Issue - meetings

Issue - meetings

Operation of Park and Ride Sites

Meeting: 21/09/2011 - City Executive Board (became Cabinet on 13 May 2019) (Item 29)

29 Operation of Park and Ride Sites pdf icon PDF 121 KB

To set out proposals for changes to the management of the Council’s three Park and Ride sites in a way that meets the requirements of the City Council’s Medium Term Financial Strategy.


The Executive Director for City Services submitted a report (previously circulated, now appended) setting out proposals for changes to the management of the Council’s three Park and Ride sites in a way that met the requirements of the City Council’s Medium Term Financial Strategy.


Councillor Turner confirmed the view of many Councillors that it was regrettable but unavoidable to reintroduce charging at the City’s three park and ride sites. The charge, he added, was being proposed to cover the City council’s running costs of the sites and would not be a method of income generation.


The Board was addressed by Councillor Fooks who referred the issues of partnership working between the City and County Councils.




(1)   That taking into account the requirements of the Council’s Medium Term Financial Strategy and the savings provided by different working arrangements to agree that a parking charge of £1.50 per day should be introduced at the Redbridge, Seacourt and Pear tree Park and Ride Sites within the City of Oxford;


(2)   To note that the necessary steps were being taken to make a variation Order to give effect to the changes in the method of payment as set out in paragraphs 10 and 11 of the report and to season tickets and other concessions that might be agreed by the Director for City Services in consultation with the Board Member; and


(3)   To RECOMMEND Council to agree a capital budget in the order of £264,000 for the purchase of equipment required to operate the service, financed from Section 106 receipts.