Issue - meetings

Issue - meetings

Review of polling places - January 2020

Meeting: 13/02/2020 - Council (Item 94)

94 Review of polling places pdf icon PDF 147 KB

The Head of Law and Governance has submitted a report asking Council to approve the schedule of polling districts and polling places (shown at Appendix A to the report) for the administrative area of the City Council as required by the Electoral Administration Act 2006.


Appendices 1 and 3 (schedule and map of polling districts and places) will be published separately in a supplement (to follow).


Councillor Brown, Leader of the Council, will move the recommendations.


Recommendation: that Council

1.    approves the schedule of polling districts and polling places (shown at Appendix 1 of the report) for the administrative area of the City Council;

2.    delegates to the Returning Officer the power to make changes to polling places and polling stations in emergency situations; and

3.    requests the Returning Officer to investigate the suggested alternative polling places and report back to Council as necessary following the May 2020 elections.


Additional documents:


Council considered the report of the Head of Law and Governance asking for approval of the schedule of polling districts and polling places (shown at Appendix A to the report) for the administrative area of the City Council as required by the Electoral Administration Act 2006.


Councillor Brown, Leader of the Council, presented the report and moved the recommendations, which were agreed on being seconded and put to the vote.


Council resolved to:

1.         approve the schedule of polling districts and polling places (shown at Appendix 1 of the report) for the administrative area of the City Council;

2.         delegate to the Returning Officer the power to make changes to polling places and polling stations in emergency situations; and

3.         request the Returning Officer to investigate the suggested alternative polling places and report back to Council as necessary following the May 2020 elections.