Issue - meetings
20/00821/FUL: Rear of 10 - 28 Marshall Road, Oxford, OX4 2NR
Meeting: 02/09/2020 - East Area Planning Committee (Item 30)
30 20/00821/FUL: Rear of 10 - 28 Marshall Road, Oxford, OX4 2NR PDF 374 KB
Proposal: Redevelopment of existing light industrial unit to provide 5 x 2-bed flats, 2 x 3-bed dwellings and 2 x 4-bed dwellings (Use Class C3) provision of private amenity space, car parking and bin and bicycle storage.
Demolition of garage to no. 10 Marshall Road to enable improvements to access from the pubic highway.
Site Address: Rear Of, 10 - 28 Marshall Road, Oxford, Oxfordshire – see Appendix 1 for site plan.
Recommendations: East Area Planning Committee is recommended to
1. REFUSE planning permission for the following reasons :
I. The proposed development has failed to demonstrate that the proposal makes the best use of the site's capacity through exploring all available opportunities in a manner compatible with both the site itself and the surrounding area. The development therefore results in an inefficient use of the land contrary to the aims and objectives of policy S1 and RE2 of the adopted Oxford Local Plan 2036;
II. The proposed development by reason of its siting, layout, scale and appearance fails to provide a high quality residential development that responds to the local vernacular, is locally distinctive and provides a sense of place for the occupiers of the development, contrary to policies in the NPPF and DH1 of the adopted Oxford Local Plan 2036;
III. The proposed development fails to provide safe and convenient bike storage within the curtilage of the dwellinghouses to the south east of the site. Had the above reasons for refusal not have applied, the LPA would have sought amended plans to demonstrate that bike storage for the occupiers of the houses could be provided in a safe, accessible and convenient manner on site and within the rear curtilage of the houses, therefore promoting and supporting alternative modes of transport in accordance with sustainability objectives and policy M5 of the Oxford Local Plan 2036; and to
2. Agree to delegate authority to the Head of Planning Services to:
finalise the reasons for refusal as set out in this report including such refinements, amendments, additions and/or deletions as the Head of Planning Services considers reasonably necessary.
Additional documents:
- Appendix 1 - 2000821FUL – Site Plan – 10 – 28 Marshall Road, item 30 PDF 300 KB View as DOCX (30/2) 288 KB
- 20-00821-FUL 10-28 Marshall Road Presentation 1 rev, item 30 PDF 4 MB
Cllr Lloyd-Shogbesan lost connection to the meeting during this item and so did not vote.
The Committee considered an application for planning permission for the redevelopment of the existing light industrial unit to provide 5 x 2-bed flats, 2 x 3-bed dwellings and 2 x 4-bed dwellings (Use Class C3); provision of private amenity space, car parking and bin and bicycle storage; and demolition of garage to no. 10 Marshall Road to enable improvements to access from the pubic highway on the site to the rear of 10 - 28 Marshall Road, Oxford.
The planning officer recommended and the Committee agreed changes to the refusal reasons:
· Amend 1st reason to read: The proposed development has failed to demonstrate that the proposal makes the best use of the site’s capacity to maximise its potential to deliver housing, including affordable housing, through exploring all available opportunities in a manner compatible with both the site itself and the surrounding area. The development therefore results in an inefficient use of the land contrary to the aims and objectives of policy S1, RE2 and H2 of the adopted Oxford Local Plan 2036.
· Add 4th reason: The proposed development fails to provide a reduction of 40% of carbon emissions from a 2013 Building Regulations compliant base case. Had the above reasons for refusal not have applied, the LPA would have sought amended plans and an amended Energy Strategy to demonstrate how the scheme could provide compliance with this policy and incorporate sustainable design and construction principles into the development. The development therefore fails to accord with policy RE1 of the adopted Local Plan 2036.
Simon Sharp (the agent for the applicant) spoke in support of the application.
On being proposed, seconded and put to the vote, the Committee agreed with the officer’s recommendation to refuse the application for the reasons in the report, with the changes recommended by the officer.
The East Area Planning Committee resolved to
1. REFUSE planning permission for application 20/00821/FUL for the following reasons as set out in the report and amended as above:
i. The proposed development has failed to demonstrate that the proposal makes the best use of the site's capacity to maximise its potential to deliver housing, including affordable housing, through exploring all available opportunities in a manner compatible with both the site itself and the surrounding area. The development therefore results in an inefficient use of the land contrary to the aims and objectives of policy S1 and RE2 and H2 of the adopted Oxford Local Plan 2036;
ii. The proposed development by reason of its siting, layout, scale and appearance fails to provide a high quality residential development that responds to the local vernacular, is locally distinctive and provides a sense of place for the occupiers of the development, contrary to policies in the NPPF and DH1 of the adopted Oxford Local Plan 2036;
iii. The proposed development fails to provide safe and convenient bike storage within the curtilage of the dwellinghouses to the ... view the full minutes text for item 30