Issue - meetings
Finance and Performance Work Plan
Meeting: 24/01/2022 - Finance and Performance Panel (Panel of the Scrutiny Committee) (Item 3.)
3. Finance and Performance Work Plan PDF 9 KB
The Panel is recommended to AGREE the proposed workplan for the remainder of the municipal year.
Meeting: 07/12/2021 - Finance and Performance Panel (Panel of the Scrutiny Committee) (Item 27)
Finance and Performance Work Plan
The Panel is asked to NOTE that there are currently no relevant reports going to Cabinet in January. The only work currently scheduled for the Panel of that meeting is to sign off the draft Budget Review Group report. Although the meeting is liable to be short, the Panel is recommended to AGREE to retain the meeting of the Finance and Performance Panel scheduled for 24 January 2022.
The Panel NOTED the absence of Cabinet reports coinciding with its January meeting and discussed whether to move the meeting to February. It was AGREED not to move the January meeting to February and use the meeting to sign off the Budget Review Group report.
Meeting: 06/09/2021 - Finance and Performance Panel (Panel of the Scrutiny Committee) (Item 19)
19 Finance and Performance Work Plan PDF 101 KB
Attached is the recommended work plan for the Panel. The Panel is asked to AGREE the work plan.
NB The work plan has a shorter horizon than in previous years as the main Scrutiny Committee is taking a more flexible approach which means it is unable to commit longer in advance to the topics it will consider.
The Panel NOTED the forthcoming work plan.
Meeting: 02/08/2021 - Finance and Performance Panel (Panel of the Scrutiny Committee) (Item 10)
10 Finance and Performance Work Plan PDF 5 KB
Attached is the recommended work plan for the Panel. The Panel is asked to AGREE the work plan.
NB The work plan has a shorter horizon than in previous years as the main Scrutiny Committee is taking a more flexible approach which means it is unable to commit longer in advance to the topics it will consider.
The Panel NOTED the forthcoming work plan.
Meeting: 08/07/2021 - Finance and Performance Panel (Panel of the Scrutiny Committee) (Item 3)
3 Finance and Performance Work Plan PDF 4 KB
Attached is the recommended work plan for the Panel.
The Panel has two meetings in August and September each with one item on the agenda. The August report, Social Value in Procurement Update, is not time sensitive. The Panel is recommended, therefore, to agree to delay consideration of it until September and cancel the August meeting.
NB The work plan has a shorter horizon than in previous years as the main Scrutiny Committee is taking a more flexible approach which means it is unable to commit longer in advance to the topics it will consider.
The Panel were informed that with changes to the Forward Plan the September meeting would coincide with the Treasury Management report and Integrated Performance Report Q1. As such, the recommendation in the agenda – to combine the August and September meetings – no longer was possible and that the meetings should remain as scheduled, with the Treasury Management and Integrated Performance Reports added to the September agenda.