Issue - meetings
1-3 George Street refurbishment
Meeting: 25/01/2021 - Council (Item 65)
65 1-3 George Street refurbishment PDF 196 KB
The Executive Director (Development) has submitted a report to Cabinet on 20 January 2021 to seek approval to fund and enter into a contract for the building refurbishment of 1-3 George Street, to provide affordable managed workspace in the heart of the city centre.
Papers relating to this item are attached and also set out in the agenda for the Cabinet meeting. Cabinet’s decision will be reported in the briefing note.
Recommendations: Cabinet recommends that Council resolves to
- approve a capital budget of £1.921m to deliver the project with the enhanced sustainability option and including the use of up to £800K of funds awarded to the Council from OxLEP’s Local Growth Fund. This will be split £454K in 20/21, £1.361m in 21/22 and £106K in 22/23. This is an increase to the proposed capital allocation in 21/22 consultation budget and the rationale for this increased investment is set out in the confidential Appendix 1.
Additional documents:
- Appendix 2 Risk Register 20201204 v1.1, 20/01/2021 Cabinet, item 65
PDF 171 KB
- Appendix 3 EIA Full Assessment template v1 101220, 20/01/2021 Cabinet, item 65
PDF 279 KB View as DOCX (65/3) 125 KB
Council considered the report of the Executive Director (Development) seeking approval to fund and enter into a contract for the building refurbishment of 1-3 George Street to provide affordable managed workspace in the heart of the city centre.
The Cabinet Member for Planning and Housing Delivery, Cllr Hollingsworth, introduced the report, proposed the recommendations and answered questions.
The recommendations were agreed on being seconded and put to the vote.
Council resolved to:
approve a capital budget of £1.921m to deliver the project with the enhanced sustainability option and including the use of up to £800K of funds awarded to the Council from OxLEP’s Local Growth Fund. This will be split £454K in 20/21, £1.361m in 21/22 and £106K in 22/23.
Meeting: 20/01/2021 - Cabinet (Item 121)
121 1-3 George Street refurbishment PDF 196 KB
The Executive Director (Development) has submitted a report to seek approval to fund and enter into contract for the building refurbishment of 1-3 George Street, to provide affordable managed workspace in the heart of the city centre.
Recommendations:That Cabinet resolves to:
1. Delegate authority to the Executive Director Development, in consultation with the Council’s Section 151 Officer and the Head of Law and Governance to agree and enter into a building contract for the refurbishment works and associated professional services, following the conclusion of a current procurement exercise;
2. Delegate authority to the Executive Director Development, in consultation with the Council’s Section 151 Officer and the Head of Law and Governance to and to enter into agreement with an operator to manage the building and provide business support services, following the conclusion of a current procurement exercise; and
3. Recommend to Council to approve a capital budget of £1.921m to deliver the project with the enhanced sustainability option and including the use of up to £800K of funds awarded to the Council from OxLEP’s Local Growth Fund. This will be split £454K in 20/21, £1.361m in 21/22 and £106K in 22/23. This is an increase to the proposed capital allocation in 21/22 consultation budget and the rationale for this increased investment is set out in the confidential Appendix 1.
Additional documents:
- Appendix 2 Risk Register 20201204 v1.1, item 121
PDF 171 KB
- Appendix 3 EIA Full Assessment template v1 101220, item 121
PDF 279 KB View as DOCX (121/3) 125 KB
The Executive Director (Development) had submitted a report to seek approval to fund and enter into contract for the building refurbishment of 1-3 George Street, to provide affordable managed workspace in the heart of the city centre.
Cllr Alex Hollingsworth, Cabinet Member for Planning & Housing Delivery, introduced the report. This City centre property owned by the Council was in need of significant improvement and refurbishment. The proposals would not only make the property easier to let but would also increase its environmental efficiency. The intention would be to let it as a flexible, affordable workspace, with a wish to bring back businesses into the City centre which would, in turn, support service businesses which rely on local footfall.
Cabinet resolved to:
1. Delegate authority to the Executive Director Development, in consultation with the Council’s Section 151 Officer and the Head of Law and Governance to agree and enter into a building contract for the refurbishment works and associated professional services, following the conclusion of a current procurement exercise;
2. Delegate authority to the Executive Director Development, in consultation with the Council’s Section 151 Officer and the Head of Law and Governance to and to enter into agreement with an operator to manage the building and provide business support services, following the conclusion of a current procurement exercise; and
3. Recommend to Council to approve a capital budget of £1.921m to deliver the project with the enhanced sustainability option and including the use of up to £800K of funds awarded to the Council from OxLEP’s Local Growth Fund. This will be split £454K in 20/21, £1.361m in 21/22 and £106K in 22/23. This is an increase to the proposed capital allocation in 21/22 consultation budget and the rationale for this increased investment is set out in the confidential Appendix 1.