Issue - meetings

Issue - meetings

Quarterly Performance monitoring report 2019/20 and 20/21- Housing Group

Meeting: 24/06/2020 - Shareholder and Joint Venture Group (Item 7)

Housing Group Finance and Performance update report June 2020 (Private)

The Strategic Finance Manager of the Housing Group has submitted an update on the 2019/20 outturn position; and on the development and acquisition programme, the business plan refresh, and the risk register.

Recommendation: that the Shareholder and Joint Venture Group considers and agrees the four recommendations in the report.


Stephen Clarke spoke to the report which provided an update on the 2019/20 outturn position; and on the development and acquisition programme, the business plan refresh, and the risk register.

The Shareholder and Joint Venture Group resolved to:

  1. Note the draft consolidated financial outturn and commentary for 2019/20
  2. Note the proposed OCHL development programme
  3. Note the issues to be considered in the Business Plan re-fresh
  4. Note the OCHL Risk Register and additional commentary