Panel is recommended to NOTE the report, having raised any questions it may have and having agreed any recommendations to make to Cabinet arising therefrom.
NB This report is to follow.
Paul Leo, Interim Executive Director of Housing, provided an update on the implementation of the Aareon QL system to the Panel.
The Panel AGREED to make the following recommendations to Cabinet:
1) That the Council, in a future lessons learnt exercise, should seek to include within its audit of the cost the indirect costs arising from the implementation of the QL system
2) That the Council recognises the exemplary commitment of staff across multiple functions in managing and mitigating the challenges posed by the implementation and finds suitable means of recompense.
NB There are confidential minutes relating to this item.